Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin) (1988)
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A good movie
The film is so beautifully made, it's slow and surrealistic even though the setting is real. The angels are exactly what I think angel... read more
UPC: 027616887450
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" This Wim Wenders film centers around the story of two angels wandering in a mixture of post-war and modern Berlin. Invisible to humans, they nevertheless give their help and comfort to all the lonely and depressed souls they meet. Finally, after many centuries, one of the angels becomes unhappy with his immortal state and wishes to become human in order to experience the joys of everyday life. He meets a circus acrobat and finds in her the fufillment of all his mortal desires. He also di"
" This Wim Wenders film centers around the story of two angels wandering in a mixture of post-war and modern Berlin. Invisible to humans, they nevertheless give their help and comfort to all the lonely and depressed souls they meet. Finally, after many centuries, one of the angels becomes unhappy with his immortal state and wishes to become human in order to experience the joys of everyday life. He meets a circus acrobat and finds in her the fufillment of all his mortal desires. He also di"
"14.5 - Criterion Channel (Uudelleenkatselu) Päänäyttämönä toimiva Berliini on kuin yksi elokuvassa esiintyvistä roolihahmoista. Wenders hyödyntää kaupungin ikonisimpia monumentteja ja rakennuksia, jotka ovat muistona sen pitkästä ja värikkäästä historiasta. Nykyisyys esiintyy niin Berliinin muurissa kuin myös hämärässä ja punkahtavassa klubissa, jonne enkelimme haahuilee etsiessään ihmisyyttä. Elokuva onkin yksi vaikuttavimpia näkemiäni tapauksia, jossa kuvauslokaatioi"
" Points: 15 Chosen by: sdepy83 (6), fullfathom (9) Previous rank: it wasn't selected IMDB top 250 rank: not included"
" Notes: It is definitely one of the movies that I absolutely need to re-watch at some point. Still, I remember very well the first time I saw the damned thing. Indeed, at some point, I saw ‘Paris, Texas’, I was completely blown away by the whole thing and it immediately became one of the best movies I had ever seen. With this in mind, I was really eager to check Wim Wenders’s follow-up and since it had such a stellar reputation, I had some really high expectations. Well, to be honest, ev"
" Notes: It is definitely one of the movies that I absolutely need to re-watch at some point. Still, I remember very well the first time I saw the damned thing. Indeed, at some point, I saw ‘Paris, Texas’, I was completely blown away by the whole thing and it immediately became one of the best movies I had ever seen. With this in mind, I was really eager to check Wim Wenders’s follow-up and since it had such a stellar reputation, I had some really high expectations. Well, to be honest, ev"
" Notes: It is definitely one of the movies that I absolutely need to re-watch at some point. Still, I remember very well the first time I saw the damned thing. Indeed, at some point, I saw ‘Paris, Texas’, I was completely blown away by the whole thing and it immediately became one of the best movies I had ever seen. With this in mind, I was really eager to check Wim Wenders’s follow-up and since it had such a stellar reputation, I had some really high expectations. Well, to be honest, ev"