Meta-Study on Sulphur Supply of Various Crop Species in Organic Farming Between 1998 and 2023 in European Countries—Part 1: Effects of Sulphur Supply on Plant Dry Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake, Legume N2 Fixation and Sulphur Fertiliser Requirement Determinations
<p>Effects of S fertilisation on the dry biomass yields (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%) of lucerne-clover-grass, grain legumes and permanent grassland depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Effects of S fertilisation depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil on the N content (<b>top</b>) and N removal (<b>bottom</b>) of lucerne-clover grass, grain legumes and permanent grassland (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Effect of S fertilisation depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil on the legume proportions (<b>top</b>) and the calculated N<sub>2</sub> fixation (<b>bottom</b>) in lucerne-clover grass, grain legume and permanent grassland cultivation (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Effect of direct S fertilisation or as an after-effect of fertilisation of legume preceding crops depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil on the dry biomass yields of non-legume species (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%; LCG = lucerne-clover-grass, GL = grain legumes).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Effect of direct S fertilisation or as an after-effect of fertilisation of legume preceding crops depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil on the N content (<b>top</b>) and N removal (<b>bottom</b>) of non-legume species (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%; LCG = lucerne-clover-grass, GL = grain legumes).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Summarised results on the influence of the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil in combination with direct S fertilisation on the dry biomass yields of the crop species (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Summarised results on the influence of S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil in combination with direct S fertilisation on the N content (<b>top</b>) and N removal (<b>bottom</b>) of the crop species (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Summarised results on the influence of S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil in combination with direct S fertilisation on the legume portions (<b>top</b>) and N<sub>2</sub> fixation (<b>bottom</b>) of forage, grain legume and legume-nonlegume stands (in relative values compared to no fertilisation = 100%).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Effects of different S fertilisers on the relative biomass yields of lucerne-clover-grass depending on the S<sub>min</sub> supply of the soil.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Effects of fertilisation levels with sulphur on the relative dry biomass yield differences in the investigated plant groups.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Relationships between the average S uptake of the total plants and the calculated biomass yield differences due to additional S fertilisation (100% = without fertilisation) for grassland, legume and non-legume crops of different species.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
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- To establish quantitative relationships between yield response and other crop characteristics and soil nutrient supply of sulphur;
- -
- To develop an evaluation scale for the determination of plant-available S-contents of the soil, which can be described as sufficient for the cultivation conditions of organic farming to achieve optimal yields;
- -
- To identify correlations between the S supply and the nitrogen uptake of crop species and N2 fixation in legumes;
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- To establish a ranking of the S demand for fertiliser requirements and fertiliser levels for the cultivated plant species;
- -
- To create yield-dependent methods for determining fertiliser requirements for individual crop species and crop rotations using the soil supply and the subsequent supply of sulphur from organic matter, fertiliser, harvest and root residues;
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- To identify climatic and soil-related characteristics of the sites.
2. Materials and Methods
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- 71 sites in Germany (DE);
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- 8 sites in Austria (AT);
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- 6 sites in Sweden (SE);
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- 4 sites in Norway (NO);
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- 3 sites in Denmark (DK);
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- 2 sites in Belgium (BE);
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- 2 sites in Italy (IT);
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- 1 site in Poland (PL);
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- 1 site in Great Britain (GB).
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- Grassland: common grass species (such as perennial ryegrass) and legumes (white clover) in permanent cultivation;
- -
- Forage legumes: lucerne-clover-grass (LCG), lucerne grass, clover grass, lucerne, clover (red clover) (as a rule, no exact description was available, therefore naming also in inverted commas,“ ”);
- -
- Grain legumes (GL): (blue) lupine, winter and spring peas, pea-cereal mixture, winter and spring field bean, soya bean, edible bean, edible pea, edible lentil, edible lentil-cereal mixture;
- -
- Cereals: winter and spring wheat, durum, spelt, triticale, spring barley;
- -
- Other species: silage and grain maize, millet, winter rape, winter vetch.
| MgSO4, 15% Mg, 20% S | 8–120 kg S ha−1; |
| CaSO4, 14–23% S | 20–84 kg S ha−1; |
| solid 90% S, liquid 50–90% S | 10–140 (696) kg S ha−1; |
| MgSO4 × H2O, 9.6% Mg, 13% S | 3–60 kg S ha−1; |
| K2SO4, 43.2% K, 18% S | 20–60 kg S ha−1; |
| K2SO4, MgSO4, 24.9% K, 6% Mg, 17% S | 20–200 (400) kg S ha−1 (=“Patent-Kali”); |
| 9.1% K, 3% Mg, 20% Na, 4% S | 32–36 kg S ha−1; |
| MgSO4, 33.2% K, 3.6% Mg, 5.2% S | 55 kg S ha−1. |
- -
- Smin: 2–128 kg S ha−1 (n = 803) (0–60 or 90 cm depth, standard variants only);
- -
- Nmin: 22–100 kg N ha−1 (n = 425) (0–60 or 90 cm depth, variants with grain legumes);
- -
- Soil type designations of the respective countries (S–lT) and conversion to clay content: approx. 4.5–50% clay (topsoil, n = 1146);
- -
- pH value: 4.5–7.6 (topsoil, n = 1040);
- -
- Precipitation level (current): 363–1164 mm (weather stations, experimental records, n = 1036);
- -
- Extent of livestock farming or estimation of the amount of organic fertilisation of the trial areas: from absolutely no livestock farming to approx. 2 livestock units (LU) ha−1.
