1. Introduction
A unified quantum theory incorporating the four fundamental forces of nature is one of the major open problems in physics. The Standard Model combines electromagnetism, the strong force and the weak force, but ignores gravity. The quantization of gravity is therefore a necessary first step to achieve a unified quantum theory.
General relativity is a Lagrangian theory, i.e., the Einstein equations are derived as the Euler–Lagrange equation of the Einstein–Hilbert functional
, is a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold,
the scalar curvature and
a cosmological constant. We also omitted the integration density in the integral. In order to apply a Hamiltonian description of general relativity, one usually defines a time function
and considers the foliation of
N given by the slices
We may, without loss of generality, assume that the spacetime metric splits
cf. [[
1], Theorem 3.2]. Then, the Einstein equations also split into a tangential part
and a normal part
where the naming refers to the given foliation. For the tangential Einstein equations, one can define equivalent Hamilton equations due to the groundbreaking paper by Arnowitt, Deser and Misner [
2]. The normal Einstein equations can be expressed by the so-called Hamilton condition
is the Hamiltonian used in defining the Hamilton equations. In the canonical quantization of gravity, the Hamiltonian is transformed to a partial differential operator of hyperbolic type
and the possible quantum solutions of gravity are supposed to satisfy the so-called Wheeler–DeWitt equation
in an appropriate setting, i.e., only the Hamilton condition (6) has been quantized, or equivalently, the normal Einstein equation, while the tangential Einstein equations have been ignored.
In [
1], we solved Equation (
7) in a fiber bundle
E with base space
and fibers
the elements of which are the positive definite symmetric tensors of order two, the Riemannian metrics in
. The hyperbolic operator
is then expressed in the form
is the Laplacian of the DeWitt metric given in the fibers,
R the scalar curvature of the metrics
, and
is defined by
is a fixed metric in
such that instead of densities, we are considering functions.
The Wheeler–DeWitt equation only represents the quantization of the normal Einstein equations and ignores the tangential Einstein equations. In order to quantize the full Einstein equations, we incorporated the Hamilton condition into the right-hand side of the Hamilton equations to obtain a scalar evolution equation such that the Hamilton equations and this scalar evolution are equivalent to the full Einstein equations, cf. [[
3], Theorem 1.3.4, p. 12]. For the quantization of this evolution equation, we defined the base space of the fiber bundle
E to be a Cauchy hypersurface
of the quantized spacetime, where
is the induced metric. We also choose the metric
in (11) to be equal to
. The result of this quantization was a hyperbolic equation in
The fibers
are Riemannian metrics
if external fields are excluded. In an appropriate local trivialization, we obtained a coordinate system
, such that the metrics
can be written
and the metric
belongs to the hypersurface or subbundle
The solutions u then depend on the variables , where does not depend on t and t not on x. We refer to t as quantum time and as spatial variables.
In the papers [
5], we could express
u as a product of eigenfunctions
is the temporal eigenfunction, and
can be identified with an eigenfunction of the Laplacian of the symmetric space
such that
is the fixed induced metric of
. The eigenfunctions
represent the elementary gravitons corresponding to the degrees of freedom in choosing the entries of Riemannian metrics with determinants equal to one. These are all the degrees of freedom available because of the coordinate system invariance. For any smooth Riemannian metric, there exists an atlas such that the determinant of the metric is equal to one, cf. [[
3], Lemma 3.2.1, p. 74]. The function
v is an eigenfunction of an essentially self-adjoint differential operator in
At first, the temporal eigenfunctions
w were only the solutions of an ODE. Later, in [[
5], Section 5] we proved that they were the eigenfunctions of an essentially self-adjoint differential operator in
, provided
n is sufficiently large and
and the Cauchy hypersurface
is either a space of constant curvature like
or a metric product of the form
is a smooth, compact and connected manifold of dimension
and where
is a metric product;
is the standard Euclidean metric and
g a Riemannian metric in
, cf. [[
5], Section 5].
