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crazy time traveller

when i first saw this movie it was intoxicating. rich and unsettling story line that seemed to come out of nowhere. it messed with your mind a bit and it felt good. thats what a movie should do.

theres been a lot of movies that tackle these sort've things since then (as i write this the film is 16 years old.) so i wasn't entirely sure it would hold up. seeing it now some things are a little bit from being perfect, but all in all it still commands a audience.

its still very plausible as a warning, and its still surprising as a film. the story leaves you questioning what you do in your life and what effect it will have. it also suggests that we can't know the ultimate effects and we may cause worse things to happen by trying to prevent them. it leaves enough unanswered to keep us thinking to this day.

basic plot: a man from the future is sent back to gather data to help scientist in the future fix a viral armageddon that happened in the past. they don't know the source of the virus...but don't or can't change the past. the man meets a psychiatrist who becomes integral to aiding his path and at the same time meets a patient that will also play a part in his data collection...albeit its not what he thinks it is. we learn the true story through messages sent to the future and interpreted...previous data collection to which meaning is attached...but it may not be correct. they are trying to fill the gaps in the whole story.

theres no need to explain this. watch the story unfold its a good journey. i've never read reviews of this film and i'd wager a guess some out there would pick apart the holes in the plot. i've no need for that. its a good story, its compelling, there's nothing overtly obviously off. i enjoyed it again and will again another time.

Added by shawn tomorrow
13 years ago on 3 June 2011 07:14