- -
- DM yields MP also BP or incl. BP standard variants: 0.4–44.2 t DM ha−1 (n = 598);
- -
- DM yields MP also BP or incl. BP treatment variants: 5.0–40.0 t DM ha−1 (n = 1169):
- -
- S balancing (gross) consisting of supply, removal: 1.4–54 kg S ha−1, balance: −35–186 kg S ha−1 (n = 1138);
- -
- S uptake total plants: 3–55 kg S ha−1 (n = 1014);
- -
- N content MP standard variants: 0.4–8.6% N DM (n = 413);
- -
- N content MP treatment variants: 0.5–9.1% DM (n = 827);
- -
- N removal MP standard variants: 7–544 kg N ha−1 (n = 413);
- -
- N removal MP treatment variants: 12–560 kg N ha−1 (n = 827);
- -
- Proportion of legumes in the legume-nonlegume mixture standard variants: 7–100% (n = 127);
- -
- Legume proportion in the legume-nonlegume mixture treatment variants: 5–100% (n = 294);
- -
- N2 fixation legumes standard variants: 4–542 kg N ha−1 (n = 250);
- -
- N2 fixation legumes treatment variants: 3–577 kg N ha−1 (n = 566).
- -
- Relative DM yield difference: 80–400% (n = 1145);
- -
- Relative N content difference: 79–169% (n = 819);
- -
- Relative N removal difference: 81–257% (n = 799);
- -
- Relative legume proportion difference (legume-nonlegume mixture): 82–267% (n = 315);
- -
- Relative N2 fixation difference (legumes): 71–352% (n = 553).
3. Results
3.1. Effects of Soil Supply with Plant-Available Sulphur
3.1.1. Crop Species with Legume Cultivation
3.1.2. Crop Species with Non-Legume Cultivation
3.1.3. General Effects and Evaluation of the Results After Direct Fertilisation
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- DM yield difference (n = 604);
- -
- N-content difference (n = 465);
- -
- N-removal difference (n = 450);
- -
- Legume proportion difference (n = 174);
- -
- N2 fixation difference (n = 358).
| 68%; |
| 64%; |
| 61%; |
| 55%. |
- -
- DM-yield difference: total number 576, unsuccessful 241 variants = 41.8%;
- -
- N-removal difference: total number 437, unsuccessful 199 variants = 45.5%;
- -
- N2-fixation difference: total number 350, unsuccessful 161 variants = 46.0%.
3.2. Effects of the Fertiliser Type and the Amount of Sulphur Applied
3.3. Nutrient Uptake, Balance and Requirement of Crop Species
4. Discussion and Conclusions for Agricultural Practice
4.1. Reasons for the Sulphur Trials
4.2. Effects of S Fertilisation on Yield, Nutritional Components and Other Characteristics of Plant Species
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- With very low amounts of Smin in the soil, on average, clearly increased yields were recorded with a high fluctuation range of the individual values (extent strongly dependent on the crop species);
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- Within a transitional range of Smin levels, there were hardly any yield effects (nutrient supply range to achieve optimum—not maximum—yields);
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- From certain Smin values upwards, with relatively low variability, no additional yields were observed (maximum yield levels).
4.3. Mineral Fertiliser Type and Level of Sulphur
4.4. Organic Fertiliser and Soil S Mineralisation
| (64.0) | 77; |
| (16.3) | 17–35; |
| (3.0) | 35; |
| (38.0) | 60; |
| (3.0–7.0) | 13–15; |
| (4.0) | 8. |
4.5. Evaluation Matrix for Soil Supply with Plant-Available Sulphur and Results of Sulphur Balancing
- -
- A–B: <0 kg S ha−1;
- -
- C: 0–5 kg S ha−1 for heavy soils, up to 10 kg S ha−1 for lighter soils;
- -
- D–E: >5 kg S ha−1 for heavy soils, >10 kg S ha−1 for lighter soils.
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- Direct Smin analysis of the fields (0–60 cm soil depth);
- -
- Parallel analysis of the Smin values as part of the Nmin analysis (usually 0–90 cm soil depth);
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- Annual analysis and publication of the Nmin and Smin values on organic test fields at representative sites, e.g., by the responsible state organisations;
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- Using assessment classes of Smin soil supply;
- -
- Results of crop S-balancing (crop rotation);
- -
- Carrying out S plant analyses usually at early vegetation stages;
- -
- Application of the S estimation framework;
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- Application of S fertilisation windows.
4.6. Nutrient Demand of Plant Species and Determination of Fertiliser Requirements for Sulphur
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- Very high: especially arable forage legumes with lucerne-clover-grass;
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- High: permanent grassland, cruciferous crops such as winter rape with high yields;
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- Medium: maize;
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- Low: Grain legumes, cereals;
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- Very low: Sugar beet, fodder beet, potatoes (provisional, as not tested here).