But in [[
3], Chapter 4.2], we were able to prove this property for arbitrary
and, in case
, even for
by introducing an additional scalar field map in the action functional, i.e., a map
is the original spacetime which is to be quantized. Let
be the Lorentzian metric in
N; the scalar field Lagrangian is defined by
i.e., without a zero-order term,
is the Euclidean metric in
The temporal eigenfunctions
w then have to satisfy the ODE
, where
is an eigenvalue of an elementary graviton,
an eigenvalue of
an eigenvalue of the spatial self-adjoint operator acting in (15).
Using the abbreviations
we can rewrite the Equation (
20) in the form
This equation can be treated as an eigenvalue equation provided
There are two ways to treat (27) as an eigenvalue equation. First, the cosmological constant
, or better
, can be looked at as an implicit eigenvalue, or secondly, if we consider
to be fixed, we could try to solve the eigenvalue problem
, where
is a yet-unknown eigenvalue such that
would be equal to the spatial eigenvalue, i.e.,
In this case, the corresponding eigenfunction
w would be a solution of (27), i.e., it would be a temporal eigenfunction of our model of quantum gravity. We solved the implicit as well as the explicit eigenvalue problem in [[
3], Chapter 4] by choosing
k in (28) sufficiently large such that
is in general positive, unless we make
large, which is not always possible or desirable, we considered the orthogonally equivalent function
which satisfies the equation
which is negative if
is large enough.
In [[
3], Theorem 3.4.9, p. 86], we proved
Theorem 1. Let satisfy Equation (34), which we express in the formwhere the constants and λ are strictly positive. Since μ is especially important, let us emphasize thatand . Then, there exists and positive constants such that u does not vanish in the interval and can be estimated bywhere p,is arbitrary but fixed. Here, we adapted the wording slightly to reflect the present assumptions, cf. [[
3], Theorem 4.2.4, p. 118].
If we combine gravity with the forces of the Standard Model, then we cannot quantize the full Einstein equations but only the normal Einstein equation, i.e., the Hamilton condition. As a result, we obtain the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, which again can be solved by a product of spatial and temporal eigenfunctions or eigendistributions. In this case, the temporal eigenfunction equation has the form, after using the same ansatz as before,
Comparing this equation with Equation (
34), there are two differences. First, the term
does not depend on
since we had to choose
, and secondly, the exponent of
t on the right side is
. The first difference implies that only by requiring
k to be large could we enforce
and the negative exponent that the estimate (38) is slightly worse, but still good enough for our purposes. Indeed, we proved in [[
3], Theorem 5.5.5, p. 145].
Theorem 2. Let satisfy the equationwhere the constants and λ are strictly positive. Since μ is especially important, let us emphasize thatand . Then, for any small , there exist and positive constants such that u does not vanish in the interval and can be estimated bywhere p,is arbitrary but fixed. The eigenvalue Equations (36) and (43) in the Hilbert space
can both be solved by complete sequences of mutually orthogonal eigenfunctions
with corresponding positive eigenvalues
of multiplicity one satisfying
For a proof, see [[
3], Theorem 3.4.5, p. 84] and Theorem 7 on page 18, where we shall prove a corresponding result for a more general right-hand side which includes our two cases.
As a corollary, which we like to formulate as a theorem, we deduce:
Theorem 3. Let be related to a function byand assume that satisfies an equation of the formwhere the constants and λ are strictly positive and μ is defined byand . Then, for any small , there exists and positive constants , such that does not vanish in the interval and can be estimated bywhere p,is arbitrary but fixed. Hence, we conclude The eigenfunctions
in the previous theorem are the solutions of the original temporal eigenfunction equation and they are the eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space. The
are the unitarily equivalent eigenfunctions of a unitarily equivalent self-adjoint operator. In
Section 3 on page 11, we shall show that the unitarily equivalent eigenfunctions
can be extended past the singularity by an even reflection as sufficiently smooth functions provided the coefficient
in (44) is large enough. More precisely, we shall prove:
Theorem 4. Let be arbitrary and assumethenas well aswhere denotes the k-th derivative of . These properties are also valid for the extended functions. Furthermore, we shall prove
Corollary 1. If the assumption of the preceding theorem is satisfied, then the extended solutions also satisfy the extended equationsin , where we have to replace by for obvious reasons. Let us emphasize that the lower-order coefficients of the ODE exhibit a singularity in but that both sides of the equation are continuous in the interval and vanish in . Here, the exponent
q is any real number satisfying
Section 5, we shall also use these results to explain the missing antimatter.
