Polyamorous & Poly-ish Movies
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Showing 1-50 of 52
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Here is a list of movies with a poly or open/honest multiple-relationship theme somewhere in there but NOT movies about cheating (unless the cheating leads to a more honest relationship style).
For the full set of guidelines for which movies make it to the list and which ones don't, visit www.PolyishMovieReviews.com and check out the very first episode for Episode Criteria.
These are movies I have personally watched and verified for the appropriate criteria. There may be more movies that fit the criteria that I haven't seen. To make or see poly movie suggestions that I have not reviewed yet visit www.listal.com/list/polyish-movies-to-watch
Most of these movies can be found on Netflix and I have reviewed many of these (and some others that didn't make the cut) at Poly-ish Movie Reviews.
Clicking on a movie poster to see that movie's description page has problems past the first "load more". For some reason, Listal removes the word "movie" from the URL. Each movie's address should read www.listal.com/movie/movie-title but if you click on a movie past the "load more" button, it says "www.listal.com//movie-title". So just type in the word "movie" between the double // to get to that movie's description page.
For the full set of guidelines for which movies make it to the list and which ones don't, visit www.PolyishMovieReviews.com and check out the very first episode for Episode Criteria.
These are movies I have personally watched and verified for the appropriate criteria. There may be more movies that fit the criteria that I haven't seen. To make or see poly movie suggestions that I have not reviewed yet visit www.listal.com/list/polyish-movies-to-watch
Most of these movies can be found on Netflix and I have reviewed many of these (and some others that didn't make the cut) at Poly-ish Movie Reviews.
Clicking on a movie poster to see that movie's description page has problems past the first "load more". For some reason, Listal removes the word "movie" from the URL. Each movie's address should read www.listal.com/movie/movie-title but if you click on a movie past the "load more" button, it says "www.listal.com//movie-title". So just type in the word "movie" between the double // to get to that movie's description page.
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