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- A: Determination of the fertiliser demand in the form of S uptake depending on the biomass yield potential or a target yield level of the crop species and possibly depending on the soil-climate region (SCR, Ref. [218]);
- -
- B: Smin supply at the beginning of vegetation (possibly depending on crop rotation position and site conditions);
- -
- C: Determination of the S net release during the vegetation period depending on the crop rotation position, the previous crop of the cultivation or the average amount of organic fertiliser applied in the long term (in relation to the average livestock density or in relation to the estimated N mineralisation);
- -
- D: S availability from organic fertilisation in the year of application to the crop species (SO4-S, C:S ratio);
- -
- E: Additions or deductions according to site and climatic conditions, through irrigation and S deposition (for high values).
4.6.1. Examples of Direct Crop Effects
Nutrient Type: | N Fertiliser Demand | S Fertiliser Demand | |
(kg N ha−1) | (kg S ha−1) | ||
| 150 | 15.0 | 15.0; |
| 29.0 | 5.0 | 10.0; |
| 28.0 | 2.8(1) | 2.8(1); |
| 6.0 | 0.6(1) | 0.6(1); |
| 9.0 | 0.9(1) | 0.9(1); |
| 5.0 | 0.5(1) | 0.5(1); |
| 77.0 | 9.8 | 14.8; |
| 73.0 | 5.2 | 0.2. |
4.6.2. Examples of Post-Effects and Crop Rotation Fertilisation
Supply | ||
| 5.0; | |
| 2.6; | |
Removal | ||
| 16.0; | |
| 23.0; | |
| 11.0; | |
| 18.4; | |
| 10.5; | |
| 11.9; | |
| 15.1; | |
Balance 1 | ||
| −7.5; | |
Supplementary fertilisation to lucerne-clover-grass | ||
| 50.0 | 8.3; |
Balance 2 | ||
| 0.8. |
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Site No. | Country/Federal State | Location/Region/Farm | Longitude | Latitude | Trial Duration | Reference Sources |
1 | DE, BW | Donau-Iller | 48.238529 | 9.880805 | 2012–2014 | [34] |
2 | DE, BY | Hallertau | 48.641338 | 11.780672 | 2012–2014 | |
3 | DE, NI | Südhannover, mountainous region | 51.726165 | 9.662211 | 2012–2014 | |
4 | DE, NI | Leine, mountainous region | 52.028663 | 9.780717 | 2012–2014 | |
5 | DE, BB | Spreewald | 51.841258 | 14.164935 | 2012–2014 | |
6 | DE, BB | Spreeaue | 51.711387 | 14.366150 | 2012–2014 | |
7 | DE, HE | Vogelsberg | 50.728977 | 9.025823 | 2012–2014 | |
8 | DE, SN | Taucha | 51.389417 | 12.529000 | 2012–2014 | [35,38,39] |
9 | DE, ST | Greifenhagen | 51.628266 | 11.420677 | 2012–2013 | |
10 | DE, SN | Eschdorf | 51.037484 | 13.941905 | 2012–2013 | |
11 | DE, BY | Puch | 48.187374 | 11.221332 | 2012–2014 | [35,38,39,40,41] |
12 | DE, NI | Bissendorf | 52.239671 | 8.169289 | 2012–2013 | [35,38,39] |
13 | DE, NW | Köln-Auweiler | 51.005550 | 6.851538 | 2012–2013 | [35,38,39,42] |
14 | DE, SN | Dürrrhöhrsdorf | 51.0321840 | 13.998777 | 2013–2014 | [35,38,39] |
15 | DE, NW | Drensteinfurt | 51.798493 | 7.733013 | 2013 | [35,38,39,43] |
16 | DE, SN | Linz | 51.342235 | 13.732931 | 2014 | [35,38,39] |
17 | DE, BB | Ogrosen | 51.710379 | 14.038219 | 2014 | |
18 | DE, SN | Görlitz | 51.151262 | 14.946446 | 2014 | |
19 | DE, SN | Großzöbern | 50.404513 | 12.043297 | 2014 | |
20 | DE, BW | Ochsenhausen | 48.065861 | 9.947880 | 2014 | |
21 | DE, NW | Zülpich, House Bollheim | 50.697808 | 6.695709 | 2014–2015 | [35,38,39,44] |
22 | DE, NI | Belm | 52.308541 | 8.137012 | 2014 | [35,38,39] |
23 | DE, MV | Gülzow, Organic experimental field | 53.818373 | 12.066295 | 2005–2007, 2012–2019 | [33,45,46,47,48,49] |
24 | DE, SH | Trenthorst, Organic experimental farm | 53.791582 | 10.534326 | 2012–2015 | [50,51,52,53] |
25 | DE, BY | Straubing-Bogen, Maierhofen | 49.040553 | 12.630198 | 2004–2007 | [54] |
26 | DE, HE | Gladbacherhof, Organic experimental farm | 50.395984 | 8.244874 | 2006–2014 | [32,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66] |
