Established in 2007, the roster of University of Oklahoma Army ROTC Distinguished Alumni recognizes those individuals who have:
(1) Made significant contributions to the improvement of the Sooner Battalion and demonstrated the standards and ideals that make the ROTC experience at the University of Oklahoma unique.
(2) Achieved distinction in his or her military career or civilian profession that reflects well on the U.S. Army, the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC program.
Eligibility is limited to:
(1) Alumni/ae of the University of Oklahoma who earned commissions in the Regular Army, United States Army Reserve, or National Guard through the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC program.
(2) Individuals who have been officially affiliated with the University’s Army ROTC program by their status as Army ROTC commissioned or non-commissioned officer cadre, or Department of the Army civilians.
(3) Individuals who were enrolled in the Army ROTC program at the University of Oklahoma during the mandated period (1917-1973) but did not receive their commission for whatever reason.
To nominate an eligible individual for inclusion on the roster, anyone may complete the nomination form and return it to the Sooner Battalion Secretary (address below). This form is also available at the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC armory and in electronic format on this website. In either case, complete nominations must arrive at the University of Oklahoma before 1 March of the year in which the nominee is to be inducted.
Sooner Battalion Secretary
University of Oklahoma Army ROTC
290 W. Brooks
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
PHONE (405)325-3012
FAX (405)325-3320
Upon receiving all nominees, a selection committee consisting of two cadets from each military science class will be assembled. The Professor of Military Science will head the committee as a nonvoting member. The committee will convene no later than 15 April to select the individual(s) who will be considered for induction into the Wall of Fame in November of that year. The committee will forward its recommendation(s) to the OU Army ROTC Alumni Association. No more than four (4) individuals will be inducted each year. The OU Army ROTC Alumni Association reserves the right to set the number of annual inductees in any given year. The President of the OU Army ROTC Alumni Association will announce the names of the newly selected inductees at the annual alumni dinner held in November.
The OU Army ROTC Alumni Association will present each inductee with an engraved plaque at the annual alumni dinner. The plaque will be displayed at the OU Army ROTC Armory.