ESPript/ENDscript: extracting and rendering sequence and 3D information from atomic structures of proteins
The fortran program ESPript was created in 1993, to display on a PostScript figure multiple
sequence alignments adorned with secondary structure elements. A web server was made
available in 1999 and ESPript has been linked to three major web tools: ProDom which
identifies protein domains, PredictProtein which predicts secondary structure elements and
NPS@ which runs sequence alignment programs. A web server named ENDscript was
created in 2002 to facilitate the generation of ESPript figures containing a large amount of …
sequence alignments adorned with secondary structure elements. A web server was made
available in 1999 and ESPript has been linked to three major web tools: ProDom which
identifies protein domains, PredictProtein which predicts secondary structure elements and
NPS@ which runs sequence alignment programs. A web server named ENDscript was
created in 2002 to facilitate the generation of ESPript figures containing a large amount of …
The fortran program ESPript was created in 1993, to display on a PostScript figure multiple sequence alignments adorned with secondary structure elements. A web server was made available in 1999 and ESPript has been linked to three major web tools: ProDom which identifies protein domains, PredictProtein which predicts secondary structure elements and NPS@ which runs sequence alignment programs. A web server named ENDscript was created in 2002 to facilitate the generation of ESPript figures containing a large amount of information. ENDscript uses programs such as BLAST, Clustal and PHYLODENDRON to work on protein sequences and such as DSSP, CNS and MOLSCRIPT to work on protein coordinates. It enables the creation, from a single Protein Data Bank identifier, of a multiple sequence alignment figure adorned with secondary structure elements of each sequence of known 3D structure. Similar 3D structures are superimposed in turn with the program PROFIT and a final figure is drawn with BOBSCRIPT, which shows sequence and structure conservation along the Cα trace of the query. ESPript and ENDscript are available at