Essential Role of COPII Proteins in Maintaining the Contractile Ring Anchoring to the Plasma Membrane during Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiosis
"> Figure 1
<p>Phase-contrast images of spermatids derived from spermatocytes harboring the silencing of mRNAs for components consisting of COPII coat and regulators for its assembly. (<b>A</b>–<b>G</b>) Phase-contrast images of living spermatids at onion stage. (<b>A</b>) Control (<span class="html-italic">bam>+</span>) spermatids. Each cell contains a single nucleus (white) and a single Nebenkern, which is a mitochondrial aggregate (black) in a 1:1 ratio. The arrowheads indicate multinucleate cells harboring more than two nuclei and single Nebenkerns. The arrows indicate large cells in which two multinucleated cells have fused. (<b>B</b>) Spermatids that developed from <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sar1RNAi</span>). They possessed four or more than four nuclei with single Nebenkerns. (<b>C</b>) Spermatids derived from <span class="html-italic">Sec23RNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Dcr-2</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sec23RNAi</span>). (<b>D</b>) Multinucleate spermatids derived from <span class="html-italic">Sec24CDRNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Dcr-2</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sec24CDRNAi</span>). An arrow indicates a large cell in which two multinucleated cells have fused. (<b>E</b>) Spermatids derived from <span class="html-italic">Sec13RNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Dcr-2</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sec13RNAi</span>). (<b>F</b>) Spermatids derived from <span class="html-italic">Sec31RNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sec31RNAi</span>). (<b>G</b>) Spermatids derived from <span class="html-italic">Sec16RNAi</span> spermatocytes (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sec16RNAi</span>). Bar, 10 µm. (<b>H</b>) Frequencies of control spermatids (single nuclei) and multinucleated spermatids (harboring two to more than four nuclei) at onion stage in the testes containing spermatocyte-specific silencing of COPII-related six genes. The bars represent the SEM, n > 107.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Co-localization and close association of two COPII components in pre-meiotic and meiotic spermatocytes. (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Observation of spermatocytes expressing both RFP-Sec13 and Sec31-GFP before (<b>A</b>) and during meiosis I (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>). The RFP fluorescence (red in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>), white in (<b>A</b>’–<b>D</b>’)). GFP fluorescence (green in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and (<b>A</b>’’–<b>D</b>’’)). DNA staining with DAPI (blue in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and (<b>A</b>’’’–<b>D</b>’’’). (<b>A</b>–<b>A</b>’’’) Spermatocyte at interphase. Yellow foci indicate co-localization of Sec13 and Sec31 (arrowheads). (<b>B</b>–<b>B</b>’’’) Spermatocyte at late anaphase. (<b>C</b>–<b>C</b>’’’) Spermatocyte at early telophase. (<b>D</b>–<b>D</b>’’’) Spermatocyte at mid-telophase. Scale bar: 10 µm. (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) In situ PLA signals (red in (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) and (<b>E</b>’,<b>F</b>’)) of normal spermatocytes expressing RFP-Sec13 (green in (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) and in (<b>E</b>”,<b>F</b>”)) to detect close association of Sec23 with Sec13. DNA staining with DAPI (blue in (<b>E</b>–<b>H</b>) and (<b>E</b>’’’–<b>H</b>’’’). (<b>E</b>) In situ PLA of the spermatocytes with both anti-Sec23 and anti-RFP antibodies, with magnified image of area shown in the inset. (<b>F</b>) Negative control for in situ PLA of cells with anti-RFP antibody. Few PLA signals appear in the spermatocytes. Scale bar: 10 μm. (<b>G</b>,<b>H</b>) Anti-Sec16 immunostaining (green in (<b>G</b>,<b>H</b>), white in (<b>G</b>’’,<b>H</b>’’)) of spermatocytes expressing RFP-Sec13 (red in (<b>G</b>,<b>H</b>) and (<b>G</b>’,<b>H</b>’)) in normal control (<b>G</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span> spermatocyte (<b>H</b>) at anaphase I to telophase I. DNA staining with DAPI (blue