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General Sense says,it's a trap.
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just did what this movie failed to do and that is using stolen dialogue but slightly changed it up and made it somewhat smart and funny.

I only watched the trailer for this and it felt cheap and extremely unoriginal. It feels like an awful rip-of from shaun of the dead with mixed in dialogue from the alien franchise.

This trailer also showed me a lot of red flags and it seems to be in every aspect of this movie. The acting looks bad,the direction,the writing and even the cinematography with the best effect being a flying golf ball?(don't ask!)

The zombie make up sort of looked okay but seemed pointless if given to bad actors who seem to be making funny faces.

The last nail is that...I did not laugh once,not even a chuckle.

So be smart ,watch the trailer before seeing the movie and if you still want to see it... your not me.

This feels like a copy of a copy...fake.

I hope I've saved somebody's wasted time on this by advising them to first see the trailer.

Thank you and enjoy!...something else.
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Kong:Skull island,clear title delivers what it promises.
8 April 2017
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I found Kong to be great in this movie and Skull Island was an interesting and beautiful place where Kong is king and they don't shy away of showing him in full glory and very early on in the film. The first action scene with Kong kind of surprised me because of the intensity of some shock effects (and this is rated 12 and up) of people falling and body's smashing into helicopter blades. All the action with Kong felt exciting and really added to the layers his character goes thru in this movie from presumed bad guy to a godlike savior for the islands inhabitants against even greater foe's that lurk on the island.

I've heard a lot about the actors and the lack of depth in there character in this movie but I never felt annoyed by their performance and took it more as characters on a comic book level so maybe a little exaggerated. Also the movie feels like it is playing with comic book rules in terms of people dying and even more so people surviving the impossible.

Now for the real kicker as much as I like this movie I really got a problem with where this is going. I did not like Godzilla,he was portrayed weak in that movie especially anything action related that I don't see how they gonna rime that version with what we got now with Kong Skull Island.

Also the end credit scene was one of the cheesiest ever and makes me fear the worst with where they're going with this franchise. If they don't connect the dots well I might choose to not go see the next one. This popcorn Kong movie would have been better as a standalone and not trying so hard to build a franchise on a somewhat shaky premise that could land either way.

This was set up as an action/adventure movie and I found it entertaining as such, it has some realistic and comedic notes that feel odd in the movie and that somewhat diminished the entertainment value but not in any way to tip the scale negatively.

Also a movie I can see more than once and I recommend you at least go see it once if your into creature features or monster movies.

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The Void (I) (2016)
Avoid the void.
8 April 2017
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Is what I would say to all the characters in this movie.

It is really what you pick and choose with this movie whether you will like it or not. The screenplay is very weak in explaining things and leaves to much open for interpretation of what's going on and how much this is based in reality.

It seems to be more concerned of displaying practical make-up and FX instead of going the way of telling a cohesive story which could have made this movie great.

Having said that,this is not a bad movie but it relies strongly on you to fill in the blanks that this movie chooses not to explore. Also the scenes with a lot of practical effects feel very staged and with lighting that sometimes really annoyed me (swinging lamp from the ceiling being one of 'm).

So,the story,police officer stumbles on what he thinks is a drunk guy in the woods but when he takes 'm to the hospital finds out he was attacked by some cult. Another cop arrives from a related crime scene and things go from bad to all out weird from than on.

People go crazy for no appear ant reason and cult members gathering outside the hospital are there to make sure that no one can leave the hospital which is soon to be closed anyway because of a fire some weeks before.

Shortly after the attackers of the guy show up and the situation gets more intense between them but also everything happening around them. People start coming back from the dead and transform in to monsters (which is often not shown)and it seems to come from an evil force brought to life by this cult. They team up when the ex girlfriend of the police officer is taken in to the morgue that has changed in to a living nightmare and into a portal beyond death.

This movie reminded me of hell raiser and the evil dead remake but than without a good back story or a satisfying point of redemption. I found out this was based of an H.P. Lovecraft but if so I feel they took a lot of Lovecraft main themes out of this.

The story as a whole has a nice beginning an end but there is to much set up that eventually leads nowhere that waists a story that could have been good or even great.

