Efficient Path Planning and Truthful Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing
<p>The proposed technical framework for mobile crowdsensing.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>An example scenario.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Paths without loops and with loops. (<b>a</b>) without loops; (<b>b</b>) with loops.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Simulation scenario.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Values of the planned paths.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Paths of different algorithms.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Usage ratio of travelling distance.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Usage ratio of energy.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Payments to winners.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Utilities of workers.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Truthfulness of both mechanisms. (<b>a</b>) proposed mechanism; (<b>b</b>) VCG mechanism.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We build an MCS framework including two phases, path planning and incentive mechanism design. The separation between the path planning and the incentive mechanism design makes the proposed framework balanced since neither the platform (or requesters) nor the workers play a dominant role. The workers can choose to participate in the sensing activities or not during the phase of path planning, while the platform has the authority to select the workers as winners and pay the winners. Therefore, the proposed framework gives all stakeholders a chance to develop their own strategies and optimize their utilities.
- In the phase of path planning, a heuristic bidirectional searching algorithm is proposed to plan the paths of workers. The proposed heuristic algorithm can leverage the current remaining resources to explore a possibility in the near future, which improves the performance of the searching. Compared with two baseline algorithms and the optimal solution, our proposed heuristic algorithm outperforms the baseline algorithms and approaches the optimal solution.
- In the phase of incentive mechanism design, a truthful mechanism is designed for the platform, which is proved to be computationally efficient, individually rational, and truthful. It is worth pointing out that the proposed mechanism is truthful not only in the task sets of workers but also in the cost bids of workers. To evaluate the proposed mechanism, the well-known Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) mechanism is considered as a baseline and the results show that the proposed mechanism spends a smaller total payment than the VCG mechanism with the same performance.
2. Related Work and Technical Background
2.1. Incentive Mechanism Design
2.2. Task Allocation
3. System Model and Problem Formulations
3.1. System Model
3.2. Path Planning
3.3. Incentive Mechanism Design
3.4. Computational Hardness
4. Solutions to Formulated Problems
4.1. Heuristic Bidirectional Searching Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Heuristic bidirectional searching algorithm. | ||
Input: | T (set of tasks), (worker ), (locations of tasks), (departure of worker ), (destination of worker ), (maximum travelling distance of worker ), (maximum enegy cost of worker ), (energy costs of tasks), (original values of tasks) | |
Output: | (travelling path of worker ) | |
4.2. Truthful Incentive Mechanism
Algorithm 2: Truthful incentive mechanism. | ||
Input: | (original values of tasks), (task sets in bids), (costs in bids), B (cost budget) | |
Output: | (indications of winners), (payments to workers) | |
- Case 1:. In this case, since worker includes tasks that it cannot complete in set , the cost bid can be infinitely large according to Equation (3) if the platform detects and punishes such cheating behaviour. As shown in two sub-cases, worker loses anyway by bidding and its utility cannot be improved regardless of whether it wins or loses by bidding truthfully.
- (i)
- When worker loses by bidding truthfully, its utility is 0, which is the same as that by bidding .
- (ii)
- When worker wins by bidding truthfully, the utility is non-negative, which is reduced to 0 if it bids .
- Case 2: and .In this case, since , we have according to Equation (10). Then, , further because . That is, worker cannot improve its marginal value contribution per cost by bidding . As a result, worker cannot change from lose to win by manipulation. Next, we consider three remaining sub-cases if worker lies and changes from lose to lose, from win to lose, and from win to win.
- (i)
- If worker loses by bidding truthfully and still loses by bidding , its utility is unchanged as 0.
- (ii)
- If worker wins by bidding truthfully, its utility is non-negative. If worker changes from win to lose by bidding , its utility reduces to 0 and is not improved by lying.
- (iii)
- If worker changes from win to win by bidding , according to Equation (11), its utility depends on its payment since the worker utility is always based on the unchanged true cost . In its payment determination, since , we have , and further . Thus, the temporary payment by biding is not larger than that by bidding in all steps. Therefore, the final payment by bidding is not larger than that by bidding , and its utility is not improved by untruthful bidding .
- Case 3: and . In this case, we consider four sub-cases depending on whether worker loses or wins when bidding truthfully and untruthfully.
- (i)
- If worker wins by bidding truthfully, its utility is non-negative. When worker changes from win to lose by bidding , its utility is decreased to 0.
- (ii)
- If worker changes from win to win by bidding , its utility cannot be improved as proved in Case 2, as the payment of worker does not depend on its cost bid .
- (iii)
- If worker loses by bidding truthfully, its utility is 0. When worker changes from lose to lose by bidding , its utility is still 0.
- (iv)
- If worker changes from lose to win by bidding , we need to evaluate the change of its utility. Assume that the maximum temporary payment is obtained at the z-th step in its virtual auction. Then, we have , since according to Equation (10). As we already know that worker loses by bidding in the winner selection, we can obtain at the z-th step of the winner selection. We can rewrite it as because and are the same before the z-th step. Thus, we have . Therefore, . As seen, the utility of worker is reduced to be negative by bidding .
5. Numerical Results and Discussion
5.1. Baselines for Path Planning
5.2. VCG Mechanism
5.3. Simulation Settings
5.4. Result of Path Planning
5.5. Result of Incentive Mechanism
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Notations | Definitions | Notations | Definitions |
T | Set of tasks | Path and true data set of worker i | |
Task j | B | Budget of total cost | |
W | Set of workers | Data set in the bid of worker i | |
Worker i | Cost in the bid of worker i | ||
Original value of task j | True cost of worker i | ||
Energy cost of task j | True cost per distance of worker i | ||
Intrinsic path’s length of worker i | Winner assignment of worker i | ||
Energy limit of worker i | Number of competitors for task j | ||
Maximum travelling distance of worker i | Cumulative value of task j |
Parameter | Value |
Number of tasks m | 30 |
Number of workers n | 10 |
Energy cost of tasks | |
Original value of tasks | |
Maximum travelling distance of workers | |
Energy limit of workers | 30 |
True cost per distance of workers | 1 |
Cost budget of the platform B | 500 |
Mechanism | Winner Selection |
Proposed mechanism | |
VCG mechanism | |
Optimal solution |
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Share and Cite
Tao, X.; Song, W. Efficient Path Planning and Truthful Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing. Sensors 2018, 18, 4408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18124408
Tao X, Song W. Efficient Path Planning and Truthful Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing. Sensors. 2018; 18(12):4408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18124408
Chicago/Turabian StyleTao, Xi, and Wei Song. 2018. "Efficient Path Planning and Truthful Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing" Sensors 18, no. 12: 4408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18124408
APA StyleTao, X., & Song, W. (2018). Efficient Path Planning and Truthful Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing. Sensors, 18(12), 4408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18124408