The evolution of Paul Newman
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When Time Ran Out... (1980)
character: Hank Anderson

Im sorry about the picture but this was probably the best i could find and also it looked so funny that i had no choice:D
Im sorry about the picture but this was probably the best i could find and also it looked so funny that i had no choice:D
The Towering Inferno (1974)
character: Doug Roberts

And for love of both Steve and Paul i just had to add this picture of them both laughing on the set with Faye Dunaway
And for love of both Steve and Paul i just had to add this picture of them both laughing on the set with Faye Dunaway
Rocconeverdies's rating:
Im trying to find a screenshot or capture from this role of his. It seems that it wasnt so big.
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Im sorry if the pictures arent great. Its very hard to find a picture from his less known movies. That in mind this was a great list to combine.
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