27 | DE, NW | Hennef, Wiesengut, Organic experimental farm | 50.786889 | 7.274948 | 2010, 2012–2015 | [67,68,69,70,71] |
28 | DE, SH | Bentfeld, East Holstein | 54.162131 | 10.887949 | 1998–1999 | [72] |
29 | DE, SH | Tröndel, East Holstein | 54.337577 | 10.512986 | 1998–1999 | [72] |
30 | DE, HE | Bad Vilbel, Dottenfelder Hof, Organic experimental farm | 50.193061 | 8.753651 | 1998 | [73] |
31 | DE, NW | Niederkrüchten, Organic farm | 51.196703 | 6.216389 | 2010 | [67,68] |
32 | DE, NW | Willich-Anrath, Organic farm | 51.270458 | 6.495509 | 2010 | |
33 | DE, NW | Klein-Altendorf, Rheinbach | 50.631909 | 6.991893 | 2010 | |
34 | DE, BY | Hohenkammer | 48.423297 | 11.524733 | 2012–2018 | [33,40,41,74,75,76,77,78,79] |
35 | DE, BY | Deutenkofen near Landshut | 48.556811 | 12.267139 | 2004–2005 | [80] |
36 | DE, BY | Viehhausen, Organic experimental field | 48.404907 | 11.619417 | 2013–2018 | [33,41,74,75,76,77,78,79] |
37 | DE, BY | Hintereggelburg | 48.080877 | 11.937166 | 2013–2018 | [33,74,75,76,78,79] |
38 | DE, BY | Willendorf | 49.208294 | 10.674969 | 2013–2018 | |
39 | DE, BY | Neuhof | 49.454497 | 10.644330 | 2013–2017 | [33,74,75] |
40 | DE, BY | Obbach | 50.074154 | 10.093705 | 2013–2017 | |
41 | DE, NI | Astrup | 52.284267 | 8.272855 | 2011 | [81] |
42 | DE, NI | Wiebrechtshausen, Klostergut | 51.742000 | 10.017910 | 2007–2008, 2011–2014 | [81,82,83,84,85] |
43 | DE, NI | Oldendorf | 53.590875 | 9.247657 | 2010–2011 | [83,84] |
44 | DE, NI | Mid federal state, organic farm | 52.939340 | 9.060124 | 2011 | |
45 | DE, NI | Osnabrück, Experimental farm Waldhof | 52.321543 | 8.040604 | 2011–2014 | [33,83,84,85,86] |
46 | DE, NI | South-west federal state, organic farm | 52.539880 | 7.591883 | 2011 | [87] |
47 | DE, NI | Tosterglope | 53.210342 | 10.820725 | 2019–2020 | [88] |
48 | DE, SN | Dresden-Pillnitz | 51.005383 | 13.878925 | 2009–2010 | [89,90] |
49 | DE, BW | Kleinhohenheim | 48.737386 | 9.200842 | 2003–2008 | [91] |
50 | DE, NW | Sandy soil region | 51.787843 | 6.738884 | 2011–2014 | [92,93,94,95] |
51 | DE, NW | Low mountain range | 51.151456 | 7.433401 | 2012–2014 | [93,94,95] |
52 | DE, NW | Lowland, high moor | 51.816772 | 6.383479 | 2012–2014 | |
53 | DE, NW | Loamy soil region | 51.073979 | 6.383134 | 2012–2014 | |
54 | DE, NW | Bay of Köln-Aachen | 50.904007 | 6.333954 | 2022 | [96] |
55 | DE, NI | Belm, Experimental farm Langsenkamp | 52.320298 | 8.154839 | 2012–2013 | [86] |
56 | DE, SA | Könnern, Farm 204 | 51.684634 | 11.760129 | 2020 | [97] |
57 | DE, BY | Donnersdorf, Farm 403 | 49.969597 | 10.407154 | 2020 | |
58 | DE, NW | Hamminkeln, Farm 508 | 51.748319 | 6.581352 | 2020 | |
59 | DE, BY | Arnstein, Farm 405 | 49.983304 | 9.957092 | 2020 | |
60 | DE, ST | Hohe Börde, Farm 202 | 52.1537611 | 11.462053 | 2020 | |
61 | DE, NW | Kerpen, Farm 509 | 50.868987 | 6.665315 | 2020 | |
62 | DE, BY | Ötzing, Farm 401 | 48.757511 | 12.812714 | 2020 | |
63 | DE, BY | Ingolstadt, Farm 406 | 48.750323 | 11.462364 | 2020 | |
64 | DE, NI | Ehrenburg, Farm 611 | 52.742108 | 8.683090 | 2020 | |
65 | DE, NI | Melle, Farm 601 | 52.218118 | 8.332642 | 2020 | |
66 | DE, BY | Hohenpolding, Farm 408 | 48.398025 | 12.131910 | 2020 | |
67 | DE, BY | Niederbayerisches Gäu, Donau and Inn valley | 48.532043 | 13.259775 | 2021 | [98,99,100] |
68 | DE, BY | Tertiär hilly region, Danau south | 48.458409 | 11.235203 | 2020–2021 | |
69 | DE, BY | Franken, Schweinfurth dry plate region | 50.002654 | 10.222795 | 2020–2021 | |
70 | DE, BY | Ramsthal | 50.134701 | 10.071693 | 2018 | [101] |
71 | DE, BY | Dittlofsroda | 50.149628 | 9.757544 | 2019–2020 | |
72 | AT | Raumberg-Gumpenstein | 47.494872 | 14.097531 | 2016–2021 | [102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109] |
73 | AT | Marchfeld, Raasdorf | 48.246956 | 16.568779 | 2015, 2020 | [110,111,112,113] |