in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and (<b>A</b>’’–<b>D</b>’’). Arrowheads indicate accumulation of COPII-containing foci in two cytoplasmic bands running from top to bottom of telophase cell. Bars: 10 μm. (<b>I</b>,<b>J</b>) Number (<b>I</b>) and size (<b>J</b>) of Sec13-positive foci in spermatocytes before meiosis (Interphase) and those undergoing meiosis I (meiosis). Control (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Sec13</span>) (n = 29 cells) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span> (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Sec13</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span>) (n = 40 cells). (<b>K</b>) Number of Sec13 foci in spermatocytes at telophase I. Control (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Sec13</span>) (n = 44 cells) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span> cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Sec13</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span>) (n = 51 cells). Bars represent the SEM. **** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.0001 (Welch’s <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Time-lapse imaging of plasma membrane ingression during late anaphase I to the end of cytokinesis in male meiosis I. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) Time-lapse observation of the plasma membrane labeled with GFP in meiosis I cells expressing <span class="html-italic">GFP-PLC</span>γ-<span class="html-italic">PH</span>. The observation started from the time when the ingression of the plasma membrane was initiated at the cell equator (t = 0′). (<b>A</b>) control cell (<span class="html-italic">bam>PLC</span>γ-<span class="html-italic">PH-GFP</span>). The membrane ingression terminates at 24 min after the start at CF sites. (<b>B</b>) The <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>PLC</span>γ-<span class="html-italic">PH-GFP</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span>). The ingression initiated at the cell equator of the silencing cell, terminates at the middle (t = 31′), and returns to its original state (t = 47′). Bar: 10 µm. (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) Time-lapse alteration in the distance between the edges of the CFs in control (<span class="html-italic">bam>+</span>) (<b>C</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sar1RNAi</span>) (<b>D</b>) spermatocytes from late anaphase to the end of meiosis I. The recording was terminated at the point when the furrowing was completed or when no more changes in the cell diameter were observed in a control cell (<span class="html-italic">bam>PLC</span>γ-<span class="html-italic">PH-GFP</span>) or the <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>PLC</span>γ-<span class="html-italic">PH-GFP</span>, <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span>) (n = 5). The length of each cell is represented by a different color.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Abnormal localization of contractile ring components in <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced spermatocytes at later stages of meiosis I. (<b>A</b>–<b>H</b>) Observation of the CRs using fluorescence-tagged CR proteins (Ring) in spermatocytes at late anaphase I to telophase I. (<b>A</b>,<b>E</b>) Immunostaining of the cells expressing GFP-MLC (green in (<b>A</b>,<b>A</b>’’,<b>E</b>,<b>E</b>’’)) with anti-Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC) antibody (red in (<b>A</b>,<b>A</b>’,<b>E</b>,<b>E</b>’)). (<b>B</b>,<b>F</b>) Fluorescence of the cells stained with Rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin to visualize F-actin (red in (<b>B</b>,<b>B</b>’,<b>F</b>,<b>F</b>’)). (<b>C</b>,<b>G</b>) Fluorescence of the cells expressing Septin 1-GFP (green in (<b>C</b>,<b>C</b>’,<b>G</b>,<b>G</b>’)). (<b>D</b>,<b>H</b>) Fluorescence of the cells expressing RFP-Anillin (red in (<b>D</b>,<b>D</b>’,<b>H</b>,<b>H</b>’)). (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Normal control cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>+</span>). (<b>E</b>–<b>H</b>) <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sar1RNAi</span>). DNA staining with DAPI (blue in (<b>A</b>–<b>H</b>) and (<b>A</b>’’’, <b>B</b>”–<b>D</b>”, <b>E</b>’’’, <b>F</b>”–<b>H</b>”). (<b>I</b>,<b>J</b>) Time-lapse observation of