Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine)
"> Figure 1
<p>Market field of ecological marketing in the industrial region (the authors’ scheme).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Modern information and communication technologies in steel industry in Ukraine. Source: own study based on the data (<a href="#B48-jrfm-13-00238" class="html-bibr">Shvachich et al. 2017, pp. 70–75</a>).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Information space (field) of ecological marketing in industrial regions under conditions of sustainable development (the authors’ scheme).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Ecological Marketing as a Mechanism for Researching the Market Field of Industrial Regions
3.2. Information and Communication Technologies in Industrial Production Complexes
- Information and reference systems (IRS) that are available on the website of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property” ( They are divided into three groups: inventions and utility models, marks for goods and services, and industrial prototypes.
- Patenting and licensing bases: the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property” (Ukrpatent) has a digital patent library that is divided into sections: patents of Ukraine for inventions, patents of Ukraine for utility models, patents of Ukraine for industrial prototypes, patents of Ukraine for inventions of foreign countries, claims for inventions, international classifications, and regulations.
- Library resources in metallurgy: the Central State Scientific and Technical Library of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine is a state specialized library in the field of metallurgy, mining and related fields; a regional center of the interlibrary service; and the state depository for metallurgy, the only one in the country.
- Systems for supporting production processes, the main tasks of which are to ensure the stability of work and storage of information, administration, the timely modernization and repair of individual elements (technical support), and the adaptation of the capabilities of the operated system to the current business needs of the enterprise (the development of the system).
- Metallurgical systems of B2B, B2C, C2C and B2G types (B2B refers in English to “Business to Business”), referring to a term that defines the type of information and economic interaction classified by the types of interacting entities; in this case, these are legal entities (Shvachich et al. 2017, pp. 70–75).
3.3. The Mechanism of ICT Use in the Information Field of Ecological Marketing in the Conditions of Sustainable Development of the Industrial Region
- -
- The study of the demand for ecological products;
- -
- The segmentation of the market of ecological products according to the solvency of buyers;
- -
- Planning the range of ecological products, pricing, advertising and promoting the sales of environmental products;
- -
- Activities for the organization of the environmentally friendly turnover of commodities, warehousing, transportation and customer service;
- -
- The environmental orientation of the products, as well as the entire cycle of their production to consumption, from the extraction of raw materials to their disposal;
- -
- Increasing responsibility for solving environmental problems at all levels of the organizational structure of the enterprise, taking into account the system of environmental performance evaluation criteria;
- -
- The improvement of the system for the encouragement of the initiative of the ecological improvement of production and consumption;
- -
- The creation of a positive image of the company (Bagorka 2019).
- SADT methodology (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques)—a technology that focuses on a comprehensive view of the structure of the system, including information flows and communication links.
- DFD (Data Flow Diagram)—models depicting the transfer of data between operations and the characteristics of the information side of the business processes of the system.
- ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)—models of the “entity-relationship” type that allow representing the conceptual schemes of the subject area and that are used in the design of databases. ERD diagrams are intended for the graphical representation of data models of the software system and offer a set of standard notations for determining the individual components of the conceptual data model and the set of relationships between them.
- STDs (State Transition Diagrams)—diagrams of transition states that are intended for simulating those aspects of business processes that depend on time or the response to the event. The simulated process at any given time is exactly in one state of their finite set (Turlakova 2019, p. 16).
- Lean Management/Manufacturing—economical (lean) production, the bases of which are “timeliness” and “autonomy”. It is based on the concept of the constant flow and timely “extraction” of production due to demand, rapid changes in tools and the integration of logistics.
- Business process re-engineering (BPR) is a way of analyzing and processing business processes within and between enterprises.
- Six Sigma—a data-driven methodology used to increase productivity by limiting variability. This tool requires a deep understanding of products and processes and is fully guided by the customer’s expectations. This is a methodology that exhibits 3–4 defects per million possibilities.
- Knowledge management—knowledge-based engineering (KBE), which deals with the computerization of processes related to the industrial design and routine design of the product. Knowledge-based engineering programs are intended to capture and codify the knowledge of employees across the organization (Wojnicka-Sycz 2013).