It was entertaining enough for a one time viewing for me,but for a mainstream audience I think it is way to messy and confusing what it's actually trying to tell.

I recommend you check it out some time but don't go running to the theater for this one.

The actors were good enough in the role given but I also I found it strange that who I thought was the lead was credited fourth in this movie (at least on IMDb) so I don't know what that is all about.

So,you don't have to avoid the void but you can very well put it on hold.

Saw Kong skull island before this one,it really surprised me.

So,next up....
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A lot of money spend on a boy and his dog that transforms into a car.
28 March 2017
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This movie targets a very limited audience and according to me does it badly. I think this is for boys age 6 to 9 and it is strange that they spend a 125 million budget on this and dropped it in the worst month of the year.

It felt like in some ways like an old Disney feel good movie with some really odd choices in character development. A lot of the more famous actors are not convincing in their roles or just have to little to do to really add to the film. The 2 main characters played off and on dumb and that really annoyed me in the first part of the movie a specially the guy who came across like a jerk who everybody just seem to like for no reason other than he's the main character.

The creature or "monster" was to cute for it's own good and knowing it sucked up oil as "food" I found it strange it actually had sharp teeth. I guess this was an attempt to make it more look like a monster but I found it to be quite silly.

Also I felt the guy and the girl were to old for these roles and it would have been good for them if this movie got rated PG-13 and they took the high school bit out of it.

The best thing and scene is with the monster trucks and the action scene of them going down this mountain was the most fun but don't come close of saving this film and all the problems it has.

The writer for this also worked on Kong and I think he has a real problem with writing characters unless it are creatures or monsters that don't talk to much.

For half of it it was a nice feel good movie for young kids and sort of succeeded as that but it definitely bombed spending all that money on this premise.

Strangely enough this made me think of "passengers" where they also spend a lot of money on a weak story and not that exciting when it actually ends and again not nearly enough to spend 100+ million on.

Both films are also not bad but really too lame to leave an impact and appeal to a mass audience as a classic or a movie at least worthy of watching twice.

I don't recommend it or maybe some time when it's on T.V. and more as background.

On to the next review,thank you.
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A bad horror movie if you really think about it
27 March 2017
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Thru out this movie my intention was to rate this around 6 or 7. But the more the movie progressed I realized that it depended to much on character development which in the end didn't pay off.

A lot of the horror is implied and therefor looses a lot of shock value and a strong feeling of tension. Also the movie has a lot of plot holes and is really poorly explained. The whole movie thru I could not grasp how this was all connected or even what the point was of it all.

The most tensed scene was the killer trying to set the girl on fire but that looked fake as hell (sorry for the pun)

The actors and the chemistry between them was the best thing in this movie I blame the writing or the execution of it why my rating is so low.

The same director made "the loved ones" and what I remember of it that's the better one by far.

I hope to see all involved go on an doing something better and although i'm disappointed it is not a terrible watch.

Maybe you get more out of this than me,if so...

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Mean Dreams (2016)
A little gem.
16 March 2017
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I really liked this thriller/drama and kept being surprised by it thru and thru.

The set up just felt superb and every aspect of film making is so well handled it all just seem to fall in place in this movie.

It's got a good story ,well directed,beautifully shot and a cast of natural feeling actors and with dialogue that felt very fresh to me and really added to the movie and made me laugh and even cry thru out.

The violence and sex is very moderate and was very reality based but handled well enough to keep the tension going.

The 2 young actors had a nice chemistry and I especially liked the quite moments between them in which they still seem to have a connection.

Some backstory on the girl was given by herself during dialogue in the middle of the film and it show cased well that this girl has acting chops.

Bill Paxton played the father of this girl and also a corrupt cop and I think it's one of his best roles and it was sad that he died with still so much greatness in him.

In this movie he's a bad guy and a bad father but there is still something in him that you sympathize with and that is hard to do.

This is a great movie,I highly recommend it.

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XX (2017)
The worst horror anthology ever made.
18 February 2017
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XX is 20 in roman numerals. This movie(barely) is 20 times worse than any horror anthology out there. Even the very old ones like tales from the crypt and even twilight zone the movie or cats eye got more horror than this.

