PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
<p>Flowchart of pyAMARES. The workflow starts with importing prior knowledge from spreadsheets (1a) and loading the FID signal (1b) to establish initial values and constraints for fitting (3). If the initial parameters are far from the actual values, users can optionally employ Hankel singular value decomposition (HSVD) or Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) initializers to optimize these starting values (2a). The FID signal can be processed directly or optionally filtered using MPFIR to focus on specific spectral regions (2b). The non-linear least-squares minimization (4) using either trust region reflective (TRR) or LM, with either default or user-defined objective functions (1c). The fitting process can be iterative—the output can be fine-tuned and used as initial parameters for subsequent iterations (7). The Cramér–Rao lower bound (CRLB) estimation (5) integrates information from both the fitting results and the linear relationships between parameters (2b). These relationships include constraints like fixed amplitude ratios or chemical shift differences between multiplet peaks. The final output (6) includes fitted parameters, their uncertainties (CRLB), and signal-to-noise ratios. Solid arrows indicate the main workflow, while dashed arrows and boxes represent optional processing steps.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>PyAMARES plotting outputs. The default output figure from the <span class="html-italic">plotAMARES</span> function shows the fit of (<b>A</b>) an in vivo brain <sup>31</sup>P MRS spectrum acquired at 7T [<a href="#B34-diagnostics-14-02668" class="html-bibr">34</a>], (<b>B</b>) a voxel of hyperpolarized <sup>129</sup>Xe MRSI acquired from healthy porcine lungs at 3T, and (<b>D</b>) a voxel of in vivo brain <sup>2</sup>H 3D MRSI spectra acquired at 3T. In (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>), the top panels display the original spectrum (gray), the fitted spectrum (red), and the residual (green dash), with individual fitted components shown in the bottom panels. Panel (<b>A</b>) is shown with phase correction applied (<span class="html-italic">ifphase = True</span> for the <span class="html-italic">plotAMARES</span> function) for display purposes, while (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>) are not phased. The prior knowledge for the fitting (<b>A</b>) is in <a href="#diagnostics-14-02668-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a>. The fitting results for <sup>31</sup>P MRS (<b>A</b>), including metabolite concentrations and their respective Cramér–Rao lower bounds (CRLBs), are presented in (<b>C</b>), where green grows indicate reliable fits with CRLB < 20% and red rows indicate less reliable fits. The fitting results of (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>) are shown in <a href="#app1-diagnostics-14-02668" class="html-app">Figure S2</a>. Abbreviations: RBC, red blood cells; DHO, deuterated water; Glx, combined signals of glutamate and glutamine; PCr: phosphocreatine; PE: phosphoethenolamine; GPE: glycerophosphoethanolamine; GPC: glycerophosphocholine; Pi: inorganic phosphate; NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; UDPG, uridine diphosphoglucose.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparison of Monte Carlo simulated single-peak spectra fitting using OXSA and pyAMARES. (<b>A</b>) Ground truth for spectra simulation with fixed (red) and 3000 perturbed (various colors) parameters. Gaussian noise is omitted for clarity. (<b>B</b>) Relative bias of fitted amplitude compared to ground truth at different SNR levels. (<b>C</b>) Bias of fitted chemical shift compared to ground truth at different SNRs. (<b>D</b>) CRLB of fitted amplitude at each SNR, with the 20% threshold indicated by a green dashed line. In (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>), blue and red represent pyAMARES and OXSA fitted results, respectively; solid patterns indicate results from spectra simulated with perturbed parameters, while hatched patterns show results from spectra simulated with fixed parameters.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Comparison of Monte Carlo simulated in vivo human brain <sup>31</sup>P MRS spectra fitting at 7T using OXSA and different algorithms implemented in pyAMARES. (<b>A</b>) Ground truth for spectra simulation with slightly perturbed parameters. Gaussian noise is omitted for clarity. (<b>B</b>) Relative bias of peak amplitude quantification compared to ground truth. (<b>C</b>) CRLB of fitted amplitude for each peak, with the 20% threshold indicated by a green dashed line. (<b>D</b>) Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) between OXSA and pyAMARES quantified amplitudes. Abbreviations: LM: Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm; TRR: trust region reflective algorithm; Init: Initializer using LM; PCr: phosphocreatine; PE: phosphoethenolamine; GPE: glycerophosphoethanolamine; GPC: glycerophosphocholine; Pi: inorganic phosphate; NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; UDPG, uridine diphosphoglucose.