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Click hereJames rushed into his freshman physics course, late as usual, to find a seat towards the back of the lecture hall. He set down his gym bag and pulled his laptop out of his backpack and turned his attention to the professor at the front of the class who was lecturing about wavelengths.
He was struggling to follow along as he had fallen asleep during the last lecture and the one before that. It wasn't that he didn't want to pay attention, but this class was after his weight training session for lacrosse and was always exhausted.
This day he fought off the fatigue to make it all the way through to the end of the class; when the professor said, "On your way out please pick up your tests from last week. I want to remind you all that if you are struggling that you should see one of my TA's during their office hours."
James looked over to the two TA's, whom he had seldom noticed before. One was a surprisingly attractive girl, Emily. The other was a thin classically nerdy looking kid whose name he had never bothered to learn.
If I can get in to meet with Emily, I bet I can persuade her to help my grade. He was always considered handsome in high school, and he had only gotten hotter with all his weight training.
I bet I can fuck her and get my grade boosted, if I need to.
The professor continued, "If your last name starts with A through M you can see Emily. And if you last name starts with N through Z, you can meet with Brian.
James realized that his last name meant he would have to see Brian. He looked down and saw the scrawny kid face down in a book.
Well hopefully I'm at least a C and I won't need to worry about this. After all, he only needed to have a C- average to play lacrosse and that was his main concern. He made his way down to the front of the class to get his test and made his way to the hallway where he looked at his test and in red and circled it read, "40/100! This is not good, there are only two tests left! You need to go to office hours!"
His heart sank. Forty percent? How could it be that bad? Panic set in since he would be out for the season if he failed the class. He pulled up the syllabus on his phone and looked for the office hours.
"Teaching Assistant office hours are in the physics building rooms 302 A and B from 4:00-6:00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday; with additional hours added at the Teaching assistant." His eyes made it further down, remembering that there was a part about extra credit. "Extra credit can be awarded by TAs for students who seek tutoring and demonstrate improvement for up to 20 points."
James did not like the idea of asking for help, especially if it wasn't going to be a girl he could sweet talk like he was used to doing in high school. It was Wednesday today, and he had a couple hours until office hours.
He made his way back to his dorm to find his roommate (who was also his teammate) gone. This was a rare moment of alone time and James new exactly how he would spend it. He opened twitter and went to his porn account and began playing with himself on his bed. He scrolled through various pics and videos until he was rock hard, stroking himself to various videos of girls fingering themselves, exposing their pussies, getting fucked and playing with each other.
This went on for longer than he realized, 45 minutes had passed, and James was beginning to leak pre cum. He needed to find a video to finish to. He scrolled down a bit further and found a video of a cute girl who was sucking on a massive cock. He felt the excitement of the video flush his face.
He looked down at his dick, it was pretty and complimented often. Just over seven inches when he measured, but he would always say it was seven and a half. He liked it, but always wondered what it would be like to have a monster cock like the one he was watching. It looked almost comical on the tall thin guy that was now about to enter the cute girl in the video.
The sound of her moans and dirty talk filled his ears, she was getting absolutely railed from behind by this big cock. James could feel his nut building, he grabbed some paper towels and just as he was about to bust, the lock of the door turned.
Quickly pulling up his shorts and turning away from the door, James' heart was racing at almost getting caught. If his teammate Ryan came in on him jerking off it would be a joke on the team for ages. Thankfully for James, he hid his hard dick and porn before Ryan entered the dorm.
The two chatted for a bit about the morning training session and how the practice tonight was going to be brutal since their coach thought the team needed to be in better shape. James was only partly present in the conversation; the pulsating horniness was too distracting. He was so close to coming he could feel a slight twinge in his balls.
The conversation went on and his boner finally subsided enough that he could stand up and get ready to change when he saw the time, it was 3:53. "Shit! I gotta go, but I'll see you at practice." He grabbed his backpack and hustled off to the physics building.