The stories were just terrible and as short as they were they all felt stretched. The music was out of tune with the scenes and seem to function as a tool for the lacking tension created by the visuals.

It felt like it wanted to be smart and different but comes of pretentious and more for an art house crowd. Besides that it is way to PC and after ghost busters the makers must have figured that there is money to be made with this tactic. I'm not sure if this had a theatrical release but if it did it really shouldn't have.

Even the horror series of today shown on T.V. get a better idea of what it's about than these 4 upcoming directors. There is a good lesson to learn here,don't ever do this again!.

Next time just get a good horror story instead of going for atmosphere or whatever it was you were trying to do,

I strongly suggest you skip this throwaway piece of...nothing, really.

Don't waste time or money on this.
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Drama first,second (not really) horror
4 February 2017
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This has all of the horror clichés and non of the scares.

It becomes clear right away that the story is gonna focus more on one sister abandoning the other than on the story of the witch or whatever they came up with to explain this "urban legend".

I watched for about an hour and at that point the first kill was the best and that was a really bad scene involving a kid hovering for a few seconds and than disappearing.

The story had convenience written all over it and the acting was really terrible.

I guess this is another trend from the marketing department to sell movies as another genre because if it's just drama it don't sell so good.

Recently seen "arrival" and "a monster calls" and they basically used the same trick as this movie did.

Think it is needles to say I also did not like those movies.

I like horror and sci-fi,so don't mess with it (please!)

Not worth a watch,I don't recommend it.

Thank you.
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A story within a story movie. but not a very good one.
23 December 2016
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Because both of the stories told are lame.

Jake Gyllenhaal's character is a writer who sends his ex his latest book as a form of revenge by being successful by writing her as a character that dies in the book.

This book could not be a bestseller in real life cause the writing is lazy and to obvious for it's own good. If there is a plot in here somewhere I really missed it. Besides the stories matched really bad and it became confusing that you started to wonder if it were flashbacks from the story or from "actual life".

A lot of scenes dragged and scenes that could have made an impact are very numbed down and to much attention on boring art that had little to nothing to do with the movie. Dialogue felt really awkward sometimes and even messed up the characters even more because it made 'm come across like a bunch of snobs.

Also the same dialogue was repetitive and some exposition was first discussed and later on almost the same thing is discussed again. The movie is not that difficult that you have to explain yourself 2 to 3 times.

I mean what"s the point and why would a director treat his audience this way. I almost would think that the arrogance of this director is the reason critics rate this so highly while I view this more as form over substance thing, which is fine if your talking to an art house crowd but not for the average moviegoer.

Now I watched this to the end waiting for the plot that never came and Amy Adams getting stood up in a restaurant probably also waiting for the plot that never came and that sums up to a plot less movie.

There are people that like these kind of movies where style is more a factor than story if you don't mind that to much you might like this. Combined with a good story I'm all for style but sadly that wasn't the case here.

All there is left to say is...don't feed the (nocturnal) animals.

Thank you.
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Bad drama and not really a thriller.
11 December 2016
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Everything was way too obvious in this film and most of it was predictable because the movie already hinted at it.

The characters are confusing in their action and a lot of things are brought up but never pushed thru or simply get ignored.

It's basically a love triangle story which was already the first most obvious about this and which no one in the movie itself seem to notice. You therefor already know that these relations are twisted so when they start a hoax to sell a story of one of them gone missing in the mountains it is almost a given that things will spiral out of control.

The sort of incest reveal at the end did not have much impact and came really to little to late after the message of this movie that everybody lies. In the end you know just as much as the beginning of this movie and there is not much of a resolution or a reward for wasting more then a 100 minutes of my life.

I also checked this out for Jason Mamoas acting chops and right now I'm starting to think I'm not gonna like aqua man.

The writing on this was lazy and the story so lame they stretched it a lot with long searches for the missing person and to much dialogue what takes away from the one or two plots that there are.