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Multiprocessing fitting of dynamic unlocalized <sup>31</sup>P MRS spectra of the tibialis anterior muscle at 3T using pyAMARES and comparison to OXSA. (<b>A</b>). Representative fitting results from pyAMARES (blue solid line) and OXSA (red dash line), with the differences between them shown as green dashed line. The metabolites of interest (PCr and Pi) are labeled. (<b>B</b>). Linear correlations between fitted amplitudes (a.u.), linewidths (Hz), and CRLBs obtained by pyAMARES and OXSA. Pearson’s R and the <span class="html-italic">p</span>-value for each dataset are shown in the plots. (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) Time courses of PCr (blue) and Pi (orange) amplitudes fitted by pyAMARES (<b>C</b>) and OXSA (<b>D</b>). The time points at which exercise and recovery start are indicated by dotted and dashed vertical lines, respectively. (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) Mono-exponential fitting of the PCr recovery kinetics using pyAMARES (<b>E</b>) and OXSA (<b>F</b>). The fitted equations are PC<sub>recover</sub> = 0.435 − 0.173 × e<sup>−time/44.171</sup>, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.914 for pyAMARES, and PC<sub>recover</sub> = 0.435 − 0.165 × e<sup>−time/42.523</sup>, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.928 for OXSA.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Using AMARES for post-processing: Removal of metabolite residuals from a short echo time (TE) <sup>1</sup>H MR spectrum at 9.4T. (<b>A</b>) Upper panel: Fitting of residual metabolites (red) and the resulting macromolecule (MM) spectrum after subtraction of residual metabolite signals from the original spectrum (green). Lower panel: AMARES modeling of residual metabolite signals. (<b>B</b>) Comparison of metabolite-free MM spectra obtained by jMRUI (red) and pyAMARES (blue), showing identical results as confirmed by the flat difference spectrum (black).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Software Design
2.1.1. Workflow
2.1.2. Prior Knowledge Spreadsheet
- Prior knowledge Dataset Format
- Setting J-coupling Splitting for Multiplets
- Spreadsheets for Fitting Results
2.2. Validation and Testing
2.3. X-Nuclei MRS Acquisition
2.3.1. Deuterium Metabolic Imaging
2.3.2. Xenon Imaging
2.3.3. Dynamic 31P MRS
3. Results
3.1. Examples of In Vivo X-Nuclei (31P, 129Xe, and 2H) MRS Fitting
3.2. Validation of pyAMARES Using Monte-Carlo Simulation
3.3. Multiprocessing Fitting of Dynamic 31P MRS Spectra of Muscle at 3T
3.4. Versatile MRS Quantification with pyAMARES
4. Discussion
4.1. Validation and Benchmark of pyAMARES
4.2. A Flexible, User-Friendly, and Versatile MRS Fitting Tool
4.3. Enhancing Reproducibility in MR Spectroscopy Research
4.4. Limitations
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | # Ren et al. [28] | |||||
2 | Index | BATP | BATP2 | BATP3 | AATP | AATP2 |
3 | Initial Values | |||||
4 | amplitude | 1.41 | BATP/2 | BATP/2 | 1.545 | AATP |
5 | chemicalshift | −16.15 | BATP-15Hz | BATP+15Hz | −7.49 | AATP-16Hz |
6 | linewidth | 58.12 | BATP | BATP | 32.28 | AATP |
7 | phase | 0 | BATP | BATP | BATP | BATP |
8 | g | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | Bounds | |||||
10 | amplitude | (0, | (0, | (0, | (0, | (0, |
11 | chemicalshift | (−16.30, −16.00) | (−16.30, −16.00) | (−16.30, −16.00) | (−7.72, −7.42) | (−7.72, −7.42) |
12 | linewidth | (54.335, 61.911) | (54.335, 61.911) | (54.335, 61.911) | (31.226, 33.327) | (31.226, 33.327) |
13 | phase | (−180, 180) | (−180, 180) | (−180, 180) | (−180, 180) | (−180, 180) |
14 | g | (0, 1) | (0, 1) | (0, 1) | (0, 1) | (0, 1) |
15 | # Use the same phase for all peaks |
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Xu, J.; Vaeggemose, M.; Schulte, R.F.; Yang, B.; Lee, C.-Y.; Laustsen, C.; Magnotta, V.A. PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data. Diagnostics 2024, 14, 2668.
Xu J, Vaeggemose M, Schulte RF, Yang B, Lee C-Y, Laustsen C, Magnotta VA. PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data. Diagnostics. 2024; 14(23):2668.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Jia, Michael Vaeggemose, Rolf F. Schulte, Baolian Yang, Chu-Yu Lee, Christoffer Laustsen, and Vincent A. Magnotta. 2024. "PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data" Diagnostics 14, no. 23: 2668.
APA StyleXu, J., Vaeggemose, M., Schulte, R. F., Yang, B., Lee, C.-Y., Laustsen, C., & Magnotta, V. A. (2024). PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data. Diagnostics, 14(23), 2668.