Thankfully it wasn't far, but James had never been to the upper levels of the building. He went to the third floor and walked around trying to find the room. He found that a line had formed and there were several of his classmates sitting on two rows of chairs. One for A-M and the other N-Z.
There were two others sitting in his line. James sat and waited, he tried to think about physics and even opened the textbook, but his mind kept drifting off, back to the video he was watching of the cute girl getting railed by the big cock. His mind lingered on it for so long that his book was now being used to cover his erection that would have been otherwise obvious in his athletic shorts.
Brian the TA popped out of the door for 302B and called in the next student, after a few minutes he called for the next one. James moved down to the closest seat and focused on physics for long enough to get his boner to fade.
I can't believe I have to do this. I should just be able to get someone to take this class for me, I only have to do well on two tests, I gotta get this nerd to give me extra credit.
Just then the door opened, and Brian looked out and said, "it looks like you're the last one, come on in."
James stood and walked through the door and followed Brian around a corner and around another to a room with a table against the wall and two chairs. The room was small and secluded. The two sat down with only a foot and a half from each other.
Having never really looked at Brian before, James eyed him up; he was probably 5'9 and must have weighed no more than 140 pounds (unlike James at 6'1, 185 lbs.). He had on jeans and a button up shirt. His face was slight, his glasses rested on surprisingly high cheekbones, and he has black hair that was pushed to the side.
He looked like a classic nerd to James who compared him to himself, a muscular athlete with blond hair that flowed back like a classic lax bro. His flashed his white teeth into a smile like he had done countless times to get what he wanted. "Hey man, so I'm hoping you can help me with this test."
He presented his failure of a test to Brian. "I know you can give out extra credit and if you helped me out, I could get this up closer to passing. It would be so cool if you could help me out."
"Ah yes James O'Neal" replied Brian, "I remember grading this test, you are honestly lucky you got he points that you did."
James was taken aback; he didn't know the TA's graded papers. "I get that" replied James, "I've just been so busy with lacrosse training before class that it really makes it hard to focus."
"As difficult as that must be, you are going to have to work harder if you want to pass this class, it's too late to drop it, but thankfully you have a couple weeks before the next exam."
James barely registered what Brian had said, he was trying to come up with a way to get Brian to pass him, since he was doing the grading.
That's it! This nerd would probably kill to be able to go to one of the parties I go to, if I can get him drunk and maybe even laid (a difficult task he assumed) I bet he would help pass me or give me the answers or something.
"Well, it seems like I need your help" James interjected, "What if you can help me pass this class and I can bring you to the coolest parties? We are having a lax house ragger this weekend, you could come with, I'd be able to introduce you to some hot girls..."
"I'm going to stop you right there. I'm sure your parties are very fun, but I am afraid it's not going to be that easy. I'm not putting my job on the line for a party and you will have to know this material for the final, which will be graded by Professor Herrick."
James was irked by the denial of his offer, but he figured he knew the reason why. He heard a bit of a lisp in Brian's voice.
Oh shit, he's a nerd and a fag I bet, there is no way I am going to be able to get him to do this for me. Maybe I can offer him to see my dick or something? I can't ask right away but I bet I can turn him on enough to help me.
Brian turned to the first page of the test, "We can start here, you see in this second problem you seem to have completely forgotten the equation we went over in class, let me write it here for you."
James was partially paying attention, but he wanted to try to get a rise out of Brian, he pulled his shorts up to expose more thigh and made a grab at his bulge, trying to make it more visible in the hopes of seeing Brian get distracted. The effort seemed to have little effect as Brian kept going through the test, he held it on his lap and spun it around to show to James, but James noticed something else.
When the test moved, James' eyes lingered for just a moment on the lap of Brian where he seemed to have a weirdly large bulge, but James glanced away and tried to return his focus. Images of the video he almost came to flashed through his mind.
There is no way this little nerd has a giant bulge. It must be the denim bunching up. It can't be.
