On the Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem
<p>The prediction from our model and a selection of SPARC data, using (<b>a</b>) (left panel) the spherical circular velocity approximation and (<b>b</b>) (right panel) the disk plane cylindrical gravitational potential approximation. The full triangles represent the SPARC sample, the open blue hexagons represent our simulated galaxies, the green line represents the mean trend line, and the dashed line represents the expectation when an NFW profile describes all haloes.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Rotation curve of IC2574 compared with our results. The SPARC rotation curve of IC2574 is presented as dots with error bars. Our simulations result is represented by the grey solid line, including the RCs from its stars (dotted green line) and the gas disk (dashed orange line) components, summed into the total baryonic mass (blue solid line).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Model and Comparison with Observations
2.1. Model
- Galaxy density profiles correct shape [53,112], and this was found before the [17,113] SPH simulations and before the correct cluster density profiles [24] were predicted, and a series of correlations in cluster observations [34,35] were reobtained [114]. Notice that, concerning correlations in clusters of galaxies, in [6], based on Figures 2–5, we compared the observations found in [35].
- Inner slope dependence on halo mass [44] and on the total baryonic content to total mass ratio [24] were predicted, and were in agreement with [27]. In addition to this dependence, the inner slope was also found to depend on the angular momentum [24]. In [69,70], a comparison of the change of the inner slope with mass with [27] simulations is made. A comparison is also made based on Figures 4 and 5 in [69,70] with respect to the Tully–Fisher, Faber–Jackson, and relationship, with simulations. Finally, the correct DM profile inner slope dependence on the halo mass is explained over 6 orders of magnitude in halo mass, from dwarfs to clusters [23,24,44,53,114], a range that no other model can achieve.
2.2. Observational Data
- selecting stellar masses similar to our simulated galaxies, and
- selecting galaxies with inclination >45, which are the most reliable RC data.
3. Results
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Del Popolo, A.; Le Delliou, M.; Lee, X. On the Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem. Galaxies 2018, 6, 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies6030067
Del Popolo A, Le Delliou M, Lee X. On the Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem. Galaxies. 2018; 6(3):67. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies6030067
Chicago/Turabian StyleDel Popolo, Antonino, Morgan Le Delliou, and Xiguo Lee. 2018. "On the Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem" Galaxies 6, no. 3: 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies6030067
APA StyleDel Popolo, A., Le Delliou, M., & Lee, X. (2018). On the Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem. Galaxies, 6(3), 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies6030067