74 | AT | Lower Austria, BioNet sites | 48.146251 | 15.781789 | 2017 | [114] |
75 | AT | Poysdorf | 48.683814 | 16.632071 | 2017 | [115] |
76 | AT | Tulln | 48.335732 | 16.061983 | 2017 | |
77 | AT | Lambach | 48.092578 | 13.869642 | 2017–2019 | [116,117,118,119] |
78 | AT | Stadl-Paura, Alpine foreland | 48.073049 | 13.863839 | 2017–2019 | [117] |
79 | AT | Mauthausen, Upper Austria | 48.256681 | 14.524505 | 2017 | [120] |
80 | DK | Jyndevad | 54.912338 | 9.153935 | 1998–1999 | [14] |
81 | DK | Foulum | 56.507714 | 9.596491 | 1998–1999 | |
82 | DK | Flakkebjerg | 55.355043 | 11.393028 | 1998–1999 | |
83 | BE | Flanders region | 51.061016 | 4.081114 | 2013 | [121] |
84 | BE | Flanders region, Lovendegem | 51.121562 | 3.604837 | 2014 | [122] |
85 | PL | Skierniewice | 51.960138 | 20.118703 | 2009–2011 | [123] |
86 | SE | Hogstad, Östergötland | 58.331570 | 15.026370 | 2017–2018 | [124] |
87 | SE | Skåne | 55.990257 | 13.595769 | 2017–2018 | |
88 | SE | Västra Götaland | 58.252793 | 13.059643 | 2017 | |
89 | SE | Örebro | 59.275263 | 15.213411 | 2017 | |
90 | SE | Gillstad, Skaraborg | 58.445658 | 12.944961 | 2015 | [125] |
91 | SE | Länghem, Sjuhärad | 57.597528 | 13.245062 | 2015 | |
92 | NO | Eid, Coastal region | 60.984395 | 5.651533 | 2002–2005 | [31,126,127] |
93 | NO | Tolga, Mountain region | 62.514690 | 10.985893 | 2002–2005 | |
94 | NO | Stange, Eastern region | 60.666095 | 11.354676 | 2002–2005 | |
95 | NO | Stojordal, Central region | 63.523101 | 10.885558 | 2002–2005 | |
96 | GB | Cirencester | 51.719319 | 19.700951 | 2000–2002 | [128] |
97 | IT | Potenza | 40.705730 | 15.783566 | [129] | |
98 | IT | Tarquinia | 42.248305 | 11.753847 | 2010–2012 | [130] |
Plant Group/Plant Species | DM Yield Difference (Total) | Smin Content (kg S ha−1) and Yield Difference | Mean Values Crop Species | |||||||||
No. | Yield Difference (%) | |||||||||||
(n) | (MV) | (s) | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Smin 5–40 | Smin 10–20 | MV + Smin 10–20 | |
Permanent grassland | 62 | 102.4 | 5.6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Lucerne-clover-grass (total) | 302 | 111.9 | 19.9 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
“Lucerne-clover grass” | 147 | 116.4 | 21.0 | 137.5 | 124.5 | 118.0 | 112.5 | 105.0 | 101.0 | 116.4 | 118.3 | 117.4 |
“Clover grass” | 123 | 108.6 | 19.1 | 122.0 | 113.0 | 108.0 | 104.5 | 100.0 | 98.0 | 107.6 | 108.5 | 108.6 |
“Lucerne” | 19 | 102.9 | 7.9 | - | 105.0 | 102.5 | 100.5 | - | - | 102.7 | 102.7 | 102.8 |
Grain legumes (total) | 360 | 102.8 | 12.0 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Lupine | 38 | 99.0 | 7.7 | - | 102.2 | 100.0 | 98.0 | - | - | 100.1 | 100.1 | 99.6 |
Field bean | 106 | 102.2 | 13.7 | 116.3 | 109.3 | 105.3 | 102.5 | 99.0 | 96.0 | 104.7 | 105.7 | 104.0 |
Soya bean | 44 | 106.5 | 10.7 | - | - | 109.0 | 108.0 | 106.5 | 106.0 | 107.4 | 107.8 | 107.2 |
Pea | 98 | 104.7 | 13.2 | 111.0 | 106.5 | 104.0 | 102.0 | 99.0 | - | 104.5 | 104.2 | 104.5 |
Green pea, other edible pea | 8 | 100.7 | 9.2 | - | - | - | - | 102.0 | 100.0 | 101.0 | - | - |
Pea-cereal mixture | 63 | 101.4 | 9.4 | 108.0 | 104.0 | 101.0 | 99.5 | 98.0 | - | 102.1 | 101.5 | 101.5 |
Plant Group/Plant Species | DM Yield Difference (Total) | Smin Content (kg S ha−1) and Yield Difference | Mean Values Crop Species | |||||||||
No. | Yield Difference (%) | |||||||||||
(n) | (MV) | (s) | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Smin 5–40 | Smin 10–20 | MV + Smin 10–20 | |
Direct fertilisation | ||||||||||||
Winter wheat | 136 | 100.8 | 8.0 | 102.0 | 101.5 | 101.3 | 101.0 | 100.6 | 100.2 | 101.1 | 101.3 | 101.1 |
Winter cereals | 152 | 100.4 | 8.0 | 102.0 | 101.5 | 101.2 | 101.0 | 100.5 | 100.0 | 101.0 | 101.2 | 100.8 |
Spring cereals | 10 | 107.0 | 8.1 | - | 105.0 | 104.5 | 104.0 | - | - | 104.5 | 104.5 | 105.8 |