2. The Equations of Quantum Gravity
We consider the Hamilton function
which is the combined Hamilton function of the gravitational Hamiltonian
and the scalar field map Hamiltonian
. In [[
3], Chapter 4.2], we derived the quantization of the full Einstein equations, where the scalar field is interacting with gravity, by implementing the Hamilton condition
in the form
is an arbitrary real number to be determined later, into the right-hand side of the second Hamilton equations. After the quantization of the modified evolution equation, we obtained the hyperbolic equation
The preceding equation is evaluated at
, where
is the induced metric of a Cauchy hypersurface of the quantized globally hyperbolic spacetime and
is a coordinate in the fiber
. Let us recall that after quantization, the components
of the scalar field are equal to the coordinates
such that
Since we only introduced the scalar field in order to prove that the temporal “eigenfunctions” are indeed eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint operator with a pure point spectrum, we could simplify the left-hand side of (63) by choosing
Hence, we had to solve the equation
u depends on
. The parameter
, is not yet specified.
As mentioned before, the solution u should be a product of spatial and temporal eigenfunctions. In order to ensure that the temporal eigenfunctions were eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint operator, we had to distinguished two cases:
Case 1: and .
Then, we chose
and considered the equation
Case 2: and .
For a more detailed exposition, we refer to [[
3], Chapter 4.2].
Finally, let us look at the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, which we solved when we quantized gravity combined with the forces of the Standard Model, cf. [
6]. For our purposes, the reference [[
3], Chapter 5.4] is more suitable since, there, we also added a scalar field map such that the combined Hamilton function has the form
where the subscripts
D refer to the Yang–Mills, Higgs and Dirac fields and
to the fields of the Standard Model or to a corresponding subset of fields. The Hamilton constraint
was then quantized by first quantizing the Hamiltonians
in the fibers for general metrics resulting in a hyperbolic operator
But the expression
was evaluated
, where
is the standard Euclidean metric in
, and
The Hamilton function
, which represents spatial fields and is independent of
t, was quantized in
by the usual methods of Quantum Field Theory (QFT). The Wheeler–DeWitt equation then had the form
is a positive coupling constant and where we also assumed that
u does not depend on
We then solved the Wheeler–DeWitt equation by using separation of variables. The operator
is acting only in the base space
, such that the spatial eigendistributions, or approximate eigendistributions,
can be derived by applying standard methods of QFT.
The remaining operator in (77) is acting only in the fibers, i.e., we can use the eigenfunctions
, which represent the elementary gravitons, satisfying
cf. [[
3], Theorem 3.2.3, p. 76], and where
, compare [[
3], equation (2.2.34), p. 49] and (
30) on page 4.
Hence, we make the ansatz
only depends on
. Then, combining (77)–(81), we derive an ODE which must be solved by
w, namely,
Rewriting this ODE as
then the left-hand side of (84) is identical to the left-hand side of Equation (
31) on page 4. However, on the right-hand side of these equations, we have different powers of
t, which will lead to slightly different asymptotic estimates from above, near the origin for the corresponding solutions. In order to unify the approach, we shall consider the temporal equation
such that the resulting estimates can be applied in both cases.
Using the same transformation as in (
33) on page 5, we define the function
which satisfies the equation
is negative if
is large enough. If, in addition, the cosmological constant is also negative
then (91) can be looked at as an eigenvalue equation with positive eigenvalues
in an appropriate Hilbert space. We shall solve the eigenvalue problem in the next section and prove asymptotic estimates near the singularity, which will allow us to deduce that unitarily equivalent eigenfunctions can be extended past the singularity as sufficiently smooth functions.
3. Extending the Temporal Solutions Past the Singularity
In this section, we shall prove asymptotic estimates from above, near the singularity for the solutions of Equation (
91), and we shall use these estimates to conclude that the unitarily equivalent eigenfunction
can be extended past the singularity under suitable assumptions.