3.4. Experience in Introducing Information and Communication Technologies in the Industrial Regions of Poland and Ukraine
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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ICT Tools in Ecological Marketing | Purpose | Expected Result |
IDS (information and reference systems) | Obtaining the necessary information about utility models; signs for goods and services; industrial samples of ecological products | Opportunity to take into account the demand in the environmental market and produce new environmental brands |
Patents and licensing bases | Patenting of ecological inventions and their legal support | Guarantee of competitiveness of new goods and services in the ecological market |
Library resources in metallurgy | Accumulation and storage of information sources and scientific achievements in the field of industry and ecology | Development of research in the field of environmental marketing in industrial regions |
Production process support systems | Ensuring the stability of work and storage of information | Effective administration, timely modernization and repair of separate elements, adaptation of possibilities of the operated system to current needs of business of the enterprise |
Metallurgical systems such as B2B, B2C, C2C and B2G | Determining the type of information and economic interaction, classified by types of interacting entities | Optimizing the relationship between business, customers and government |
CALS technology (Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support), | Electronic integration of distribution lines into management and service processes, from product design to disposal | Systematic increase in efficiency, productivity and profitability of processes of economic activity of corporation |
CAD systems (computer-aided design) | Implementation of the idea of a through cycle of preparation and production of complex industrial products | Simulation of the three-dimensional structure (part) and preparation of drawings and text, preparation of documentation (specifications, data, etc.) |
CAM systems (computer-aided manufacturing) | Computer support for the production of new environmental products | Design of processing of products on machines with numerical program control and reduction of a cycle of their production. |
CAE systems (computer-aided engineering) | Implementation of engineering analysis | Solving computational problems, ranging from strength calculations, analysis and modeling of thermal processes to calculations of hydraulic systems and machines, and calculations of casting processes. |
IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling | Functional modeling of activity, structure of ecological market and release of new ecological production | Improving modeling of enterprises and their processes |
IDEF1X (Integrated Definition for Information Modeling) | Creation of databases of industrial enterprises for development of strategies of ecological marketing | Information modeling of activity, structure of ecological market and release of new ecological production |
Technology Cloud computing | Standardization and optimization of computing and information technology infrastructure | Dynamic redistribution of resources |
SCADA systems (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) | Data collection and dispatch control over the activities of all production processes | Installation and support in the equipment of the industrial enterprises of ecologically safe and economically effective operating modes taking into account the corresponding restrictions |
SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques) | Comprehensive representation of the structure of the system, including information flows and communication links both in the enterprise and in the environmental market | Optimization of production and market relations between producers and consumers of ecological products |
DFD (Data Flow Diagram) | Data transfer between operations and characteristics of the information side of the business processes of the system | Improvement of production processes and promotion of ecological products to the consumer |
ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) | Presentation of conceptual schemes of the problem area in production or in the market | Graphical representation of any problem through the “essence connection” for its effective solution |
STD (State Transition Diagrams) | Modeling those aspects of business processes that depend on time or reaction to an event in the environmental market | Dynamization of production processes in response to consumer demand for environmental products |
Lean Management/Manufacturing | Economical (lean) production, based on “timeliness” and “autonomy” | Ensuring a constant flow and timely “extraction” of production through demand, rapid tool changes and logistics integration |
BPR (business process reengineering) | Analysis and processing of business processes within enterprises and between them | Increasing the productivity of ecological products |
Six Sigma | Increasing the productivity of ecological products by limiting variability | Expansion of production capabilities of the enterprise |
KBE (knowledge management) | Computerization of processes related to industrial design and routine product design | Capture and codify the knowledge of employees from all over the organization |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Kuzior, A.; Lobanova, A. Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine). J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 238.
Kuzior A, Lobanova A. Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine). Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2020; 13(10):238.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKuzior, Aleksandra, and Alla Lobanova. 2020. "Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine)" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13, no. 10: 238.
APA StyleKuzior, A., & Lobanova, A. (2020). Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine). Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(10), 238.