The Wall (2017)
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list by nathan
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An average movie
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“To be honest, I really had no idea what to expect from this flick but since I was directed by Doug Liman, I was quite eager to check it out. Like I said before, I didn’t know what this movie was about and it actually turned out to be a very minimalistic war movie with only one location and three characters. In fact, out of these three characters, one was dead fairly early on and the other one was actually a voice-over so the whole thing was pretty much a one-man show from Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Well, even though I have a weak spot for the genre, I wasn’t really impressed by this movie though. I mean, I won’t blame Taylor-Johnson, the guy once again delivered a really solid performance and I was even fairly impressed by John Cena even if he had here a rather small part. However, the co” read more
"Cok basit, inanilmaz sade, son derece amator ama cogu filmin basaramadigi seyi nefis basarmis. Merak. Suresi yeterince kisa, sikilmaya zamaniniz bile olmuyor fakat tek mekanda cekilmis olmasinin bazi dezavantajlari da yok degil ne yazik ki. Filmin icindeki amator ruh cok hosuma gitti ama tabiki filmin sonunu merak ederken bir cirpida gecti. Bolca anlamsiz diyalog olmasina ragmen tahmmul edilebilir. Bos bir zamanda izlenebilir cinsten."
" DVD- 1hr. 29min. First Viewing The Wall is slight, but it has some surprising power (at least until the last act). The first hour of the film is a tense, well-orchestrated minimalist thriller with great technical work from the crew and a strong performance from Aaron Taylor-Johnson; the last half-hour is, by comparison, pretty ludicrous, and lets so much of the tension down that had been expertly built. Even worse, the ending is a poor excuse for an ambiguous ending. A better film would've work"