Brenda Chapman
Age: 62, born 1 November 1962
Country of origin: United States
Movies written by
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent
1. The Lion King (1994)
Rating: | 7472 Watched |
2. Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Rating: | 4459 Watched |
4. Brave (2012)
Rating: | 1769 Watched |
5. Fantasia 2000 (1999)
Rating: | 746 Watched |
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent
1. Up (2009)
Rating: | 4546 Watched |
2. The Prince of Egypt (1998)
Rating: | 1862 Watched |
3. Strange Magic (2015) (2015)
Rating: | 54 Watched |
5. Half the Picture (2018)
Rating: | 3 Watched |
Movies directed by
1. Brave (2012)
Rating: | 1769 Watched |
2. The Prince of Egypt (1998)
Rating: | 1862 Watched |
3. Come Away
Rating: | 16 Watched |
1. The Oscars (2013)
Rating: | 60 Watched |
2. Made in Hollywood (2005)
Rating: | 23 Watched |
3. Red Carpet Report (2009)
0 want to see |
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cyrax36 added this to a list 2 years, 3 months ago
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