Using Goal-Programming to Model the Effect of Stakeholder Determined Policy and Industry Changes on the Future Management of and Ecosystem Services Provision by Ireland’s Western Peatland Forests
<p>Location and boundaries of the Western Peatland case study area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Structure of the forests, in 10-year age classes, for the Business As Usual Potential Future for each year of the planning horizon.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Management approaches as a proportion of the CSA for each Potential Future over the 70-year planning horizon.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>ES provisions for all Potential Futures (PF) over a 70-year planning horizon (<span class="html-italic">x</span>-axis). The <span class="html-italic">y</span>-axis values are specific to each ecosystem service provision level achieved, while the maximum and minimum values of each ES scale are specified on each graph (except for timber and carbon).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Introduction to the Western Peatland’s Ecosystem Services
2.2. Management Approaches
- Species or land-use
- Productivity
- Proportion of a species in a stand
- Environmental zone
- Soil type
- Site preparation type at establishment
- Owner type
- Elevation
- Water risk factor
- Age
2.3. Current Forest Policy and Business As Usual Scenario
- (1)
- All Coillte broadleaf forest must be managed under low impact silvicultural systems (i.e., CCF), as per the company policy decision made in 2005.
- (2)
- A stand must be reforested within 2 years of clearfelling (with certain exceptions, e.g., buffer zones and bog restoration).
- (3)
- Clearfell not permitted of stands still in receipt of forest premiums (i.e., before the age of 20 years on afforested land). Farmers who afforested receive grants that cover the cost of establishment and (as per 2012 regulations) receive premiums annually for the first 20 years of their forest’s rotation.
2.4. GP Mathematical Notation
2.5. Normalising Goals
2.6. Owner Types and Attitude Changes
- (1)
- This uniform change reflects that all OTs will have to modify their attitude equally. Examples are the stringent policy changes associated with the Water Framework Directive and the assumption that NPV is a factor that must be considered by all OTs when making management decisions.
- (2)
- These relative attitude changes apply to timber, hen harrier, deer forage and cover ESs. The change in attitude is not the same for all OTs and is implemented through OT specific scaling factors. These factors are based on the perceived relative change in attitude of each OT. A summary of these scaling factors and scaling is presented in Table 5.
2.6.1. Area Constraints
2.6.2. Policy Related Constraints
2.6.3. Industry Regulation
2.7. Building of Potential Futures
- (1)
- They represent forest policy-related issues that are currently debated in the local context and will continue to be issues in the future.
- (2)
- Owner Type demands are diverse and, in some PFs, owners will aim to provide different ESs.
3. Results
3.1. BAU Potential Future
3.1.1. Yield Class Assessment
3.1.2. Proportion of the Case Study Area under Each Management Approach
3.1.3. ES Provisions
4. Discussion
- (1)
- Some policy decisions are made on a case by case basis. Even if areas share the same characteristics, it is possible for multiple politically enforced management decisions to be made. For example, in Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), reforestation with broadleaves is the typical policy to choose (and the one specified in the model), however in some very special circumstances, conifers may be planted in small areas in SACs for reasons that could not be quantified and included in the model.
- (2)
- The model described in this study only accommodates spatially related characteristics before the optimisation. This reduces the practical applicability of the resulting PFs. For example it is not possible for the model to determine a suitable habitat for the red squirrel, i.e., a homogenous area of at least 200 to 300 ha of suitable forest is required [38]. Remsoft’s heuristic spatial planning software called “Stanley” [39,40] could be used to deal with some of the spatial aspects.
