Bicycle Thieves (1948) (Ladri di Biciclette)
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Bicycle Thieves (1948) Videos
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Unfathomably overrated.
I know I'm in the severe minority here, but The Bicycle Thief is a film I found to be just tolerable as opposed to great. The film is a poignant character study that was an intrepid move at the time of its release. Critics have hailed it as being an all-time classic and the film even won a special Oscar at the Academy Awards of 1949.
bicycle thieves
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Neorrealismo bien hecho
UPC: 014381457223
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" 2015: 388 2014: 387 2013: 385 2012: 381 2011: 380 2010: 374 2009: 371 2008: 364 2007: 355 2006: 359 2005: 367 2004: 370 2003: 418 2002: 465 "
"“The Bicycle Thief is such an important movie and such a devastatingly good movie, maybe the best foreign language film that I’ve seen…. Nonprofessional actors are not used to hitting marks or doing the kind of things that a pro actor would learn to do. So I think it’s all the more amazing that they were able to do it as quickly…and as well as they did.” -Robert Osborne “It is amazing how necessity is the mother of all this fantastic work they do…. I would love to have been on t"
“Mientras que algunas películas se centran en presentar una perspectiva desde el mundo de la gente altamente adinerada, mostrando el cómo los lujos, el hedonismo y la comodidad pueden hundir a un hombre en lo más bajo y la decadencia que para uno todo eso representa, existen otro tipo de cintas que, en su lugar, dan a entender una visión desde la otra cara de la moneda, es decir, desde la bajeza que representa la agonía que se vive entre los pobres.
Ladri di Biciclette, por ejemplo, nos enseña una realidad desde la misma miseria, dándonos una imagen bastante acertada acerca de la desesperación y decadencia que se vivía en aquellos tiempos en Italia.
Comenzando con el apartado técnico, he de decir que me pareció algo bien logrado por la obra.
Muchas d” read more
"1947 Top10 1. Ladri di biciclette 2. The Follen Idol 3. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 4. Rope 5. The Winslow Boy 6. Germania anno zero 7. The Snake Pit 8. Kaze no naka no mendori 9. Yoidore tenshi 10. The Search"
" 2014: 387 2013: 385 2012: 381 2011: 380 2010: 374 2009: 371 2008: 364 2007: 355 2006: 359 2005: 367 2004: 370 2003: 418 2002: 465 "
" Notes: To be honest, it has been a while since I have seen this flick and I should probably re-watch it at some point. Anyway, it is probably the most famous movie coming from the Italian neo-realist genre and since it is such a classic, I was really glad to finally watch the damned thing. Well, the first thing that stroke me was how simple the story actually was. However, even though it was a simple tale, I was actually impressed by how damned efficient it was. Indeed, I am often amazed and e"
" Notes: To be honest, it has been a while since I have seen this flick and I should probably re-watch it at some point. Anyway, it is probably the most famous movie coming from the Italian neo-realist genre and since it is such a classic, I was really glad to finally watch the damned thing. Well, the first thing that stroke me was how simple the story actually was. However, even though it was a simple tale, I was actually impressed by how damned efficient it was. Indeed, I am often amazed and e"