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Q'eros: The Shape of Survival (Qeros: The Shape of Survival) (1979)

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Q (54 items)
list by samira
Published 8 years, 1 month ago 1 comment

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Q'eros: The Shape of Survival paints an engaging portrait of a tribe living in the Peruvian Andes which was once the home of the Incas. Filmmaker Jeff Cohen captures the rhythms and rituals of their lives in this beautiful but harsh environment. The Qโ€™eros Indians tend flocks of alpacas and llamas as they have done for centuries. Three times a year they make offerings to the spirits for the health and safety of the alpacas and llamas. What comes across is their respect and affection for the animals which play a major role in their survival.
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samira added this to a list 8 years, 1 month ago
Q (54 movies items)