The extension itself is fairly easy. We simply mirror the solution on the positive axis to the negative axis, where even and odd mirroring are both possible. The crucial point is to show that the mirrored functions are sufficiently smooth in and that the temporal equation is valid in the classical sense even at the singularity . In order to achieve these results, we have to prove that the temporal solutions and there derivatives, up to at least order two, vanish sufficiently fast at .
Next, let us prove sharp estimates near the origin for eigenfunctions of Equation (
91), which will play a fundamental role in deducing that the unitarily equivalent temporal eigenfunctions
in (94), which are the eigenfunctions of unitarily equivalent self-adjoint operator, can be smoothly extended past the big bang singularity in
For a better understanding, we first need a few definitions. The operator
is known as a Bessel operator.
Definition 1. Let and let . Then, we define is a Hilbert space with scalar productbut let us emphasize that we shall apply this definition only for . The scalar product will be defined differently. We consider real-valued functions for simplicity, but we could just as well allow complex-valued functions with the standard scalar product, or more precisely, sesquilinear form.
Definition 2. For functions , define the operatoras well as the scalar product The right-hand side of (99) is an integral. Integrating by parts, we deduce
i.e., the scalar product is indeed positive definite because of the assumption
. Let us define the norm
and the Hilbert space
as the closure of
with respect to the norm
Proposition 1. The functions have the propertieswhere ,andwhere c is a different constant depending on and . For a proof, we refer to [[
3], Proposition 3.4.3, p. 82].
Theorem 5. Let satisfy the equationwhere the constants and λ are strictly positive and the exponent q satisfies Since μ is especially important, let us emphasize thatwhere is a positive constant, an arbitrary, but fixed, vector and . Then, for every there exists and a positive constant such that u does not vanish in the interval and can be estimated bywhere is defined by Proof. Let us first prove that
u does not vanish for small
. Arguing by contradiction, let
be a point where
Multiplying Equation (
106) by
and integrating by parts over the interval
, we infer
and conclude further that
cannot be arbitrarily close to 0.
Thus, let us assume
u to be real-valued and strictly positive in
for some small
. To prove the inequality in (109), let us consider the equation
where the operator
is defined by replacing
in Equation (
106). One can easily verify that a solution
satisfying both equations is given by defining
, is known as
Kummer’s function or as the entire
confluent hypergeometric function, which is a solution of
Kummer’s equation
and which can be expressed by the power series
which is absolutely convergent for any
which is certainly true in our case. For a detailed analysis of the solutions of Kummer’s equation, we refer the reader to [[
7], Chapter 13.2, p. 322] or [[
8], p. 427].
u is a subsolution of Equation (
113) in the interval
, i.e.,
is small enough. Moreover,
is positive if
is small, for
; hence, there exists a constant
such that
In order to prove (109), we multiply the inequality
, and partially integrating the result in the interval
from which we deduce
is small, completing the proof of the theorem, in view of the definition of
in (115). □
Remark 1. The assumptions regarding the coefficients and the exponents of the ODE in the theorem above cover the cases we are confronted with after the quantization of the full Einstein equations, where and can be arbitrary and , as well as in case of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, where we have to choose , n = 3 and . To ensure that the right-hand side of Equation (108) is positive in the latter case, the dimension k of the target space of the scalar field map, which is , has to be sufficiently large. We shall apply the estimate (109) to the function
which satisfies the differential equation
as can be easily checked.
But before we prove that the eigenfunctions in Equation (
128) can be extended past the singularity as sufficiently smooth functions, let us verify that Equation (
128) is unitarily equivalent to Equation (
106), if we consider complex-valued functions; otherwise, there is an orthogonal equivalence. After that verification, the countably many eigenfunctions
with eigenvalues
can be looked at as the temporal eigenfunctions of our model of quantum gravity, which can be extended past the singularity. We shall also prove that Equation (
128) can be defined as a classical equation for
valid in
is replaced by
is extended by reflection either even or odd.
Definition 3. For functions , define the operatorsand the scalar product The right-hand side of (131) is an integral. Integrating by parts, we deduce
Let us define the norm
and the Hilbert space
as the closure of
with respect to the norm
Define the operator
is supposed to be strictly positive and let
be the completion with respect to the corresponding norm
Proposition 2. The functions have the propertieswhere ,as well aswhere c is a different constant depending on . Proof. Let us first assume
and let
, then
This estimate is also valid for any by approximation, which in turn implies the relations (138).
