Halloween Kills
list by diabolical dr voodoo
list by ToonHead2102
list by Drako Z
Halloween Kills Videos
Added 4 years ago
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Let Michael Rest In Peace
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"A bit too actiony, too John Wick-y. But very well done and unique and really has a unique spin on the slasher genre."
“Halloween Kills is a mindless splatter movie, and that's already all that the movie got for you - some well staged killings. The rest is a rather tiresome affair, including characters who I can't related to and don't care for. The story? Just filler time till Michael does his next job. Is it the worst Halloween movie? I don't know, because all those new additions of the late 90s and after 2k I watched only once and are hidden behind a dense cloud named oblivion. To be honest, I can't remember anything of those movies. Verdict: Halloween Kills won't get a recommendation, but if you just need some dose of splatter, you may give it a try. This one is for sure just made to milk an almost dead cow.” read more
"25.12. Netflix Reboot-trilogian keskimmäinen osa olisi ihan hauska tapaus rehellisenä väkivaltaelokuvana, sillä efektit näyttävät hyvältä ja väkivallan määrä on aika korkea, mutta ottaa itsensä ja pyrkimyksensä olla vakavaa elokuvaa naurettavan tosissaan. Ken tietää, nouseeko kyseinen naurettavuus vuosikymmenten perästä positiiviseksi seikaksi. Nyt lähinnä säälitti."
" 31 confirmed deaths 17 male 5 women 9 unknown firefighters Running time: 105 mins Number of kills: 31 Kills per average: 3.39 mins Favourite kill: Tommy Doyle. I definitely don’t miss him, now that he is gone. Coolest kill: Big John, who dies pretty badly. Lamest kill: Little John. He just dies off screen. Evil may not die tonight, but 31 people sure did! Survivors: Laurie Strode, Lindsey Wallace, Allyson Nelson, and Michael Myers"
" "EVIL DIES TONIGHT!" Directed by David Gordon Green Written by David Gordon Green, Scott Teems and Danny McBride Music by John Carpenter, Cody Carpenter and Daniel A. Davies Cinematography by Michael Simmonds Editing by Timothy Alverson"
“A great movie that, yes, it's not what Halloween should always be, not what's expected of this franchise, but it is something unique and it's nice that we had it. The downside is having Michael being too much a John Wick.” read more