At the end the girl gets away best and her white middle-aged cop dad (who also drinks and cheats on his wife) is of the worst because he dies. Were did I hear this story before ? Now I remember it was in every movie made this year.

The 2 rating was for the different scenery and the cinematography which gets wasted in this uninspiring story or script.

It's not worthy for your time or money.

Your better of watching anything else,really.
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Dog Eat Dog (I) (2016)
Cage and Dafoe in type cast-ed roles.
13 November 2016
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This is an indie production with a few big names but not a real good story.

The actors play their roles well and it's also shot in an acceptable way but I was missing something of a point in this movie.

Dafoe plays the very evil baddie and it seems like they wrote half of Cage life in this with all the Elvis,Humphrey Bogart and 50's references thru out. I think that even at the end of the movie he does a sort of Bogart impression and I could not tell if that was serious or not.

Some of the scenes were nice on their own but as a whole the movie lacks substance and therefor falls flat.

It's really a one time watch movie more so if you like Willem Dafoe or Nicolas Cage. I was hoping for a bit of a comeback for Cage with this one but after seeing this I'm guessing that will never happen.

If your an indie fan i think you'll like it but if your more like me wanting a plot or some surprises in these type of movies you might wanna give this one a pass.

What ever you choose...

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The Monster (2016)
12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Is the feeling you will get when watching this movie.

It starts with how they market this thing as a horror while it's actually a really bad drama. The dialogue and acting looks like a soap opera and the mother/daughter relationship is portrayed to obvious to be realistic.

Example of what is one of their greatest "shockers" is the mom yelling the F words repeatedly and the daughter yelling I hate you,I hate you,I hate you. And...that sums up this movie for me.

The drama we have seen done before in better movies and without stuffing it down your throat and the horror or "the monster" seems to be borrowed from "twilight zone the movie' which they made 30 years ago.

They top all of this by showcasing a lot of things that don't add up or make no sense what so ever and even worse so don't deliver the promise that they made by calling it a horror movie.

This stinks of false advertising and I really hate it when filmmakers give in to this and give you a trailer and a cover that highlights parts which are poorly represented in the movie itself. On the cover or poster the monster looks really big ,in the movie his size is nowhere near that (more like a big slimy dog).

Of course in the end we have the sacrifice of the mother and that seems to be the big Hollywood plot of today since i've been seeing a lot of that in almost every genre.

The build up to that particular scene with the sacrifice felt cheesy and with dialogue that seems to been have stolen from (again) a better movie.

A sad,flat,blown up,deflated mess this is and if it's the same guy that made "the strangers" than he really hit rock bottom.

The 2.7 million were probably spend on the poster,the trailer and a rain machine....cos when you got money you gotta let it rain,right?

Not a good story,not a good movie,not a horror.

Nothing to see here,move along.
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Another bad indie horror movie rip off.
7 August 2016
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This is a blatant rip off of the 70's cult classic "Scanners".Now,some 40 years later with all the new technology they still can't beat or come close to what Cronenberg did. Also (to me personally) it's not even one of his best works but he does a lot with it on a small budget.

The first scene of the movie introduces the telekinetic as he confronts the police and the acting immediately pulled me out of this movie.Just,so wooden and lines in a monotone voice that made it instantly boring. The effects were poor and not nearly so imaginative as from the original"Scanners".

The sound(which the movie says you should play loud) was annoying and reminded me of a south park episode where Eric Cartman is fighting these mediums that think they have telekinetic powers. In the cartoon it was funny but taking seriously in this movie was just sad.

If any element of "Scanners" would have been topped this would have been a not 1 movie and could have been a mildly entertaining popcorn movie.

But as it has non of that,I don't recommend it.

If your into low indie flicks...enjoy.
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Warcraft (2016)
Warcraft,felt a bit like a soap opera with the cliffhanger and all.
10 July 2016
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I did not like that part of the movie but there is somewhat to like. Problem is the pacing and the whole seems very uneven. In the beginning I had some problems with the CGI but that got better as the movie moved along.

It was sometimes confusing on which the story was focusing and in a point of the movie I even thought the orc wife was killed but I guess that was another female orc.