- (3)
- The method of determining scaling factors for owner types was largely based on qualitative scientific research and the research team’s expertise. Although intention to afforest has been linked to farm and social characteristics [27], further research is necessary in Ireland to identify how these characteristics influence forest management and even land-use management in general. The agent-based model developed by Daigneault and Fraser [41] for New Zealand could be a useful approach. Their model, which is focused on agriculture, links various human life stages with the propensity to proceed with certain management intentions.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
BAU | Business As Usual |
CCF | Continuous Cover Forestry |
CHP | Combined Heat and Power |
CSA | Case Study Area |
ES | Ecosystem Service |
FPM | Freshwater Pearl Mussel |
GP | Goal Programming |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NWS | Native Woodland Site |
OT | Owner Type |
PF | Potential Future |
SFM | Sustainable Forest Management |
WP | Western Peatlands |
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Descriptor | Western Peatlands |
Area (approx. ha) | 1,060,000 |
Forested area (approx. ha) | 116,000 |
Average temperature (°C) | 11–12 |
Typical annual rainfall (mm) | West: 2000 East: 1200–1400 |
Forested land only (as of 2012) | |
Forest ownership | |
Coillte | 64% |
Private | 36% |
Yield potential | |
Economically viable forest * | 82% |
Not economically viable forest | 18% |
Age class distribution | |
0–10 years | 15% |
11–20 years | 34% |
21–30 years | 27% |
31–40 years | 15% |
41–50 years | 6% |
51 years or over | 3% |
Soil type | |
Brown earths and brown podzolics | 5% |
Lithosols | 12% |
Gleys/peaty gleys and gleyed grey brown podzolics | 17% |
Flushed blanket peat | 48% |
Cutaway raised bogs | 18% |
Elevation | |
Less than 200 m | 93% |
Distance to watercourse | |
Less than 200 m | 56% |
Between 200 and 400 m | 26% |
400 m or greater | 19% |
Management Approach | Description |
Traditional forest management | Forests that are managed under a typical Irish rotation based system, i.e., commercial thinning, clearfelling and artificial restocking. |
Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) | Forest that has a continuous cover. It is thinned at 5-year intervals and can consist of conifers, broadleaves or a mix. It is assumed that stands regenerate naturally. |
Native Woodland Site (NWS) | Unique species options at afforestation/reforestation, only available for suitable soil types. Harvesting options are the same as for CCF management. |
Non-reforested | Cleared land that has not been reforested after 2 years. |
Buffer zone | Areas within certain proximity of a road or watercourse that have undergone a buffer conversion process. There are three types of buffer zone. Within 20 m of a road: 10 m scrubland, 10 m broadleaves; within 10 m of watercourse or FPM watercourse: 10 m scrubland; within 25 m of a watercourse within a 6 km hydrological distance of a live FPM site: 20% native broadleaves and 80% scrubland. |
Bog restoration | Area that undergoes a conversion process to bog. This is only permitted on areas with a blanket peat soil type. |
Relevant Group | Harvesting Options | Reforestation | Fertilisation at Establishment | Tending/Thinning |
Special protection areas | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Special areas of conservation | Yes | Native woodland site only | Yes | Yes |
proposed National Heritage Area | Yes | Native woodland site only | Yes | Yes |
National Heritage Area | Yes | Native woodland site only | Yes | Yes |
Old Woodland Site | No | Soil type specific species choice | Yes | No |
Native Woodland Site | CCF only | N/A | No | CCF only |
Freshwater Pearl Mussel | No CCF | Yes | Yes | Yes |
6 KM Freshwater Pearl Mussel zone | No CCF | 20 m setback, 5 m broadleaf buffer | No | Yes |
Road buffer | Yes | 10 m setback then 10 m broadleaf species | Yes | Yes |
Non-Freshwater Pearl Mussel buffer zone | No CCF | 10 m buffer width | No | Yes |
Ecosystem Service | Owner Type | Scaling Factor | Goal Value | Normalising Weight (Weight Scaling Factor *) |
Deer cover | Coillte | 0.00 | 27,629,333 | 0 |
Deer cover | Private Forest Owners | 0.50 | 14,150,923 | 53 |
Deer forage | Coillte | 0.00 | 23,433,803 | 0 |
Deer forage | Private Forest Owners | 0.50 | 11,535,438 | 62 |
Hen harrier | Coillte | 0.00 | 34,762,208 | 0 |
