Magical Correspondences

Magical still life with alchemical equipment, astrologer workplace with a sealed star. Magical still life with alchemical equipment, astrologer workplace with a sealed star.

Dina Belenko Photography/Getty Images

In many magical traditions, practitioners use what are known as "correspondences" to create symbolic magical links. Correspondence tables can help you select which stone, crystal, herb, or other magical tool to use in a ritual or working. The concept is that everything has a signature, of sorts, that connects it to symbols and meanings. Take a look at this list of magical correspondences, and use them when working on spell or ritual construction of your own.

Crystals and Gemstones

Young woman by lake holding crystal, looking up

Bill Sykes Images/Getty Images

Many Pagans use crystals and gemstones in workings because every stone is connected to some aspect of the human experience. Different traditions attribute various therapeutic and magical properties to each stone, but you can learn which correspondences work best for you. Write down any workings you do in your Book of Shadows so you can keep track of your results later on.


Herb Jars Herb Jars

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So you've decided you're ready to do a magical working... but you're not sure which herbs are the best ones to use. Use herb lists as a reference point to determine which herbs, plants, and flowers are the best choices for your purposes. Use magical herbs to help relieve anxiety, bring love into your life, provide protection, or ease your dreams at night! 

Herbs have been used for thousands of years, both medicinally and ritually. Every herb has its own unique characteristics, and these properties are what makes the plant special. Subsequently, many Wiccans and Pagans use herbs as part of their regular ritual practice. 


Harvest candles Harvest candles

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Did you know that every color has its own symbolism? In many magical traditions, color magic is used because colors have certain associations. You may wish to keep a variety of colored paper, fabric, ribbons, or ink on hand to use in different magical workings. Also, bear in mind that some traditions may set their own correspondences.


purple spring flower purple spring flower

Anette Jager/Getty Images

For hundreds of years, the plants that we grow have been used in magic. Flowers, in particular, are often connected with a variety of magical uses. When your flowers begin to bloom, keep an eye out for some of these flowers around you, and consider the different magical applications they might have. 


numbers on fingers numbers on fingers

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Many Pagan spiritual traditions incorporate the practice of numerology. The basic principles of numerology hold that numbers have a great deal of spiritual and magical significance. Some numbers are more potent and powerful than others, and combinations of numbers can be developed for magical use. In addition to magical correspondences, numbers also tie into planetary significance. 


Ravens Ravens

Renee Keith/Vetta/Getty Images

In many modern Pagan traditions, animal symbolism -- and even actual animals -- are incorporated into magical belief and practice. People have welcomed animals into their magical practice throughout the ages, as well as specific animals and their folklore and legends. 

Moon Phases

Waning Moon Waning Moon

Kaz Mori/Imagebank/Getty Images

Every full moon is surrounded by legends and lore of its own. Learn about the monthly full moons that emerge each year, and the magical correspondences for each. 


Four Elements Four Elements

Gary S Chapman/Image Bank/Getty Images

In modern-day Paganism, there is a good deal of focus on the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water. A few traditions of Wicca also include a fifth element, which is spirit or self. Each of the elements is associated with traits and meanings, as well as with directions on the compass. The following directional associations are for the Northern hemisphere; readers in the Southern hemisphere should use the opposite correspondences. 

Celtic Tree Calendar

Oak Tree Oak Tree

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The Celtic Tree Calendar is a calendar with thirteen lunar divisions. Most contemporary Pagans use fixed dates for each "month", rather than following the waxing and waning lunar cycle. If this was done, eventually the calendar would fall out of sync with the Gregorian year, because some calendar years have 12 full moons and others have 13. The modern tree calendar is based on a concept that each letter in the ancient Celtic alphabet corresponded to a tree. 


Alchemist Alchemist

Cristian Baitg/Image Bank/Getty Images

The use of metals as magical correspondences is hardly a new concept. Delve into any of the older occult books, and you might encounter references to the seven noble metals of the ancients or seven metals of antiquity. Alchemists assigned planetary correspondences to each of the metals they used.


Summer birch woods Summer birch woods

Kokhanchikov/Getty Images

In many magical traditions, wood is assigned various properties that make it useful for ritual and spellwork. By using correspondences, you can include different woods in your magical workings. 

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Your Citation
Wigington, Patti. "Magical Correspondences." Learn Religions, Jun. 25, 2024, Wigington, Patti. (2024, June 25). Magical Correspondences. Retrieved from Wigington, Patti. "Magical Correspondences." Learn Religions. (accessed January 26, 2025).