Maize | 9 | 104.0 | 6.1 | - | 104.0 | 103.2 | 103.0 | 102.8 | - | 103.3 | 103.4 | 103.7 |
Post-effect fertilisation | ||||||||||||
LCG–cereals | 66 | 110.4 | 15.1 | 116.5 | 112.0 | 110.0 | 108.0 | 106.0 | 104.0 | 109.4 | 110.0 | 110.2 |
GL–cereals | 21 | 104.6 | 10.1 | 115.0 | 109.0 | 105.0 | 102.0 | - | - | 107.8 | 105.3 | 104.9 |
Boxplot Characteristics | Total Data (Without Elemental S Variants of Grain Legumes and Post-Effect Variants of Cereals) | ||||||
A: <10 | B: 10–20 | C: 20–30 | D: 30–40 | E: >40 | D–E: >30 | ||
(kg Smin ha−1) | |||||||
DM yield difference | |||||||
Number | 119 | 216 | 151 | 40 | 50 | 90 | |
Mean value | 123.6 | 105.9 | 101.7 | 99.7 | 100.7 | 100.3 | |
Median value | 109.4 | 103.0 | 100.0 | 98.9 | 101.0 | 99.9 | |
Standard deviation | 47.1 | 14.5 | 11.9 | 8.9 | 7.2 | 8.0 | |
Minimum value | 83.0 | 83.0 | 81.0 | 82.3 | 87.7 | 82.3 | |
Quartiles | 25 | 100.0 | 97.0 | 94.7 | 95.8 | 97.0 | 96.1 |
75 | 132.7 | 110.0 | 105.0 | 104.0 | 102.0 | 102.8 | |
Maximum value | 400.0 | 182.0 | 164.0 | 121.0 | 123.0 | 123.0 | |
Span range | 317.0 | 99.0 | 83.0 | 38.7 | 35.3 | 40.7 | |
Standard error of mean | 4.32 | 0.99 | 0.97 | 1.41 | 1.02 | 0.84 | |
N-removal difference | |||||||
Number | 86 | 152 | 127 | 33 | 39 | 72 | |
Mean value | 131.6 | 105.0 | 104.3 | 99.6 | 99.6 | 99.6 | |
Median value | 111.3 | 102.2 | 101.1 | 98.6 | 101.8 | 99.9 | |
Standard deviation | 41.6 | 15.5 | 14.8 | 8.3 | 8.5 | 8.4 | |
Minimum value | 88.2 | 81.9 | 80.7 | 81.0 | 83.5 | 81.0 | |
Quartiles | 25 | 100.0 | 95.1 | 96.4 | 94.8 | 92.9 | 92.9 |
75 | 166.6 | 109.1 | 108.3 | 103.9 | 102.8 | 103.3 | |
Maximum value | 256.6 | 170.9 | 158.3 | 118.8 | 122.1 | 122.1 | |
Span range | 168.4 | 98.0 | 77.6 | 37.8 | 38.6 | 41.1 | |
Standard error of mean | 4.49 | 1.26 | 1.31 | 1.45 | 1.36 | 0.99 | |
N2-fixation difference | |||||||
Number | 62 | 127 | 107 | 32 | 22 | 54 | |
Mean value | 154.4 | 106.8 | 105.7 | 97.4 | 101.3 | 99.0 | |
Median value | 125.7 | 103.7 | 101.5 | 99.7 | 99.4 | 99.6 | |
Standard deviation | 68.1 | 19.8 | 19.0 | 13.1 | 12.5 | 12.9 | |
Minimum value | 80.7 | 74.7 | 80.1 | 70.9 | 80.6 | 70.9 | |
Quartiles | 25 | 102.5 | 95.5 | 95.7 | 94.0 | 93.0 | 93.6 |
75 | 208.1 | 112.3 | 107.8 | 104.4 | 104.5 | 104.4 | |
Maximum value | 351.9 | 191.7 | 182.5 | 125.2 | 129.5 | 129.5 | |
Span range | 271.2 | 117.0 | 102.4 | 54.3 | 48.9 | 58.6 | |
Standard error of mean | 8.65 | 1.76 | 1.84 | 2.32 | 2.67 | 1.76 |
Fertiliser Type | No. | DM Yield Standard | DM Yield Difference | |
(n) | (t ha−1) | (Standard = 100%) | (s) | |
Permanent grassland | ||||
Kieserite | 14 | 9.02 | 102.4 | 4.85 |
Gypsum | 7 | 9.30 | 105.6 | 5.66 |
Elemental sulphur | 29 | 11.81 | 102.3 | 4.28 |
Other types (e.g., Potassium sulphate, “Korn-Kali”) | 6 | 10.73 | 103.5 | 6.06 |
Lucerne-clover-grass | ||||
Kieserite | 146 | 9.82 | 117.0 | 22.33 |
Gypsum | 83 | 7.22 | 109.7 | 19.90 |
Elemental sulphur | 69 | 8.46 | 104.5 | 10.62 |
Grain legumes | ||||
Kieserite | 105 | 2.94 | 101.8 | 9.08 |
Gypsum | 118 | 2.99 | 101.5 | 11.29 |
Elemental sulphur | 125 | 2.79 | 100.1 | 8.17 |
Epsom salt leaf | 65 | 2.85 | 106.8 | 13.13 |
Potassium sulphate | 14 | 3.03 | 107.9 | 16.26 |
Potash magnesia (“Patent-Kali”) | 39 | 1.51 | 106.1 | 11.89 |
Cereals, maize | ||||
Kieserite | 72 | 4.04 | 101.1 | 6.79 |
Gypsum | 20 | 4.26 | 101.0 | 9.35 |
Elemental sulphur | 48 | 4.07 | 100.9 | 9.04 |
Epsom salt leaf | 16 | 2.85 | 99.7 | 7.97 |
Potassium sulphate, Potash magnesia | 5 | 4.13 | 102.4 | 4.28 |
Crop Species Group | Smin (0–60 cm) | DM Yield | S Fertiliser Input | S-Deposition | S Removal (MP, BP) | S-Balance | S HRR | S Uptake (MP, BP, HRR) | Legume Portion of Mixture | N-Removal (MP) | N2 Fixation |
(kg S ha−1) | (t ha−1) | (kg S ha−1) | (%) | (kg N ha−1) | |||||||
Permanent grassland | |||||||||||
