The Street Fighter (Gekitotsu! Satsujin ken, The Streetfighter) (1974)
list by Severin Severin
list by hayabusa
list by Ipanema
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"13.4. Blu-ray Sonny Chiba pätkii ansiokkaasti ja verisesti pahiksia. Bruce Lee -jutuista poiketen Chiba on vähintään yhtä suuri pahis, kuin pätkimänsä pahikset."
" Date: 8/18/2021 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: The death of Sonny Chiba really upsets me because I grew up with his movies as a kid, and he was on my list of people who I would love to meet. In his honor, I decided to rewatch the first The Street Fighter movie on Blu-ray. The Street Fighter is still a fantastic movie in my opinion. I consider it to be one of the best martial arts movies that is not from Hong Kong. I love the raw and gritty fight scenes because they are very entertaining to w"
"Re-watch - Aug. 19th I had to watch something in honor of Sonny Chiba's passing, and since it was a weeknight I opted to watch the original The Street Fighter again. I've got a cheap DVD set that has it along with two of its sequels, though they're all dubbed versions. That's fine, but at some point I need to pick up a copy on Blu so I can watch the subtitled version. Thankfully his performance is mostly impressive due to his physicality, not so much his words, so I'm able to let it slide. I li"