Next, let us slightly modify the previous argument to obtain
from which we infer (139) and also (137), since
u is continuous in
It remains to prove (140). Let
and define
for all
. Applying simple calculus arguments, we then obtain
as well as
Moreover, first assuming, as before, that
and hence
are test functions, we argue as in (142) that for any
where we used (144) for the last inequality and where
. Setting
for arbitrary
, we have proved the estimate (140) for test functions and hence for arbitrary
. □
Lemma 1. Assuming the definitions in Definition 3, then the mapis orthogonal if the functions are supposed to be real-valued and unitary if complex functions are considered and the scalar products are suitably modified, i.e,andi.e., and are unitarily equivalent. Proof. For the proof of (148), we may assume that the functions are real-valued. The relation is then easily verified by applying elementary calculus:
from which we deduce by applying partial integration
Moreover, a straightforward calculation reveals that for test functions
proving (149). □
Equation (
128) resp.
can be looked at as eigenvalue equations which can be expressed abstractly in the form:
and where we only consider real-valued functions for simplicity. Since
is arbitrary, the case
is also covered.
Theorem 6. The eigenvalue problem (154) is orthogonally (unitarily) equivalent to the corresponding eigenvalue problem: satisfieswhereHence, the respective eigenvalues are identical. Proof. Let
be the unitary map in Lemma 1. In view of (148), we conclude
and also
completing the proof. □
satisfies the estimates
then the quadratic form
compact with respect to the quadratic form
i.e., if
The proof is well known and fairly simple. In compact subintervals of
, the compactness follows from the Sobolev embedding theorems, and near the endpoints of the interval
, the compactness can be deduced from the finiteness of
The latter estimate is due to the definition of the scalar product and the uniform boundedness principle, which says that any weakly bounded sequence in a Banach space is uniformly bounded.
If these conditions are satisfied, then the following theorem is well known:
Theorem 7. The eigenvalue problem (156) has countably many solutions , , with the properties The pairs are recursively defined by the variational problemsand for The form a Hilbert space basis in and in , the eigenvalues are strictly positive and the eigenspaces are one-dimensional.
For a proof, we refer the reader to [[
5], Theorem 6, p. 19] and also to [
Remark 2. The previous results are also valid if, instead of the coefficientwe consider the actual coefficientwhere in our case, . The eigenvalues then depend on Λ. In [[
3], Lemma 9.4.8, p. 240], we proved the following lemma, which we include here together with an appropriately modified proof for the convenience of the reader.
Lemma 2. Let be the temporal eigenvalues depending on Λ and let be the corresponding eigenvalues forthen Proof. Let
be the quadratic forms defined by
and let
be the quadratic form by choosing
. Then, we have
To prove (177), we introduce a new integration variable
on the left-hand side
to conclude
The relation (177) immediately implies (174), in view of Theorem 7. □
Remark 3. Let be the previous eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operatorwith respect to the quadratic formdefineand let be the operatordefined in the dense subspace of the Hilbert space generated by the eigenfunctions , then is essentially self-adjoint and its closure, which we denote by the same symbol, is self-adjoint; for a proof, see the remarks following [[3], Definition 3.4.14, p. 91]. In the next section, we shall prove that for any
is of trace class in
, i.e.,
Because we consider arbitrary
q satisfying
and not only the special values
we cannot refer to a previous result and an extra proof is necessary.
After having established that
is unitarily equivalent to the solution
u of (106), which in turn is unitarily equivalent to the solution
w of Equation (
31) on page 4 resp. (84) on page 10, cf. [[
3], Lemma 3.4.10, p. 89], we shall consider Equation (
128) and its solution
, defined in (127), to be the temporal eigenfunction equation which we shall extend past the singularity. In view of the estimate (109), where
is defined in (110), we infer, by using the fact that we may assume
u to be positive in
is as small as we like but fixed. The constant
depends on
and will tend to infinity if
tends to zero. However, we are able to conclude
Lemma 3. Let and assumethen there exists and positive constants such that The proof is obvious.