No. (n) | 30 | 41 | 24 | 22 | 41 | 37 | - | 41 | 17 | 30 | 16 |
Mean value (s) | 14.1 (±4.70) | 10.86 (±2.42) | 14.2 (±5.8) | 3.6 (±1.6) | 29.6 (±10.2) | −11.8 (±8.6) | - | 29.6 (±10.2) | 15.8 (±13.7) | 284.3 (±88.3) | 60.5 (±43.2) |
Fertilising effect: 30.0 kg S ha−1 (n = 4) | |||||||||||
Difference (s) | +8.0 (-) | +0.19 (±0.254) | +30.0 (-) | - | +0.75 (±0.866) | +29.25 (±0.866) | - | - | +0.45 (-) | +7.6 (±5.66) | +3.6 (±1.41) |
Lucerne-clover-grass | |||||||||||
No. (n) | 153 | 132 | 126 | 79 | 132 | 79 | 132 | 132 | 89 | 101 | 73 |
Mean value (s) | 16.2 (±10.6) | 10.00 (±3.10) | 6.2 (±8.6) | 5.9 (±1.8) | 22.9 (±10.4) | −10.8 (±8.4) | 8.3 (±1.2) | 31.2 (±11.2) | 62.4 (±19.5) | 239.8 (±104.9) | 200.9 (±112.0) |
Fertilising effect: 33.6 kg S ha−1 (n = 67) | |||||||||||
Difference (s) | +17.5 (±8.95) | +1.55 (±1.601) | +33.6 (±8.30) | - | +6.2 (±3.872) | +26.6 (±8.90) | +0.43 (±0.41) | +7.44 (±7.01) | +2.54 (±9.13) | +70.5 (±77.30) | +76.9 (±116.9) |
Grain legumes | |||||||||||
No. (n) | 426 | 199 | 378 | 90 | 201 | 167 | 202 | 201 | 85 | 171 | 161 |
Mean value (s) | 21.8 (±13.6) | 2.71 (±1.18) | 2.6 (±2.1) | 4.9 (±2.8) | 9.5 (±4.5) | −2.0 (±5.0) | 2.4 (±0.8) | 11.9 (±4.8) | 52.5 (±21.0) | 118.3 (±60.7) | 112.6 (±69.8) |
Fertilising effect: 23.8 kg S ha−1 (n = 34) | |||||||||||
Difference (s) | +10.3 (±7.99) | +0.002 (±0.220) | +23.8 (±4.93) | - | +0.171 (±0.674) | +22.2 (±3.59) | +0.01 (±0.046) | +0.18 (±0.716) | - | +0.02 (±11.22) | +2.75 (±14.43) |
Cereals, maize, millet | |||||||||||
No. (n) | 97 | 91 | 93 | 25 | 96 | 83 | 94 | 94 | - | 71 | - |
Mean value (s) | 32.1 (±31.0) | 4.58 (±3.18) | 1.2 (±3.1) | 7.3 (±2.1) | 11.0 (±4.1) | −2.5 (±5.3) | 2.2 (±0.4) | 13.4 (±4.5) | 65.9 (±32.4) | - | |
Fertilising effect: 39.2 kg S ha−1 (n = 13) | |||||||||||
Difference (s) | +6.20 (±3.42) | +0.066 (±0.195) | +39.2 (±6.07) | - | +1.55 (±1.50) | +37.7 (±4.97) | +0.02 (±0.04) | +1.56 (±1.50) | - | −0.58 (±4.34) | - |
Fertiliser Type | Permanent Grassland | Lucerne-Clover-Grass | Grain Legumes | Cereals, Maize |
Kieserite | 102.4 | 117.0 | 101.8 | 101.1 |
Gypsum | 105.6 | 109.7 | 101.5 | 101.0 |
Elemental sulphur | 102.3 | 104.5 | 100.1 | 100.9 |
Epsom salt leaf | - | - | 106.8 | 99.7 |
Other types (including potassium sulphate, “Patent-Kali”) | 103.5 | - | 107.0 | 102.4 |
Plant Species Group | Organic Farming | Conventional Farming | |||||
This Study (Left: Maximum; Right: Optimum) | Ref. [145] | Ref. [179] | Ref. [149] | Ref. [180] | Ref. [181] (Depending on Smin Level) | ||
Permanent grassland | 60–70 | 20–40 | - | 20–40 | 20–40 | 20–40 | - |
Lucerne-clover-grass | 70–80 | 20–50 | 20–50 | - | 30–50 | - | 20 |
Grain legumes | 45–50 | 10–30 | 20–30 | - | - | - | 20 |
Cereals, maize | 25–30 | 10–20 | 10–30 | 10–25 | 10–20 | 10–20 | 20–30 |
Winter rape | - | (15–35) | 30–50 | 30–50 | 20–40 | 20–40 | 30–40 |
Soil Depth | This Study | Analysis in Practice | Average Values | |||||||
Forage Production Trials | Grain Legume and Cereal Trials | LMS Agrarberatung, Rostock, Germany | ||||||||
(cm) | (n) | (MV) | (s) | (n) | (MV) | (s) | (n) | (MV) | (s) | (MV) |
0–30 | 10 | 9.6 | 5.2 | 39 | 8.5 | 5.0 | 18 | 6.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 |
30–60 | 39 | 13.3 | 10.8 | 30 | 8.2 | 3.3 | 18 | 9.8 | 15.4 | 10.4 |
60–90 | 38 | 10.7 | 12.1 | 7 | 9.6 | 1.2 | 18 | 8.4 | 11.9 | 9.6 |
This Study: Crop Species Groups | Ref. [32]: Forage Legumes | |||||
Class | Smin (kg S ha−1) | Crop Species | Valuation | Class | Smin (kg S ha−1) | Valuation |
D–E | >30 | High to very high supply, possibly a potential environmental hazard | E | >60 | Oversupplied with S, no fertilisation | |
C | 30 | Lucerne-clover-grass, permanent grassland | In each case, sufficient supply to achieve optimum yields and qualities | C | 30–60 | Well supplied with S, fertilisation on plant removal |
25 | Winter rape, maize | |||||