I'm not familiar with the game but it feels they scaled all the races down to just orcs and humans. You could have had some more references to that instead of another useless battlefield. Especially towards the end they just kept dragging on and lost a lot of it's meaning.

The ending took a lot of points away from my rating because it tries to force you into a franchise while the appetizer they gave you was at best mediocre.

The few people I liked in this movie get knocked off so I really don't see why I should still invest in this franchise. Strangely I still want this movie to do good so along the line better adaptations will be made of gaming properties.

The actors were O.K. but I think the directors or the studio failed on this one, so I hope they learned a lesson from this.

The world building was very well done,but also not fully explored. It needs a better flowing story and an ending that doesn't feel like a cheat.

So...I did not like it but I still recommend you go see it.

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Cube cuts good.
6 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was gonna give this one a 7 but than realized how much this movie surprised me.

I liked about every bit of it and especially for a comedy that is rare.The basic story is solid but the natural equal approach was extremely refreshing. Everyone had a good role to play and all got some time to shine and all of their characters developed through the course of the movie.

None of all of there celebrity status is felt in this movie and especially Nicky Minaj and Eve acted very "down to earth". Icecube is in the center of all this running the barbershop and he was very convincing as a parent and a dad who has to chosse between the risky location of the barbershop or his family.

I've been a hip hop fan all my life so I saw a lot of Icecube's movies but never really got into the barbershop movies.Now that I've seen this one I will definitely revisit them to see how they hold up to this one.

A good mix of comedy and drama,a well written script funny and with a message and a talented cast to execute it.

This is a movie with real meaning to it,I highly recommend it.

But's also great fun.

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Carnage Park (2016)
A dumb B-horror movie,very low on content.
1 July 2016
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And I know it's more sold like an action or crime movie but even that is very low in content.

The story is way to simple and a lot of tension is taking out of the action by lack of impact. There are no highlights in this film and the way it was made just annoyed me. Like for example when they play a scary tune when nothing exciting is really happening. The cast is about 7 people I think and the sets are few and kind of boring.

The seventies feeling it's suppose to have I never got and there's nothing convincing in this movie to suggest otherwise. Also from what I heard I thought this would be a bigger movie and that it actually had some budget.Guess I was wrong about that.

I found it very lame and to much of an indie to be even be considered as a movie to be played in the theaters.

The one I can think of as worthy would be "bone tomahawk"and this definitely don't has that kind of quality.

Another one to forget,I don't recommend it.

If your into bad indie movies...enjoy.
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Green Room (2015)
This is not an above 7 movie,worst Patrick Steward movie ever!
30 June 2016
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All the characters in this movie are awful. The"heroes" are a trash metal band and they're portrayed like a bunch of losers. They all have zero character development and you just don't care for there faith.

The villains are a group of neo Nazis and of course they are "bad". All of this is way to obvious and convenient and never goes deep enough to give it some weight. Patrick Stewart's performance falls flat in the meaninglessness that is this movie.

There are some effects that were nice(a few) but they always lacked the impact it usually has in better movies. A lot of the "tense" scenes are in the dark and I really could not make out what was happening in some of those scenes. In the end it's just bad storytelling and a movie that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I am somewhat surprised there is a broad audience that seem to like this movie and that it even won some prices.

It made me think of the movie "urge" with Pierce Brosnan as a lead "bad guy"and a fistful of unknown younger actors.

Both movies had a similar set up but I did not like either of 'm so I can not recommend them.

Everybody who likes this...enjoy!
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Hush (I) (2016)
A boring,overrated B-horror/thriller flick.
19 June 2016
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Normally I would've rated this a little higher but a 6.7 is not a realistic score for this movie.

In the first act it still seems promising but especially the killer looses momentum in the second act.He becomes to much of a prankster when he learns that his female victim is deaf.This drags on to long and makes the killer look even weaker in the final act where the victim outsmarts him every time.

The fact that the woman is deaf really don't contribute to the story and feels like a gimmick to create more tension or to feel more sorry for the suppose to be victim. Something similar has been done in a 70's thriller and as far as I remember it was utilized better into that movie than with this one.

