Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: A Review
<p><b>ABI: Etiopathology, classifications, the brain region affected, and related complications.</b> The pictorial presentation of ABI describes its type (purple) and etiology of the disease (in orange texts). ABI is mainly divided into TBI and Non-TBI injuries. Non-TBI can arise from tumors, vessel occlusion, infection, or alcohol consumption. ABI can affect different regions of the brain depending on impact, insult, infection, or blockage (shown in pink) and may show related signs and symptoms (depicted in green). HR: Heart rate.</p> "> Figure 2
<p><b>Poor outcomes post-ABI.</b> A variety of parameters related to the ABI mechanism play a role in predicting the outcome. ABI can develop as a result of a stroke or disease or an iatrogenic cause, and there is some indication that those who suffer from a head injury are a self-selecting group, with poor attention, impulsivity, and overactivity being associated with poor road-crossing skills. These may interact with other premorbid characteristics that are predictors of poor post-injury prognosis.</p> "> Figure 3
<p><b>Schematic representation of pathophysiology of ABI.</b> BBB dysfunction caused by injury allows the transmigration of activated leukocytes into the injured brain parenchyma, which is facilitated by the upregulation of cell adhesion molecules. Activated leukocytes, microglia, and astrocytes produce ROS and inflammatory molecules such as cytokines and chemokines that contribute to demyelination and disruption of the axonal cytoskeleton, leading to axonal swelling and accumulation of transport proteins at the terminals. On the other hand, excessive accumulation of glutamate and aspartate neurotransmitters in the synaptic space due to spillage from severed neurons activates NMDA and AMDA receptors located on post-synaptic membranes, which allow the production of ROS. As a result of mitochondrial dysfunction, molecules such as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and cytochrome c are released into the cytosol. These cellular and molecular events including the interaction of Fas with its ligand Fas ligand (FasL) ultimately lead to caspase-dependent and -independent neuronal cell death. BBB: blood-brain barrier; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; AMPA: α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor; ROS: Reactive oxygen species; Cyt c: Cytochrome c; ICP: Intracranial pressure; AIF: Apoptosis-inducing factor.</p> "> Figure 4
<p><b>Expected molecular mechanism of brain injury on tau in the nervous system.</b> Neurons, glia, oligodendrocytes, and blood vessels are damaged by the impact load that arises after a head injury. Injury to some or more of these cells causes intracellular unfolding, which causes the entire device to malfunction. Tau, which is highly correlated with microtubules, is abundant in axons. Impact forces devastate cell membrane integrity, as well as the microtubule framework in the axon. Tau disengages from the microtubule as it becomes unstable. Tau would then be misfolded, phosphorylated, develop a porous oligomeric conformation, accumulate, or disperse in a dysfunctional pathway. Tau may also invade other neighboring cells (glia, serum, or CSF) as it spreads.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Acquired Brain Injury and Its Types
2.1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)
2.1.1. Concussion
2.1.2. Skull Fractures
2.1.3. Epidural or Subdural Hematomas and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
2.1.4. Penetrating Brain Injury
2.2. Non-Traumatic Brain Injuries (Non-TBI)
2.2.1. Infections
2.2.2. Anoxia
2.2.3. Stroke
2.2.4. Alcohol and Drug Use
2.2.5. Neoplasm
3. Mechanism of ABI
3.1. Biophysical Mechanism of ABI
3.2. Injury to the Tissues
3.2.1. Primary and Secondary Injuries
3.2.2. Prenatal and Birth Damage
3.2.3. Post-natal Injury
3.2.4. Injuries in Adulthood
3.3. Physiological Mechanisms of ABI
3.3.1. Excitotoxicity
3.3.2. Oxidative Stress
3.3.3. Acidosis
3.3.4. Inflammation
3.3.5. Tauopathies
4. Injury and Outcome
4.1. Physical Outcomes
4.2. Cognitive Outcomes
4.3. Educational Outcomes
4.4. Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes
5. Pre-Existing Medications
6. Plausible Drug Therapies
6.1. S100B
6.2. Statins
6.3. Role of Phytochemicals in Brain Injury
6.4. Magnesium
6.5. Barbiturates
6.6. Glutamate Receptor Antagonist
6.7. Antioxidants
6.8. Targeting Inflammation
6.9. Programmed Cell Death Inhibitors
7. Future Prospective
7.1. ICP Monitoring and Management
7.2. Medically Induced Coma
7.3. Surgical Intervention
7.4. Remote Ischemic Conditioning as an Adjuvant Therapy
7.5. Elastin Derived Peptides in Acquired Brain Injury
7.6. Stem Cell—Contemporary Clinical Trial
8. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Goldman, L.; Siddiqui, E.M.; Khan, A.; Jahan, S.; Rehman, M.U.; Mehan, S.; Sharma, R.; Budkin, S.; Kumar, S.N.; Sahu, A.; et al. Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: A Review. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 2167. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10092167
Goldman L, Siddiqui EM, Khan A, Jahan S, Rehman MU, Mehan S, Sharma R, Budkin S, Kumar SN, Sahu A, et al. Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: A Review. Biomedicines. 2022; 10(9):2167. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10092167
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoldman, Liam, Ehraz Mehmood Siddiqui, Andleeb Khan, Sadaf Jahan, Muneeb U Rehman, Sidharth Mehan, Rajat Sharma, Stepan Budkin, Shashi Nandar Kumar, Ankita Sahu, and et al. 2022. "Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: A Review" Biomedicines 10, no. 9: 2167. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10092167
APA StyleGoldman, L., Siddiqui, E. M., Khan, A., Jahan, S., Rehman, M. U., Mehan, S., Sharma, R., Budkin, S., Kumar, S. N., Sahu, A., Kumar, M., & Vaibhav, K. (2022). Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: A Review. Biomedicines, 10(9), 2167. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10092167