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In which an announcement is made; an e-book is released; small news is given on another project; and a "thank you" is said.

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Greetings and salutations!

This week, in place of a screenshot, I will simply post the logo for A Door to the Mists:

User Posted Image

Let it be a book-end to the project.

Because, with a heavy heart, I hereby announce that A Door to the Mists... is cancelled.

In short, with no publishers expressing interest in taking on and thus supporting the project, I fear that it's no longer viable for me.

Should that someday change, perhaps I will take it up again, and indeed I've thrown almost nothing away, I believe. But as things stand I've boxed it up, and shelved it.

A Door to the Mists has been my primary project for... well, for a long time now. It has been, and remains, something special to me.

And I've learned, I believe, over the course of my work on it. I have (I hope) a better appreciation for scope. I've improved (I think, at least) in various skills. And I've developed code-modules that remain useful to me--in some cases very much so.

In closing the project, let me leave you with one more thing:

Before I began A Door to the Mists, before indeed I found the concept for it, I wrote a short story in its setting. Indeed, it was in this story that I originally found the setting.

As the story was written for a small writing competition on a forum that I frequent, I made it freely available, and so first publication was out of the window.

But with A Door to the Mists I've long had it in mind to include this story as a freebie, and to that end put together a PDF e-book version. After all, it may not be directly part of the story, but it does take place in the same setting, and involves the mist-world.

And so, with A Door to the Mists cancelled, let me at least release that story today. I will likely post tweet it out too, but here is a link at which the story should be available:

So, I've mentioned before, I believe, that I've been working on a pivot-project. I'm still not yet ready to reveal it, and in any case I don't want to distract too much from A Door to the Mists in this post. Let me for now only say, then, that I feel that it's progressing, and that I want to start up a dev-log for it sometime soon.

And finally, let me say thank you, to all of you who have read any of these devlog posts. Know that it has been appreciated.

So, that, then, is all--for this week, and for these devlog posts, it would seem. Stay well, and thank you for reading! ^_^

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