Duke Nukem 3D - PC Games
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Duke Nukem 3D Videos
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Great game especially for 96!
Release date: 31 January 1996
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0722242513321 UPC: 722242513321
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“Rated M for Strong Violence,Blood,Gore,Language and Sexual Content.Duke Nukem 3D is the first 3D Duke Nukem game and the third game in the Duke Nukem series.I have not played the first two Duke Nukem games but I have played Duke Nukem Manhattan Project.Duke Nukem 3D changed the series.The first two Duke Nukem games which came out in 1991 and 1993 were just simple platform games.Nothing special.Duke Nukem 3D however changed the series into an ultra violent,profane and sexual horror video game with elements of humor.This game is a lot like Shadow Warrior(which was made by the same creator).Duke Nukem 3D's graphics may seem dated by today's standards but this game will remain a classic in my book.Duke Nukem 3D is about a bad-ass action hero who always scores with the babes who has to save the” read more
"Tulipa vihdoin paikattua yksi suurimmista aukoista fps-sivistyksessä. Toki olen ensimmäisen episodin pelannut useita kertoja, mutta koko peliä en koskaan ennen. Muutamia vuosia sitten meinasin, mutta jätin kesken, kiitos kakkosepisodin. Episodi 2: huh huh mitä tuskaa. Tasosuunnittelu perustuu aika pitkälti yksinomaan uuden vihollistyypin, räjähtävien lentävien robottien jotka tekevät kamikaze-iskuja pelaajaa kohden, varaan. Ensinnäkin näiden vihujen sijoittelu on puhtaasti sadistis"