Movu Robotics, lid van de stow Group, is een nieuw merk voor magazijnautomatisering dat zich onderscheidt door eenvoudigere logistieke oplossingen te bieden aan magazijnen over de hele wereld. Movu Robotics biedt een compleet pakket geautomatiseerde technologieën voor efficiënte magazijnen aan: de zelfaangedreven palletdrager “Movu atlas”, de AMR-oplossing “Movu ifollow” voor picking en transport van pallets, het 3D-subsysteem voor de storage en fulfilment van dozen “Movu escala” en de geïntegreerde picking arm robot “Movu eligo”. Alle Movu-systemen worden bestuurd en beheerd door gepatenteerde software voor magazijnuitvoering.
Innovazione automatizzata nei magazzini food & beverage
Speaker: Umberto Ruggero
[Webinar] Innovazione automatizzata nei magazzini food & beverage
Innovazione automatizzata nei magazzini food & beverage Speaker: ...
Innovazione automatizzata nei magazzini food & beverage
Speaker: Umberto Ruggero
Innovative und einfache Automatisierungslösungen für mehr Effizienz im Lager - Logistics Summit 2024
Innovative und einfache Automatisierungslösungen für mehr Effizienz im ...
Innovative und einfache Automatisierungslösungen für mehr Effizienz im Lager.
Speaker: Nico Kowarschik
[Webinar] How Automation Builds Efficiency in Cold Storage Operations
Discover how cold storage automation can enhance efficiency, reduce ...
Discover how cold storage automation can enhance efficiency, reduce labor, expand capacity, increase throughput, and boost safety.
Movu Talks Event
A throwback to Movu Talks, a special event where our employees got an ...
A throwback to Movu Talks, a special event where our employees got an exclusive glimpse into the incredible work happening across our Movu teams. From R&D and Sales to Operations, ...Project Management & Commissioning, After Sales, Marketing, Finance, and HR, the event highlighted the collaboration and innovation driving our organization forward.[+] Show More
[Webinar] Vind de juiste automatiseringsoplossing en -partner voor succes in 3PL
Tijdens dit webinar worden de belangrijkste overwegingen besproken ...
Tijdens dit webinar worden de belangrijkste overwegingen besproken waarmee 3PL’s rekening moeten houden bij de keuze voor een automatiseringsleverancier. Karel Boone, commercieel directeur van Movu Robotics, zal ingaan op de ...cruciale rol van geavanceerde technologieën en biedt een praktische routekaart voor een succesvolle automatiseringsimplementatie.[+] Show More
[Webinaire] Comment réussir la préparation de commandes e-commerce
La table ronde organisée par Supply Chain Village - Le Média, sur le ...
La table ronde organisée par Supply Chain Village - Le Média, sur le thème « Comment réussir la préparation de commandes e-commerce
» avec l'intervention de Thierry Paire, Responsable Commercial ...France/Sud de l'Europe de Movu.[+] Show More
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
As 2024 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to thank all of you ...
As 2024 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to thank all of you — our partners, clients, and ambassadors — for being an essential part of ...our journey this year.
Your trust and collaboration have fueled our growth, innovation, and success. Together, we’ve reached new heights and are excited about what 2025 holds!
This holiday season, we wish you joy, peace, and a bright start to the New Year. Take time to relax, celebrate, and enjoy the magic of this special time.[+] Show More
[Webinar] In-System Sequencing: Deliver any pallet, anywhere
In this webinar, Movu Robotics and Bastian Solutions explore how ...
In this webinar, Movu Robotics and Bastian Solutions explore how pallet shuttles provide a flexible, plug-and-play approach to storage automation — maximizing space, reducing manual handling, and streamlining operations.
[Webinar] Vereinfachte Lagerautomatisierung für Effizienz und Wachstum
Lagerengpässe, steigenden Kosten oder Arbeitskräftemangel? Entdecken ...
Lagerengpässe, steigenden Kosten oder Arbeitskräftemangel? Entdecken Sie 10 einfache Schritte zur Automatisierung Ihres Lagers mit skalierbaren, kostengünstigen Lösungen, die Effizienz und Wachstum steigern.
[Webinar] Von einfacher Lagerautomatisierung bis zum 'Smart Warehouse'
Automatisierte Warenlager sind die Zukunft der Intralogistik. Der ...
Automatisierte Warenlager sind die Zukunft der Intralogistik. Der Automatisierungsgrad sollte genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Möglichkeiten der Betreiber abgestimmt sein. Dann bringt die Optimierung der Lagerprozesse deutliche Vorteile wie 24/7-Betrieb, ...schnellere Auftragsabwicklung und spürbare Mitarbeiterentlastung.[+] Show More
Goods-to-person in cold storage
In partnership with Reesink Logistic Solutions , we’re utilizing the ...
In partnership with Reesink Logistic Solutions , we’re utilizing the Movu atlas pallet shuttle system and Movu ifollow AMRs to seamlessly manage 32,000 pallet locations automatically.
Discover how our solutions for ...easier automation and integration expertise are revolutionizing warehouse automation. Watch the video to explore the possibilities for your operations![+] Show More
Movu provides KDL with plug-and-play solutions for easier automation
Our Movu atlas pallet shuttle system gives leading logistics service ...
Our Movu atlas pallet shuttle system gives leading logistics service provider Kris De Leeneer (KDL) approximately 45,000 storage locations and the capacity to manage a potential throughput of up to ...11,000 pallet movements a week. This automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) fulfils KDL’s need for flexibility by allowing pallet throughput to be increased simply by adding more shuttles, while the modular rack can be extended to increase capacity to help futureproof the facility.[+] Show More