Humor Web Humor Memes 18 of the Best Coffee Memes Print Web Humor Memes Holiday Humor By Jeremy Laukkonen Jeremy Laukkonen Shoreline Community College Jeremy Laukkonen is tech writer and the creator of a popular blog and video game startup. He also ghostwrites articles for numerous major trade publications. Learn about our Editorial Process Updated on 02/13/20 Coffee memes come from a place of shared experience, which is why they're so widely used. Even if someone doesn't drink coffee, and hasn't ever experienced what it's like to take that first sip in the morning, it's still a concept that almost everyone is familiar with. Grab your cup of joe, and enjoy these hilarious coffee memes. All Work and No Coffee Screenshot: Most of us probably don't turn to violence when the coffee runs out, but it's a finer line on some days than on others. When You've Had So Much Coffee Your Feet Don't Touch the Ground Screenshot: The floor might not actually be lava, but we'd be fine even if it was. We've got coffee. It's a Coffee Conundrum Screenshot: The chicken and the egg paradox is old news. The real question is how are you supposed to wake up to make coffee when you need coffee to wake up. Me Plus Coffee Equals a Magical Creature That Farts Rainbows Screenshot: Pinterest It's just basic math, guys. Not that complicated. Still Confused? Here's a Diagram Screenshot: Deepfriedbits BRB, I'll Be Browsing Memes in the Bathroom Screenshot: Facebook Is there anything coffee can't do? Coffee Never Jumps the Shark Screenshot: A dinosaur with a rocket launcher riding a shark is fine and all, but can it push you through Friday and into the blissful embrace of the weekend? Coffee can. Morning Instruction Manual As Written By Coffee Screenshot: It's amazing how a cup of coffee can turn your whole outlook around. When Even Coffee Isn't Enough Screenshot: Warning: Do not substitute jumper cables for coffee. Jumper cables may not electrocute you, but if even coffee isn't getting the job done, it might just be one of those days when crawling back into bed is the only possible solution. These Guys Know How to Make Soup Screenshot: When the server asks if you want soup or salad, it's okay to reply "coffee," right? Because Until You've Had Your Coffee, Silence Really Is the Best Sound Screenshot: I've come to sip on you again. Who Needs a Fairy Godmother When You've Got a Magic Potion? Screenshot: I guess the carriage turning back into a pumpkin is the 2 p.m. slump in this metaphor. You're Awake and It's Time to Go to Work, Surprise! Screenshot: The best part of waking up is an adorably surprised face in your cup. The Starbucks Menu Is Getting Really Weird Screenshot: It seems like they're putting pugkin spice in everything these days. Coffee Too Strong, Send Help Screenshot: This might just be an even worse idea than the jumper cables. Strong Coffee, Stronger Opinions Screenshot: Apparently this guy never met the Red Bull lemur up there. The Working Dead Screenshot: The day someone invents coffee that can run away is the day the world comes to an end. When Coffee You Taste, Alive You Will Feel Screenshot: Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter. (At least that's how it feels after a few pots of coffee.)