contractile ring (CR) formation in the spermatocytes expressing MLC-GFP at anaphase I to cytokinesis in male meiosis. Control (<b>I</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced spermatocytes (<b>J</b>) were selected for visualization. In control cells, the MLC was accumulated at presumptive CF sites on the plasma membrane immediately before ingression (t = 0′), and the membrane ingression completed 15 min after the initiation of ingression. (<b>J</b>) In <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells, the CR is constructed as in control cells (t = 36′). Thereafter, it was removed from the CF site on the lower plasma membrane, and the ingression returned to the initial state (t = 32′). The time-lapse observation was initiated at late anaphase I in both cells when the fluorescence of MLC-GFP became clearer (t = 0′) in both genotypes. (<b>K</b>–<b>N</b>) Time-lapse observation of the Septin1 CR (<b>K</b>,<b>L</b>) and the Anillin ring (<b>M</b>,<b>N</b>) from anaphase I just before the plasma membrane ingression at the cleavage furrow sites (white in Septin1-GFP) (t = 0 min) to the end of cytokinesis. Normal control spermatocyte (<b>K</b>,<b>M</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1RNAi</span> spermatocyte (<b>L</b>,<b>N</b>). (<b>O</b>,<b>P</b>) Frequencies of the spermatocytes harboring an abnormal Anillin ring (<b>O</b>) or Septin1 ring (<b>P</b>) at late telophase I spermatocytes from control (<span class="html-italic">bam>+</span>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sar1RNAi</span>) spermatocytes. The bars represent the SEM. Black bars: the telophase I cells harboring normal CRs. Gray bars: the telophase I cells harboring abnormally shaped CRs. Bars, 10 µm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p><span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-dependent formation and distribution of DE-cad-GFP foci during the later stages of meiosis. (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Observation of DE-cad-containing vesicles in the control (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) spermatocytes expressing DE-cad-GFP before meiosis (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>) and at telophase I (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>). DE-cad (green in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and (<b>A</b>’–<b>D</b>’)). DNA staining (blue in (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and (<b>A</b>’’–<b>D</b>’’)). (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) Overexposed images. (<b>E</b>) Time-lapse observation of GFP fluorescence in living spermatocytes expressing GFP-DE-cad (white in (<b>E</b>)) during the later stages of meiosis I. As meiosis progresses, DE-cad-containing vesicles, indicated by arrowheads (t = 0′), migrated toward another vesicle at the cell equator (t = 24′–27′). (<b>F</b>) Time-lapse observation of DE-cad foci in living <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced spermatocyte. According to the phase contrast micrographs of the cells (<b>E</b>’,<b>F</b>’), the cell margins are encircled by dotted lines. Arrows indicate a migration of the same vesicle in the periphery of a right spindle pole toward another vesicle at the cell equator as meiosis progresses. Note that few of the DE-cad vesicles were contained in the <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cell except for a weak and constant signal on the astral and spindle envelopes. (<b>G</b>) Average numbers of DE-cad-GFP foci in control (<span class="html-italic">bam>+</span>, <span class="html-italic">DE-cad-GFP</span>) (n = 58) and <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced spermatocytes undergoing meiosis I (<span class="html-italic">bam>Sar1RNAi</span>, <span class="html-italic">DE-cad-GFP</span>) (n = 62). The bars represent the SEM. Significance was tested between control cells and the <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells in meiosis I. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Welch’s <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A loss of the plasma membrane newly added in the cleavage furrow by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) in <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced spermatocytes at telophase I. