Another Decade
Batman (1970's)
The Lion King (1984)
Kung Fu Panda Trilogy (1988-1996)
Monsters, Inc. (1991)
Harry Potter (1981-1991)
The Revenant (1975)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1981)
Justice League (1980's)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (1960's)
The Avengers (1992)
Batman Begins (1985)
The Dark Knight (1988)
The Dark Knight Rises (1992)
Fight Club (1969)
Die Hard (1970's)
Batman (1960's)
The Revenant (1985)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2003)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (1975)
Django Unchained (1992)
Batman (1980's)
Inception (1980's)
The Terminator (1974)
Mad Max: Fury Road (1985)
12 Years a Slave (1993)
Breaking Bad (1988-1993)
Batman (1940's)
The Revenant (1995)
The Lion King (1964)
Monsters vs. Aliens (1980's)
Birdman (1994)
Ex Machina (2005)
The Revenant (2005)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2005)
The Wolf of Wall Street (1973)
Mad Max: Fury Road (1995)
Room (1995)
Oscars 2016 (1996)
La La Land (2006)
Oscars 2016 (1976)
Django Unchained (2002)
12 Years a Slave (2003)
Oscars 2014 (1994)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (1994)
Boyhood (1994)
Oscars 2013 (1993)
Baby Driver (1987)
Oscars 2016 (1986)
Dallas Buyers Club (2003)
Whiplash (1994)
Load more items (84 more in this list)
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