Lemma 4. Let the assumption (190) be satisfied for , then Moreover, is strictly convex in if is small enough. Extending to by definingthen the extended function is of class in , strictly convex andin the distributional sense, i.e.,which do not vanish identically. Proof. From Equation (
128), we deduce
is small enough; hence,
is strictly convex in the interval. Since
, we infer
is also monotone increasing. Hence, we conclude
exists. If
, we would obtain a contradiction in view of (191), i.e., the right derivative of
Hence, we have proved (192).
Finally, (194) is valid for any
and the relation (195) follows by partial integration over the open subintervals
by using
Lemma 5. Let the assumption (190) be satisfied for , thenand Moreover, these properties are also valid for the extended function.
Proof. Equation (
202) is valid due to (191), while the first relation in (203) immediate follows from (202) and the equation satisfied by
To prove the second equation in (203), we apply De L’Hospital’s rule and use the first equation. Finally, it is obvious that these properties are also valid for the extended function. □
We are now able to prove by induction
Theorem 8. Let the assumption (190) be satisfied for arbitrary , thenas well aswhere denotes the k-th derivative of . These properties are also valid for the extended function. Proof. The claims in (204) are certainly correct provided the relations in (205) are valid. Hence, it suffices to prove the relations in (205) per induction with respect to
k. Let us first consider the case
. Applying De L’Hospital’s rule, we deduce
where we used for the second equality the equation satisfied by
and for the last the estimate (191). The last two arguments also reveal that the claim in (205) is true for
Thus, let us assume that the limit relations in (205) are already valid for
, and let us then prove that they are also satisfied for
. Let us recall that
is a solution of Equation (
128), which we can write in the form
Differentiating both sides with respect to
, where
D denotes differentiation with respect to
t, we deduce, by applying the product rule,
where the additional terms
have a similar structure as the detailed sum, but the exponents of
t are less critical for small
than in the first sum. The arguments we shall use in the case of the first sum will also apply in case of the additional terms and will therefore be omitted.
Indeed, we infer
and the right-hand side converges to zero if
t tends to zero, in view of the induction assumption. Hence, the relation (209) is proved, completing the proof of the theorem. □
As a corollary, we obtain
Corollary 2. If the assumption of the preceding theorem is satisfied, then the extended solution also satisfies the extended equationin , where we have to replace by for obvious reasons. Let us emphasize that the lower-order coefficients of the ODE exhibit a singularity in but that both sides of the equation are continuous in the interval and vanish in . Let us conclude this section with a qualitative plot of an eigenfunction of Equation (
106) and with a sharp estimate near infinity for a solution of Equation (
211). For the plot of an eigenfunction, we unfortunately cannot consider one of the exponents
we are interested in, but only the exponent
because then an eigenfunction is given by the function
in (115), which has known eigenvalues. These are characterized by requiring that Kummer’s function can be expressed as a polynomial, i.e., the value
a in (116) has to be a negative integer. If Kummer’s function is a polynomial, then the function
belongs to the Hilbert space
and solves the Equation (
106) with
and eigenvalue
. Hence,
, for some
, and
is a multiple of the corresponding eigenfunction
which is derived by the variational process in Theorem 7, since the sequence
is complete and the eigenvalues have multiplicity one.
Qualitatively, it makes no difference if
or if
, satisfying
is chosen. The plot will always be very similar to the graphics below, which shows a Mathematica-generated plot, where the parameters
correspond to the parameters in (115) with the exceptions that
has been replaced by
m and
. Let us also emphasize that
is a multiple of
. The name
is Mathematica’s notation for Kummer’s function
. The eigenfunction is automatically evenly mirrored to the negative axis.
Next, let us prove sharp asymptotic estimates near infinity for the solutions of Equation (
Lemma 6. Let be a non-trivial solution of Equation (211), where and λ are strictly positive and the exponent q satisfies (107). Then, for any , there exist and positive constants such that does not vanish in the interval and can be estimated by Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof in Theorem 5. The first part, that
does not vanish in the interval if
is large enough, is almost identical. Suppose there would exist a large
such that
and let us also consider a real-valued
. Then, multiplying Equation (
211) by
and integrating by parts over the interval
would yield
a contradiction if
is large enough.
