Getting Ahead of the Wildfire Problem: Quantifying and Mapping Management Challenges and Opportunities
"> Figure 1
<p>Example wildland fire decision support system (WFDSS) analysis of the Observation Fire on 3 July 2016 from the Bitteroot Mountains of Western Montana USA. WFDSS fire analysis takes into account a range of spatial data including previous fire locations and burn severities (<b>a</b>); fuel treatments and other landscape modifications designed to alter future fire activity (<b>b</b>); locations of highly valued resources and assets (HVRAs) (<b>c</b>); and a range of modeled fire spread probability surfaces incorporating current and forecast weather conditions (<b>d</b>). WFDSS analysis outputs courtesy of Tonja Opperman. Figure layout and design courtesy of Jon Rieck.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flow diagram of pre-fire planning components that can be used to inform fire response decision support. Highly valued resources and assets (HVRA) are landscape features potentially affected by fire [<a href="#B41-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">41</a>]. Expected net value change (eNVC) is the expected net value change of a resource or asset including conditional fire probabilities. Conditional net value change (cNVC) is the conditional net value change of a resource or asset given fire occurrence. Terrestrial suppression difficulty index (tSDI) is the suppression difficulty index without air support [<a href="#B42-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">42</a>]. Potential wildfire operational delineations (PODs) are potential operational delineations for planning and operational fire management [<a href="#B43-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">43</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Geospatial implementation of wildfire risk assessment framework (from [<a href="#B41-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">41</a>]). FIL is the fire intensity level. Figure reproduced courtesy of Julie Gilbertson-Day.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Location and methods used to develop a predictive model of final fire perimeter locations. Continuous probability surface is developed from landscape features and operational fire management indices associated with historical fire perimeter locations. Training data fire perimeters are from the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity database from 1984 to 2014 [<a href="#B99-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">99</a>]. Fuel types and physical landscape attributes are from the LANDFIRE database [<a href="#B63-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">63</a>]. Roads, rivers, and impervious surface data are from the United States federal data archive [<a href="#B100-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">100</a>]. Modeled landscape is southwest of Twin Falls ID, USA.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Spatial modeling results quantifying the level of risk for ground-based suppression activities. Results are adapted from suppression difficulty index with air support variables excluded (tSDI) [<a href="#B42-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">42</a>,<a href="#B95-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">95</a>]. tSDI is a dimensionless composite index with values ranging from 0 (low) to 2.5 (extreme). Details of the tSDI model landscape are presented in in <a href="#geosciences-06-00035-f004" class="html-fig">Figure 4</a>.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Spatial modeling results quantifying the level of risk for ground-based suppression activities in Montes de Gamonosa, Castano y Ribera, Sierra de Rite and El Saltillo, Huelva Province, Spain [<a href="#B42-geosciences-06-00035" class="html-bibr">42</a>]. Suppression difficulty index calculation is described above.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Geospatial Tools in Wildfire Management Decision Support
3. Toward Risk-Informed, Safe, and Effective Incident Response: Framework and Examples
3.1. Wildfire Risk Assessment
3.2. Spatial Fire Planning
3.3. Mapping Responder Safety
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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O’Connor, C.D.; Thompson, M.P.; Rodríguez y Silva, F. Getting Ahead of the Wildfire Problem: Quantifying and Mapping Management Challenges and Opportunities. Geosciences 2016, 6, 35.
O’Connor CD, Thompson MP, Rodríguez y Silva F. Getting Ahead of the Wildfire Problem: Quantifying and Mapping Management Challenges and Opportunities. Geosciences. 2016; 6(3):35.
Chicago/Turabian StyleO’Connor, Christopher D., Matthew P. Thompson, and Francisco Rodríguez y Silva. 2016. "Getting Ahead of the Wildfire Problem: Quantifying and Mapping Management Challenges and Opportunities" Geosciences 6, no. 3: 35.
APA StyleO’Connor, C. D., Thompson, M. P., & Rodríguez y Silva, F. (2016). Getting Ahead of the Wildfire Problem: Quantifying and Mapping Management Challenges and Opportunities. Geosciences, 6(3), 35.