Hen harrier | Private Forest Owners | 0.50 | 17,770,620 | 20 |
Water sedimentation risk | Coillte | 1.00 | 12,143 | 31,622 |
Water sedimentation risk | Private Forest Owners | 1.00 | 4667 | 112,882 |
Timber | Coillte | 0.00 | 49,753,761 | 0 |
Timber | Private Forest Owners | 0.50 | 30,263,384 | 9 |
Recreation | Coillte | 0.00 | 25,277,976 | 0 |
Recreation | Private Forest Owners | 0.50 | 13,542,484 | 24 |
NPV | Coillte | 1.00 | 480,548,445 | 1 |
NPV | Private Forest Owners | 1.00 | 273,188,452 | 2 |
Owner Type | Scaling Factor | Attitude Change |
Coillte | N/A | Commercial mandate and fully certified forests mean that the company has changed and is now obliged to manage their forests for all purposes of certification. Hence, Coillte will not change their attitude towards management when new policies are introduced. |
Private forest owner | 0.50 | A diverse group of owners with a range of objectives for their forests. They have committed to having their land in forestry based on the implemented policies at the time they afforested. They will to be influenced by newly implemented policies, however less so than non-forest owning OTs. |
OTs currently not owning afforested land were investigated as part of another CSA which focused on afforestation. For transparency reasons, a description of them is included. | ||
Tillage | 0.75 | Duesberg et al. [27] found tillage farmers less likely to afforest than the owners of other, less profitable, types of farming systems in Ireland. Forestry is a new potential land-use for them and as a result more farmers in this OT will change attitudes as a result of policy changes than those in the private forest OT. |
Ruminant | 1.00 | This group contains the beef suckling and sheep farming systems which are often financially comparable with forestry. It is expected that the next generation, who will inherit the land in this OT will be more urbanised and open to afforestation and will be influenced more by future forest policy changes than the tillage OT. |
Model Change | Example | |
1 | Alternative management included in the model | Alternative species combination for establishment |
2 | Changing how ES values are calculated | Removing afforestation premiums from the NPV calculation |
3 | Changing the spatial arrangements behind the model | Widening buffer zones along watercourses |
4 | Inclusion of ESs in objective function | Water sedimentation risk was included in the objective function for PFs that include the “more restrictive” manifestation for water sedimentation risk |
Potential Future | Demand for Sawnwood | Demand for Pulpwood | Demand for Rural Development | Water Protection | Replanting Requirement | SFM |
BAU | Same | Same | No CHP 1 plant | Same | Same | Same |
2 | Same | Same | No CHP plant | Same | Lifted | Same |
3 | 10% increase in price | 10% increase in price | CHP plant built | Same | Same | Same |
4 | 10% increase in price | 10% increase in price | CHP plant built | Water measures 2 | Same | SFM measures 3 |
5 | Same | Same | No CHP plant | Water measures | Same | SFM measures |
Potential Future | Deer Cover | Deer Forage | Timber | NPV | Water |
BAU | X | ||||
2 | X | ||||
3 | X | X | |||
4 | X | X | X | X | X |
5 | X | X | X | X |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
Share and Cite
Corrigan, E.; Nieuwenhuis, M. Using Goal-Programming to Model the Effect of Stakeholder Determined Policy and Industry Changes on the Future Management of and Ecosystem Services Provision by Ireland’s Western Peatland Forests. Sustainability 2017, 9, 11.
Corrigan E, Nieuwenhuis M. Using Goal-Programming to Model the Effect of Stakeholder Determined Policy and Industry Changes on the Future Management of and Ecosystem Services Provision by Ireland’s Western Peatland Forests. Sustainability. 2017; 9(1):11.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCorrigan, Edwin, and Maarten Nieuwenhuis. 2017. "Using Goal-Programming to Model the Effect of Stakeholder Determined Policy and Industry Changes on the Future Management of and Ecosystem Services Provision by Ireland’s Western Peatland Forests" Sustainability 9, no. 1: 11.
APA StyleCorrigan, E., & Nieuwenhuis, M. (2017). Using Goal-Programming to Model the Effect of Stakeholder Determined Policy and Industry Changes on the Future Management of and Ecosystem Services Provision by Ireland’s Western Peatland Forests. Sustainability, 9(1), 11.