Orpheus (Orphée) (1950)
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A classic
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“Since this movie has a really strong reputation (it is included in the ‘1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die’ list among other things), I was quite eager to check it out. By now, it was the 3rd movie I saw directed by Jean Cocteau and I guess I’m starting to get more familiar with his surrealist vibe. Recently, I also watched ‘La belle et la bête’ by Cocteau but, even if it did like it, to be honest, it didn’t really blow me away though. In fact, I thought this other directing effort by Cocteau was actually much more intriguing. Sure, visually speaking, it was less fancy than ‘La belle et la bête’ but Cocteau still had some neat tricks in this area but, as far as I was concerned, it wasn’t the most interesting thing about this movie. Basically, he took an ancient ” read more
" Notes: By now, it was the 3rd movie I saw directed by Jean Cocteau and I guess I’m starting to get more familiar with his surrealist vibe. Recently, I also watched ‘La belle et la bête’ by Cocteau but, even if it did like it, to be honest, it didn’t really blow me away though. In fact, I thought this other directing effort by Cocteau was actually much more intriguing. Sure, visually speaking, it was less fancy than ‘La belle et la bête’ but Cocteau still had some neat tricks in t"
" Notes: By now, it was the 3rd movie I saw directed by Jean Cocteau and I guess I’m starting to get more familiar with his surrealist vibe. Recently, I also watched ‘La belle et la bête’ by Cocteau but, even if it did like it, to be honest, it didn’t really blow me away though. In fact, I thought this other directing effort by Cocteau was actually much more intriguing. Sure, visually speaking, it was less fancy than ‘La belle et la bête’ but Cocteau still had some neat tricks in t"
"Sadun ja unen logiikoilla pelaileva taide-elokuva sanan vanhassa ja viattomassa merkityksessä. Jälleen uusi luku loppumattomassa tarinassa nimeltään Olisi pitänyt nähdä elokuvateatterissa."
"Forma parte de una trilogía del mismo nombre, no importa, esta película es autonclusiva y no es necesario ver a las otras. Es una película de fantasía muy original, tanto su concepto como sus efectos especiales. Es extraña, inspiradora y melancólica. Los diálogos son poesía. Tiene una historia simple y ya muy vista, pero sabe como darle un giro diferente. Es de esos filmes que se notan estar hechos con amor."
"Cocteaun versiointi klassisesta kreikkastoorista on juurikin sen näköinen, kuin tekijöiltään voisi voisi odottaa. Upean näköinen, mutta jokin tässä silitti minua vastakarvaan. Ehkä olen liian välillä näissä vapauksia ottavissa antiikin tulkinnoissa."
" Notes: By now, it was the 3rd movie I saw directed by Jean Cocteau and I guess I’m starting to get more familiar with his surrealist vibe. Recently, I also watched ‘La belle et la bête’ by Cocteau but, even if it did like it, to be honest, it didn’t really blow me away though. In fact, I thought this other directing effort by Cocteau was actually much more intriguing. Sure, visually speaking, it was less fancy than ‘La belle et la bête’ but Cocteau still had some neat tricks in t"
" Notes: By now, it was the 3rd movie I saw directed by Jean Cocteau and I guess I’m starting to get more familiar with his surrealist vibe. Recently, I also watched ‘La belle et la bête’ by Cocteau but, even if it did like it, to be honest, it didn’t really blow me away though. In fact, I thought this other directing effort by Cocteau was actually much more intriguing. Sure, visually speaking, it was less fancy than ‘La belle et la bête’ but Cocteau still had some neat tricks in t"
" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"
“Los textos, muy en caja, bien puestos en escena, le ganan a las imágenes salvo la slow motion de Marais guiado por Perier. Casares es siempre notable, es una sólida y a la vez frágil muerte. A seguir con la clave explicada en el comienzo, lo que no es muy auspicioso” read more
““A legend is entitled to be beyond time and place.” So says Jean Cocteau in a written prologue for his most direct wrestling with the Orpheus myth. Here, he makes not only edits and additions, but entirely new wrinkles and full scale revisions to the myth, these add layers of strangeness, poignancy, and the hint of autobiography. It towers over other fantasy films for the ways it grounds these elements in a solid structure. Cocteau managed to make something that was not only a personally revealing art film, but also a raucous piece of pop entertainment. Orpheus reconfigures its narrative from a story about a musician seducing the gods with his art into the story of a poet chasing his inspiration in the face of popularity, a eternally petulant teenager that becomes enamored wi” read more