Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security
"> Graphical abstract
<p>Office scenario picture.</p> ">
<p>Corridor scenario picture.</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for different transmission powers. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for different transmission powers. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>Standard deviation for PER and RSSI. Corridor Scenario.</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI histogram for the transitional region. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI histogram for the transitional region. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for two mote heights. Office Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for two mote heights. Office Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for different payload sizes. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance for different payload sizes. Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance when IEEE 802.11b interference is present. Office Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance when IEEE 802.11b interference is present. Office Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance when nodes are obstructed (inside a drawer). Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
<p>PER and RSSI against distance when nodes are obstructed (inside a drawer). Corridor Scenario.(a) Packet Error Rate(b) Received Signal Strength Indicator</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Wireless Sensor Networks
2.1. Wireless Technology
IEEE 802.15.4
2.2. Sensor Technology
2.3. Challenges
3. WSN Applications for the Environment and Security
4. Discussion of Measurement Results
4.1. Power Measurements
4.2. Dependence on the Height above the Ground
4.3. Payload Measurements
4.4. Interference
4.5. Obstructed Transmission
4.6. Multi-Hop Transmission
4.7. Some Guidelines for the Design of WSN
5. Conclusions
References and Notes
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SendingMote (Bytes) | BaseStation (Bytes) | |||
PSDU (Bytes) | RAM | ROM | RAM | ROM |
20 | 262 | 11398 | 1184 | 14914 |
40 | 302 | 11410 | 1724 | 14914 |
80 | 382 | 11470 | 2804 | 14996 |
100 | 422 | 11470 | 3344 | 14996 |
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Jiménez, V.P.G.; Armada, A.G. Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security. Sensors 2009, 9, 10309-10325.
Jiménez VPG, Armada AG. Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security. Sensors. 2009; 9(12):10309-10325.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiménez, Víctor P. Gil, and Ana García Armada. 2009. "Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security" Sensors 9, no. 12: 10309-10325.
APA StyleJiménez, V. P. G., & Armada, A. G. (2009). Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security. Sensors, 9(12), 10309-10325.