Hidden Markov Neural Networks
<p>On the left: The conditional independence structure of an HMM. On the right: The conditional independence structure of an FHMM.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Performance on a validation set of a Bayes by Backprop with and without variational DropConnect. The plot on the bottom is a zoom-in of the plot on the top.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>First row, well-separated “two moons”. Second row, overlapping “two moons”. Different columns are associated with different time steps. Different colours are associated with different labels.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>First row, well-separated “two moons”. Second row, overlapping “two moons”. Different columns are associated with different time steps. The plot shows the length of the 95% credible interval. The blue and yellow surface is the probability of prediction on the second class. Different coloured dots are associated with different labels.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>First row, well-separated “two moons”. Second row, overlapping “two moons”. Different columns are associated with different time steps. The blue and yellow surface is the probability prediction on the second class. Pink- and grey-shaded surfaces represent the 95% credible intervals.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Mean of the approximate posterior distributions over 700 steps, where credible intervals were built from multiple runs. Orange stands for <math display="inline"><semantics> <msubsup> <mi>w</mi> <mi>t</mi> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mn>1</mn> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </msubsup> </semantics></math>, blue stands for <math display="inline"><semantics> <msubsup> <mi>w</mi> <mi>t</mi> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mn>2</mn> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </msubsup> </semantics></math> and green is used for the bias. On the top, the HMNN. On the bottom, adaption with the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process from [<a href="#B9-entropy-27-00168" class="html-bibr">9</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>On the top, performances on a held-out validation set over time of the evolving classifiers obtained with different algorithms [<a href="#B9-entropy-27-00168" class="html-bibr">9</a>]. BBP refers to Bayes by Backprop trained sequentially. BBP (T = 1) refers to the training of Bayes by Backprop on the whole dataset. On the bottom, in brown, the evolution in time of the probability <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>f</mi> <mi>t</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> of choosing the labeller <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="script">C</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> </semantics></math>, and in yellow, the value <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mn>0.5</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Columns show the prediction for different algorithms, with the last two being the last frame seen and the target frame. Rows display different time steps.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Hidden Markov Neural Networks
2.1. Filtering Algorithm for HMNN
2.2. Sequential Reparameterization Trick
Algorithm 1 Approximate filtering recursion |
Set: |
for do |
Initialize: |
repeat |
Estimate the gradient ∇ with (11) evaluated in |
Update the parameters: |
until Maximum number of iterations |
Set: |
end for |
Return: |
2.3. Gaussian Case
2.4. Performance and Uncertainty Quantification
3. Related Work
3.1. Combining NNs and HMMs
3.2. Bayesian DropConnect and DropOut
3.3. Bayesian Filtering
3.4. Continual Learning
4. Experiments
4.1. Variational DropConnect
4.2. Illustration: Two Moons Dataset
4.3. Concept Drift: Logistic Regression
4.4. Concept Drift: Evolving Classifier on MNIST
- We define two labellers: , naming each digit with its label in MNIST; , labelling each digit with its MNIST’s label shifted by one unit, i.e., 0 is classified as 1, 1 is classified as 2, …, 9 is classified as 0.
- We consider 19 time steps where each time step t is associated with a probability and a portion of the MNIST’s dataset .
- At each time step t, we randomly label each digit in with either or according to the probabilities .
4.5. One-Step-Ahead Prediction for Flag Waving
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
HMM | Hidden Markov Model |
HMNN | Hidden Markov Neural Network |
NN | Neural Network |
ELBO | Evidence Lower Bound |
Appendix A. Formulae Derivation
Appendix B. Experiments
- Appendix B.1 treats the experiment on variational DropConnect;
- Appendix B.3 describes the application to the evolving classifier;
- Appendix B.4 considers the video texture of a waving flag.
