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Texasville Videos
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An average movie
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" The summer of 1984: 32 years after Duane Jackson captained the high school football team and Jacy Farrow was homecoming queen, the small town of Anarene, Texas prepares for its centennial celebration. Oil prices are down, banks are failing, and Duane's $12 million in debt. His wife Karla drinks too much, his children are always in trouble, and he tom-cats around with the wives of friends. Jacy's back in town, after a mildly successful acting career, life in Italy, and the death of her son. "
“Since I really enjoyed ‘The Last Picture Show’, I thought I might as well check this rather obscure sequel. Well, this movie was the perfect example that releasing a sequel 20 years after a stellar movie is not always a guarantee for success. First of all, I have to admit that it has been years since I saw ‘The Last Picture Show’ but I’m pretty sure the tone of this sequel didn’t match at all the tone of its predecessor. Another thing that bothered me was that, even though it was pretty neat that many characters came back for this sequel, I actually struggled to keep track on who was who and it didn’t help that so many names sounded so similar (Jacy, Sonny, Dickie, Shorty, Julie, Nellie, Suzie, Benny,…). Still, there were some interesting scenes, especially those involvin” read more