His thoughts returned to the test, but he felt this internal tingle of excitement, that tingle compelled him to look again, but test was in the way.
"Can I see that?" James grabbed at the test, pretending like he was going to look closely at the answer he gave. Instead, he trained his glance on the crotch of Brian. He had to make sure on what he saw. As he took the test from his hands, Brian moved his seated stance and James stared to see a shift within his jeans that looked like he had hidden lacrosse balls in his underwear. Flashes of the video came back to him. James could feel blood flush his face and some rush to his cock.
Flustered, he handed the test back and leaned forward to hide his slight erection. He leaned in and tried to focus, taking in about half of what Brian was telling him, but his curiosity kept bringing his attention to the mystery of what was in Brian's pants.
"Well, that's about all the time I can give you today, James." Brian handed him back the test, "We got through a lot of it today, but it's clear you need to go over this all. Can you come in Friday? I will be here at 11:00, if you can make it."
"Yeah, that would be great." James spoke without thinking, he was still distracted by not being able to cum and by the mysterious bulge.
As they both stood up, James took one last look at Brian's bulge, and there faintly running down his leg, it looked like it could be massive cock like the one from the video. His eyes lingered for a half second, then a full second.
James was unaware that Brian fully saw where James was looking, a smile crossed Brian's face as he noticed the lingering gaze at his crotch, "Well Mr. O'Neal, I hope to see you Friday."
He gestured towards the door and James snapped to attention, his face slightly flush, he made his exit. Looking down at his Apple Watch, James saw the time was 5:45. "Shit!" he burst out.
Knowing he was close to being late for practice, he ran through the halls, out across the quad and towards the athletics building.
James was late to the locker room, when he walked in everyone was already changing. His mind flashed back to the video and to Brian. The swirling curiosity and tingling sensation inside him allowed his gaze to wander to try to observe the other bulges in the locker room.
He had seen most of his team naked at some point, but only briefly, the showers were private stalls and looking while someone was naked changing was something that could get a guy mocked, especially a freshman like him.
Still James tried to steal some glances, but saw nothing special, nothing like what he thought he saw in Brian's pants.
The distraction of his newly confused state made James the last one to leave the locker-room. He ran towards the field and as he stepped on the turf he heard his coach yell, "O'Neal! Practice starts at 6:15! Do you know what time it is now?" The Question was rhetorical, "It's 6:17! That's two minutes of time you wasted, and you will need to make up for at the end of practice!"
Practice went on with the normal stretching warm-ups, but James still could not help his eyes as they wandered to the bulges of the upperclassmen, they bulged out from the nut-cups underneath the shorts and his mind drifted back to Brian. He shook his head and focused on the practice. They went through all the normal drills and scrimmages. About an hour in the coach yelled, "Everyone on the back line!"
The team let out a collective groan. Sprints. They all knew it was coming, but the dreaded cardio was unavoidable. At the whistle they all ran to the mid-line and back then to the far line and back. It was exhausting, but James kept up with most of the fastest kids.
They ran the sprints again and again. Sweating profusely, James and most of the rest of the team stripped oof their pads and ran shirtless back and forth again. After the fifth one, everyone was walking with their hands on their heads, abs expanding to breathe in more air, James caught himself again glancing down past the sweat dripping abs of his teammates to see if any of them had a package like he had seen on Brian, when he was startled from his gaze, "O'Neal!" his coach shouted from the sidelines, "You've got extra for being late, get on the line!"
James, breathing deeply, made his way to the line and as he did the whistle sounded and he ran the sprints by himself as he heard the jeers of his teammates echo in his head. By the time the whistle sounded again, all he could do was collapse and lay on his back trying to catch his breath. "See you all bright and early tomorrow!" He heard the coach say and the team made their way back to the locker room.
He was the last one to get back, exhausted and still distracted he took off his gear and wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to a shower stall, noticing that they were all full and lively chatter filled the echoing room, he waited, and a door opened, it was the captain, Mark.