Appendix B.1. Variational DropConnect
Appendix B.2. Two Moons Dataset
Appendix B.3. Evolving Classifier on MNIST
- We preprocessed the data by dividing each pixel by 126. We then defined two labellers: , naming each digit with its label in MNIST; , labelling each digit with its MNIST’s label shifted by one unit, i.e., 0 is classified as 1, 1 is classified as 2, …, 9 is classified as 0.
- We considered 19 time steps where each time step t is associated with a probability and a portion of the MNIST’s dataset . The probability of choosing evolves as follows:
- At each time step t, we randomly labelled each digit in with either or according to the probabilities .
- Sequential Bayes by Backprop. At each time step t, we trained for 100 epochs on . The parameters are . The Bayesian NN at time t was initialized with the previous estimates .
- Bayes by Backprop on the whole dataset. We trained for 100 epochs on the whole dataset (no time dimension; the sample size was 190,000) a Bayesian NN with Bayes by Backprop. The parameters are .
- Elastic Weight Consolidation. At each time step t, we trained for 100 epochs on . The tuning parameter was chosen from the grid 10,000} through the validation set and the metric (A6). We found that ADAM worked better, and hence, we trained with it. Recall that this method is not Bayesian, but it is a well-known baseline for continual learning.
- Variational Continual Learning. At each time step t, we trained for 100 epochs on . We chose the learning rate from the grid through validation and the metric (A6). The training was pursued without the use of a coreset because we were not comparing rehearsal methods.
Appendix B.4. One-Step-Ahead Prediction for Flag Waving
- Sequential Bayes by Backprop. At each time step t, we trained on the current sliding window for 150 epochs. The parameter was chosen with grid search and . We found that other choices of did not improve the performance. The Bayesian neural network at time t was initialized with the estimates at time .
- Sequential DropConnect. At each time step t, we trained on the current sliding window for 150 epochs. The learning rate was chosen with grid search using the validation score. The neural network at time t was initialized with the estimates at time . This is not a Bayesian method.
- LSTM. We chose a window size of 36 and the learning rate with grid search using the validation score. This is not a Bayesian method.
- Trivial predictor. We predicted frame t with frame . We decided to include this trivial baseline because it is an indicator of overfitting on the current window.
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Notation | Meaning |
hidden weights of an NN and observed data at time t | |
Markov transition kernel of the weights of the NN | |
probability distribution of the data given the weights | |
v | a weight of the NN, also used to represent marginal quantities |
filtering distribution and its approximation at time t | |
prediction operator and correction operator at time t | |
operator that minimizes the KL-divergence on the class | |
variational approximation and its parameters | |
transformation function in the reparameterization trick | |
scale mixture of Gaussian probability of weight v | |
scale mixture of Gaussian mean of weight v at time t | |
scale mixture of Gaussian standard dev. of weight v at time t | |
scale mixture of Gaussian probability of transition kernel | |
scale mixture of Gaussian stationary mean of transition kernel | |
scale mixture of Gaussian mean scaling of transition kernel | |
scale mixture of Gaussian big-jump standard dev. of transition kernel | |
scale mixture of Gaussians small-jump standard dev. of transition kernel |
Parameter Value | Accuracy |
[7] |
Model | Accuracy |
BBP (T = 1) | |
VCL | |
EWC | |
BBP | |
Kurle et al. [9] | |
Model | |
Trivial Predictor | 0.2162 |
LSTM | 0.2080 |
DropConnect | 0.2063 |
BBP | 0.1932 |
HMNN | 0.1891 |
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Rimella, L.; Whiteley, N. Hidden Markov Neural Networks. Entropy 2025, 27, 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27020168
Rimella L, Whiteley N. Hidden Markov Neural Networks. Entropy. 2025; 27(2):168. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27020168
Chicago/Turabian StyleRimella, Lorenzo, and Nick Whiteley. 2025. "Hidden Markov Neural Networks" Entropy 27, no. 2: 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27020168
APA StyleRimella, L., & Whiteley, N. (2025). Hidden Markov Neural Networks. Entropy, 27(2), 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27020168