I was a Biker during the 70's Had a 48' Pan Head, a 41' knucklehead and built a 77' Shovelhead. My buddies called My Shovel Head the 'death machine' because it was very fast, brand new shovel Head Motor out of a crate, big cam, S&S Super Drag Carb. and belt drive~ But little on the stopping power. My front brake was only to keep it street-legal. I could have used dual disc brakes when that old man crossed the road, right in front of me.
I rubbed elbows with some pretty heavy-duty characters in my day.
I had a good buddy, called Rabbit His goal in life was to become a 'hit man' for another club that we all knew and respected. I have a roommate named Thumper seemed like a Nice guy, just got out from prison on a bogus drug charge, reputed, to have actually been a hitman for that same club.
There used to be a stretch of hwy 17 thru San Jose that was so bumpy folks said it would cripple anyone that rode a Hardtail. I always rode hardtails. Turns out, they knew what they were saying!
I don't always win my street fights, but I won most of them. I have been a fighter all my life, I was never afraid to knock anyone on their ass that deserves it.
I think my Hottest Stories I've written are "The Pink Satin Bathrobe" and "The New Guy in the Mailroom". Most of the rest of them are mostly derived from my actual experiences. Especially the one about "February Sucks - The wrong wife" Where I included a lot of my old Biker friends. LOL Good Times.