He was big with a solid developed build and dark features, he opened the door to the shower and as he wrapped the towel around his waist, James could not help but glance and he saw his big heavy dark cock, it looked so full and plump. "Definitely big, bigger than me," James though, "but not like what I saw earlier."
What really caught his attention was that Mark was uncut. James had seldom seen a foreskin and he was a bit fascinated by it for a moment before he snapped himself out of the trance. "All yours, James." He heard Mark say as he gestured to the shower and walked past.
James stepped into the shower and as he took off his towel, he noticed his cock was hard, not fully hard, but enough to be an issue. Fuck, why now? James was used to getting erections all the time, it was a problem he usually had girlfriend to help him with, but he had never gotten one in the locker room before.
He ran the water colder to try to get it to go away, but as he looked down on his partially grown cock, he couldn't help but wonder if this is what Brian's was like soft, and with that thought his cock got a little harder.
At that James panicked, this wasn't him, he wasn't into guys, he had always had girlfriends, and this was all just because he didn't cum earlier that day. In fact, he usually would cum three times a day and it had been over a day since he came so it must just be that. The cold water flowed over him and his excitement subsided so he could change and get back to his dorm room.
When James made his way back to his dorm after eating in the dining hall, he was full and exhausted. He came back to Ryan smoking a bowl and offered him a hit. They sat and smoke and complained about practice and lamented having to get up so early for training. Before he knew it, James was stoned and too tired to do anything other than set his alarm and pass out.
That night James dreamt about lacrosse, which was normal for him, except in this dream Brian was on the team. He ran the drills with them, his skinny body out of place with the rest of the team, but in his shorts, there was something massive swinging back and forth, it was mesmerizing he felt that he could begin to see it clearly when.... "BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ." The 5:30 AM alarm blared into his sleeping state and James awoke with the memory of the dream lingering on his mind for his attention to be directed to his fully erect penis.
"Time to get going to fucking AM training," muttered Ryan. James groaned and tried to sit up in a way that would hide his erection. He could remember his dream so clearly and thinking about it seemed to only make his dick harder... He stared at his phone for a bit, browsing Instagram until his cock was soft enough to get dressed and make it to the gym.
The training session was like most of the early morning workouts, stretching, light cardio then weights. The training took James' mind off his constant horniness and his lingering thoughts about his TA's bulge.
Training ended at 7:30, but James didn't have class for another two hours, so he decided to do some extra work in the gym. As the workout continued his eyes began to wander again, to the crotches of the guys around him.
He would snap out of it and look for a girl working out and would spend some time admiring their bodies, but the mixed signals and three days of buildup resulted in him getting partial erections repeatedly. Finally, he decided to get go do cardio to rid himself of his nagging horniness.
James walked over to the treadmills and saw a familiar face. Brian was on a treadmill towards the end of the row. His black shirt and basketball shorts hung off of his skinny frame and without a thought, James' eyes darted to try and spot his bulge, but the display of the treadmill was in the way.
Seemingly on its own, James' body walked over to the treadmill row Brian was walking on. His heart rate surged; his face went flush as his line of sight became unobstructed. There, through the cardio machines he saw what he now knew could not be some denim illusion, within his sight, Brian's legs walked briskly back and forth and on top of them his oversized package clearly was bouncing back and forth, thigh to thigh.
James looked to try to discern a head, maybe it was just big balls after all, but the fleshy pendulum kept bouncing against the polyester of his shorts. James kept walking closer, transfixed by Brian's bulge, feeling a desire to see what is beneath the shorts he walked into Brian's view.
Brian saw James as soon as he began to walk over, he could see where James' eyes were staring and even changed his stride to make sure his movements were even more pronounced. James didn't even notice that he could see him staring and he didn't seem to notice that his own shorts were getting tighter in the front, but Brian noticed as he said, "Hey, there. How is the physics studying going?"