30 People List (wordsasbombs edition!!!)
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1 -Actor/Actress I Discovered Last Year
I had already seen her on community, but I really got into that show this year. That combined with the five year engagement has essentially transformer her into my new celebrity crush.
2 - An Underrated Actor/Actress
I don't know that he's that underrated, I mean he does well for himself, but I never hear him discussed as a great actor and I enjoy him alot.
3- Favorite TV show Actor
My desktop is a game of thrones re imagining of the last supper. Tyrion is Jesus. Enough said.
4- Favorite TV show Actress
Come on now, isn't she just the best?
5 - Hottest Actor
You don't have to be gay to recognize an attractive man. And Gosling is just that.
6 - Hottest Actress
7 - Favorite Smile
Remember Napoleon Dynamite? Well her smile in it always stuck with me.
8 - Favorite Eyes
An obvious choice in my humble opinion.
9 - Actor/Actress with a great voice
Don't ask me why, I don't really know.
10 - Actress That Will Succeed In The Future
Between kick ass and let me in, she absolutely stands out from the crowd.
11 - Actor/Actress that I changed my opinion on so
I never hated him, but I always though he was kind of a cheesy gimmick actor. Then I saw the wrestler and he made me cry.
12 - Actor/Actress that I hate
Here comes the boom AND zookeeper? Seriously, fuck that guy.
13 - Actor/Actress I have a huge crush on
Who doesn't?
14 - Actor/Actress no one expects me to love
Apparently a lot of people think he's a bad actor. Well, he's not the best, but I like him.
15 - Actor/Actress that I used to love but now I h
We were all kids once, and I used to find his schtick hilarious. Now it's just gotten old and his movies continue to get worse and worse, reaching abysmal levels.
16 - Actor/Actress that has disappointed me the mo
500 days of summer, inception, the dark knight rises and then -BAM- some shitty bicycle movie? What happened? You're better than that Joe! I hope Looper lives up to the hype so I can forgive him.
7 - Actor/Actress who is surprisingly good
Cage does ALOT of shit (National Treasure, Ghost Rider) but every once in a while he finds something he's truly suited to, such as The Weather Man.
18- Actor/Actress I wish played in more movies
She pretty much stole the show at the turn of the millenium with Ghost World and American Beauty, then dissapeared for the most part. I miss her.
19- Worst Actor/Actress
They're just awful. I don't even feel like they're acting, just being idiots while a camera happens to be around.
20- Actress that plays one of my favorite characte
If Kim Pines were real, I would propose to her right now. She'd say no, and then I would kill myself.
21- Actor that plays one of my favorite characters
It's not technically a character, but he played the role of Andy Kaufman, one of my favorite people of all time, in Man on the Moon.
22- Most overrated actor
He's not bad, but he's really not that great either. Just not for me, I guess.
23- Most overrated actress
I just don't get it. Over hyped in terms of talent and looks.
24- Favorite comedy actor/actress
Strange choice, he's not really known as a comic actor, but I think his dead pan humor is hilarious. See the fantastic mr. fox.
25- Actor/Actress I love, but everyone else seems
Consider him a guilty pleasure. I know he's not good, but he's just so...odd.
26- Actor/Actress I wish I could meet
He seems like an absolute psychopath, and I love me a good psycho.
27- Actor/Actress I never want to meet
I would feel awful for having to admit to him that everything he has ever done was awful, because he seems like a nice enough guy.
28- Actor/Actress that scares me!
Something just tells me that deep down inside of Ben Stiller is a murderous psychopath...
29- Favorite Actress
If I were a woman I would hate her for being so perfect.
30- Favorite Actor
What can I say? Consistently excellent.
30 questions answered with 30 people. Yeah, these 30 lists are kind of addictive. Inspired by CherryPotter.
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