Unofficial parody remake of Tom Maneiro's CrazyBus (2004) on Sega Genesis.
It's only a fun project and might receive updates according to feedback.
How to Install
Actually, you don't need to install the game. Just extract the files to an empty folder from the zip file you downloaded and launch CrazyBusRemake.exe to play!
If you encounter any problem when launching the game, go to "...\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us" folder and install "UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe"
If it's still not working, your system might not be able to run the game. The game was made using Unreal Engine 5.4 so low-end systems might not be able to run the game.
How to Play
Gamepad is not supported. You need a keyboard to play and need a mouse to navigate through the main menu.
- Press D to move forward
- Press A to brake / move backward
- Press Space Bar to use handbrake
- Press H to honk
- Press X / ESC to exit to main menu