20 | Grain legumes, cereals | |||||
B | 10–20 | Slight deficiency, increasing variation and medium yield losses | A | <30 | Insufficient supply of S, fertilisation over plant removal recommended | |
A | 0–10 | Severe deficiency, high variation and losses of yields |
Component | Maths. Operator | Cultivation Variants | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
Permanent grassland | |||||||||
S demand (10.9 t DM ha−1) | + | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Smin quantity | − | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 | 40 |
S mineralisation | − | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 |
S balance | = | 17 | 6 | 7 | −4 | −3 | −14 | −13 | −24 |
Lucerne-clover-grass | |||||||||
S demand (11.0 t DM ha−1) | + | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 |
Smin quantity | − | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 | 40 |
S mineralisation | − | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 |
S balance | = | 22 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | −9 | −8 | −19 |
Winter rape | |||||||||
S demand (2.7 t DM ha−1) | + | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 |
Smin quantity | − | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 | 40 |
S mineralisation | − | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 |
S balance | = | 15 | 4 | 5 | −6 | −5 | −16 | −15 | −26 |
Silage maize | |||||||||
S demand (10.5 t DM ha−1) | + | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 |
Smin quantity | − | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 | 40 |
S mineralisation | − | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 14 |
S balance | = | 8 | −3 | −2 | −13 | −12 | −23 | −22 | −33 |
Winter cereals | |||||||||
S demand (5.0 t DM ha−1) | + | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Smin quantity | − | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 |
S mineralisation | − | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 |
S balance | = | 10 | 3 | 5 | −2 | −5 | −12 | −15 | −22 |
Grain legumes | |||||||||
S demand (2.7 t DM ha−1) | + | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Smin quantity | − | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 |
S mineralisation | − | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 |
S balance | = | 7 | 0 | 2 | −5 | −8 | −15 | −18 | −25 |
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Kolbe, H. Meta-Study on Sulphur Supply of Various Crop Species in Organic Farming Between 1998 and 2023 in European Countries—Part 1: Effects of Sulphur Supply on Plant Dry Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake, Legume N2 Fixation and Sulphur Fertiliser Requirement Determinations. Agronomy 2024, 14, 2975.
Kolbe H. Meta-Study on Sulphur Supply of Various Crop Species in Organic Farming Between 1998 and 2023 in European Countries—Part 1: Effects of Sulphur Supply on Plant Dry Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake, Legume N2 Fixation and Sulphur Fertiliser Requirement Determinations. Agronomy. 2024; 14(12):2975.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKolbe, Hartmut. 2024. "Meta-Study on Sulphur Supply of Various Crop Species in Organic Farming Between 1998 and 2023 in European Countries—Part 1: Effects of Sulphur Supply on Plant Dry Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake, Legume N2 Fixation and Sulphur Fertiliser Requirement Determinations" Agronomy 14, no. 12: 2975.
APA StyleKolbe, H. (2024). Meta-Study on Sulphur Supply of Various Crop Species in Organic Farming Between 1998 and 2023 in European Countries—Part 1: Effects of Sulphur Supply on Plant Dry Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake, Legume N2 Fixation and Sulphur Fertiliser Requirement Determinations. Agronomy, 14(12), 2975.