Thus, let us assume that
is strictly positive in the interval and let us consider the comparison function
is an arbitrary constant. Then,
satisfies in
The left-hand side of the preceding equation defines a differential operator
and by an appropriate choice of
, we deduce
is a sub- resp. a super-solution depending on the choice of
for the operator
A if
is large enough. Next, by making
arbitrary but small, we define
and the constant
such that
to obtain a sub-solution
, and similarly, a super-solution
is given by choosing
It is then fairly easy to infer
Indeed, to prove the second inequality, we multiply the inequality
and integrating by parts to deduce
which implies
by the choice of
. Hence, we conclude
The first inequality in (223) can be similarly derived, completing the proof of the lemma. □
Corollary 3. The unitarily equivalent eigenfunctions can be estimated near infinity by 5. Conclusions
In our model of quantum gravity, the physical states are described by solutions of a hyperbolic equation in a fiber bundle with base space , which is isometric to a Cauchy hypersurface of the quantized spacetime. The solutions of the hyperbolic equation can be expressed as a product of temporal and spatial eigenfunctions of self-adjoint operators acting in appropriate Hilbert spaces. The coefficients of the temporal eigenfunction equation as well as the corresponding eigenfunctions have a singularity in similar to the big bang singularity of the quantized spacetime.
However, by introducing a scalar field map
in the quantization process, we proved in Theorem 8 on page 21 that there exists a complete sequence of unitarily equivalent temporal eigenfunctions
which solve the eigenfunction equation
in the interval
, where
are strictly positive and
is a fixed exponent, such that the solutions
can be evenly or oddly mirrored to the negative axis as sufficiently smooth functions across the singularity, provided the dimension
k of the target space of
is sufficiently large. Equation (
236) is then valid in
such that both sides smoothly vanish in
. A plot before Lemma 6 on page 23 illustrates the situation. Moreover, we proved in Lemma 6 that the eigenfunctions
vanish exponentially fast near infinity, which is also valid for the unitarily equivalent eigenfunctions
, cf. Corollary 3 on page 24.
The hyperbolic equation in the fiber bundle comprised second-order differential operators acting in the fibers as well as in the base space. The temporal equation, which we consider here, also defines a second-order differential operator acting in the fibers because the Riemannian metrics, which are part of the variables after quantization, can be written in the form
and the
, are elements of a subbundle with fibers
such that by fixing an arbitrary metric
which is supposed to be the induced metric of a Cauchy hypersurface of the quantized spacetime, we may assume, after choosing an appropriate atlas depending on
, that each fiber
is isometric to the symmetric space
Section 1. The elementary gravitons are then eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in
X. The corresponding eigenvalues are already incorporated in the coefficient
of the temporal differential operator such that we are allowed to consider, besides the temporal operator, only spatial operators acting in
Thus, we look at a quantum spacetime
Q which can be written as a product
and at self-adjoint operators
acting in appropriate Hilbert spaces such that the remaining hyperbolic equation in
Q can be expressed in the form
u is a product of temporal and spatial eigenfunctions of
cf. [
6] for more details.
Since the temporal eigenfunctions can be smoothly mirrored to the negative axis, we may consider a second quantum spacetime
in which Equation (
241) is also valid. Moreover, Equation (
236) is even valid in
across the singularity. Hence, we have to face the question of how to interpret this behavior. If we assume that
has the same light cone as
Q, then the singularity in
lies in the future of
, and since the mirrored eigenfunctions
become unbounded if
t tends to zero, the singularity in
would be called a big crunch, i.e.,
would end in a big crunch but the corresponding classical spacetime would not start with a big bang in view of the results in Lemma 6 and Corollary 3 on page 24.
Hence, we have to assume that
has the opposite time orientation, i.e., the singularity in
is also a big bang for
. In [
6] and [[
3], Chapter 5], we proved that we may consider
to be a spatial self-adjoint operator defined by the fields of the Standard Model. If
is invariant with respect to parity and charge conjugation, then in view of the CPT theorem, we would conclude that at the big bang, two universes were created with different time orientation, one filled with matter and the other with antimatter.