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) A visualization of the plasma membrane stained with fluorescence-tagged WGA of the spermatocytes expressing RFP-tagged Anillin. The RFP-Anillin indicates the location of the CR in control (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Anillin</span>) (<b>A</b>) and in <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells (<span class="html-italic">bam>RFP-Sar1RNAi</span>, <span class="html-italic">RFP-Anillin</span>) (<b>B</b>) At telophase I. Note that the WGA signal is invisible in the cell midzone except for a weaker signal along the plasma membrane in the silenced cells, while the intense signal is mainly localized around the CR in control cells. WGA staining (green in (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>), white in (<b>A</b>’,<b>B</b>’)), RFP-Anillin (red in (<b>A</b>,<b>A</b>’’,<b>B</b>,<b>B</b>’’)), and DNA (blue in (<b>A</b>,<b>A</b>’’’,<b>B</b>,<b>B</b>’’’)). (<b>C</b>) Frequencies of cells exhibiting no or reduced WGA signals (gray bars) and distinctive signals (black bars) in the midzone among the telophase I cells in control and the <span class="html-italic">Sar1</span>-silenced cells (n = 36 telophase I cells in total in both control and the silenced cells). The bars represent the SEM.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Multi-Nuclear Cells in the Spermatid Cysts Derived from Spermatocytes That Harbored Silencing of mRNAs Encoding COPII Coatomer Proteins
2.2. Sar1-Dependent COPII Foci Containing Sec13 and Sec23 or Sec31 in Spermatocytes before and during Male Meiosis
2.3. Co-Localization of COPII-Containing Foci with cis-Golgi Marker and Their Dynamic Astral Microtubule-Dependent Distribution in Meiotic Cells
2.4. Sar1 Silencing Did Not Affect Furrowing Initiation
2.5. Sar1 Silencing Led to Abnormal Contractile-Actomyosin and Anilloseptin Ring Localization at the Cell Equator in Telophase I
2.6. Sar1-Dependent Formation of Vesicles Containing DE-Cadherin in Spermatocytes and Their Accumulation in the Cleavage Furrow Sites during Male Meiosis
2.7. COPII Depletion Disrupted Novel Membrane Insertion into CF Sites during Cytokinesis
3. Discussion
3.1. COPII-Coated Vesicles Are Indispensable for Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiotic Division
3.2. COPII-Coated Vesicles Are Essential for the Continuous Ingression of the Cleavage Furrow While Coordinating with CR Constriction in Cytokinesis
3.3. Sar1-Dependent DE-Cadherin-Containing Vesicles Accumulate around the CR
3.4. Involvement of COPII Vesicles in the Supply of Membrane Components to Newly Added Plasma Membrane Connected to the Constricting CR
3.5. Comparing the Role of Coatomer-Mediated Transport in Mitosis and Drosophila Male Meiosis and between COPI- and COPII-Mediated Transport in Male Meiosis
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Drosophila Stocks
4.2. Establishment of the Fly Stock to Express RFP-Tagged Sec13
4.3. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) Analysis
4.4. Preparation of Post-Meiotic Spermatid Cysts
4.5. Immunostaining
4.6. In Situ Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA)
4.7. Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Staining
4.8. Time-Lapse Observation of Male Meiotic Cells
4.9. Statistical Analysis
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Matsuura, Y.; Kaizuka, K.; Inoue, Y.H. Essential Role of COPII Proteins in Maintaining the Contractile Ring Anchoring to the Plasma Membrane during Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiosis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 4526.
Matsuura Y, Kaizuka K, Inoue YH. Essential Role of COPII Proteins in Maintaining the Contractile Ring Anchoring to the Plasma Membrane during Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(8):4526.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMatsuura, Yoshiki, Kana Kaizuka, and Yoshihiro H. Inoue. 2024. "Essential Role of COPII Proteins in Maintaining the Contractile Ring Anchoring to the Plasma Membrane during Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiosis" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 8: 4526.
APA StyleMatsuura, Y., Kaizuka, K., & Inoue, Y. H. (2024). Essential Role of COPII Proteins in Maintaining the Contractile Ring Anchoring to the Plasma Membrane during Cytokinesis in Drosophila Male Meiosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(8), 4526.