This was an indie thriller suffering from a bad script or poor execution of it,it had some good elements in the beginning but as a whole fell flat.

Normally would give it a 3 or 4 but because of the overrating going with 1.

You can check it out,but...

I don't recommend it.

Barely passes as a thriller and to lame to be a good horror.
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Cell (I) (2016)
Cell,another bad King thing.
13 June 2016
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Opening scene of this movie was actually still pretty good but sadly it is the best scene of the film. After this point it goes downhill and although it gets saved a little by the interaction between Jackson and Cusack the rest of the film just does not deliver.

It is obvious the movie had budget problems and it feels like a movie that has been on the shelf for some time and that should have been released 5 to 10 years ago. Another problem was the direction it was going in,because at first they seem to be going for a zombie type of apocalypse but in the end it becomes more like an "invasion of the body snatchers"type of thing. It felt very gimmicky and took the continuation out of the story and it made the movie very uneven.

The supporting cast had very limited roles and all the focus seem to go to Jackson and Cusack.Jackson delivers the most and Cusack is playing his best Cusack.

It's always a hit or miss situation when it comes to Stephen King based movies and this is definitely one for the miss department.

The sets,effects and cinematography were pretty well handled but not enough to cover up the incoherent story or the messy direction of it.

I don't recommend it.

Put a dome over it.
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A 80s,90s horror/comedy mash up.
12 June 2016
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Robert Englund is credited first on the cover and has about 10 minutes of playtime. This scene is in an asylum and some dangerous serial killers escape on Halloween. They head for a fun house where there murder tactics are displayed which was planned by one of 'm for reasons I didn't quite get.

The story was bad and almost felt like they wrote the script while they were filming the movie. The acting was very forgettable and the odd character development did not help with this. Especially the stumbling cop turning to cool guy in the third act was a good example of this.

The movie just feels really messy and although there's a story to follow it lacks in which direction it want's to go. Some effects and some scenes are decent but nothing like the quality you've seen in better movies. The scares and the action felt lame and the whole thing just isn't that exciting and as a comedy it just isn't funny enough.

If your into the indie horror movie this might be something for you. For everybody else out there,I don't recommend it.

I will give it a star more for effort.
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Urge (2016)
The only urge I got....was to rant on this movie.
5 June 2016
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The first half of this movie is a lot of talk about this new type of drug which is suppose to take away your inhibitions and makes you delft into the "real" you. This is sold as groundbreaking but the effects seem less than lets say XTC(love drug)or speed(aggression). This is so toned down that your not really clear what "urge" actually does and how it effects the individual person.

Than of course there's the one time only rule which makes the whole even more ridiculous and give it a more mythical status. On top of that they make it "an easy to break" rule so it even makes lesser sense.They tell you a story but don't give you any of the scenes to back that up.A very poor execution of the script.

You expect orgies and get hugs and kisses,you expect extreme violence but end up more with tough talk and out of picture violence.

The performances were O.K. but the writing was just so bad or the direction so sidetracked that it was doomed from the beginning.

Sad for Pierce that he gave up the Bond franchise to play in bad movies like these.Danny Masterson's role had some promise but that died down by the time they get to the club and the nosedive begins.

If you do see the movie,wait for the scene behind the end credit and explain what that had to do with the rest of the movie because that was beyond me.

Of course..I don't recommend it.

There are better movies out there with similar subject matters that worked way better than this obvious indie B-movie.
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E.T. for stupid adults,a sci-fi mash up
4 June 2016
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This movie starts all wrong,ends all wrong and in the middle just boring filler to move along the silly story that does not make much sense.

It plays to much on "the mystery"and has to many sideways that are really never resolved. It looses meaning at the end because you still don't know who this kid/alien was.

The performances felt made or forced but that probably has a lot to do with the way the roles were written.A lot of the actors felt type casted but especially the roles for Joel Edgerton and Reese Witherspoon felt really poor.

I also think the marketing targeted the wrong group of people or fooled them into go seeing this movie. I was disappointed by it and it didn't engage me and therefor it didn't entertain me.

I found the ending to be very anti climatic and it just left you with a bunch of riddles you don't wanna know the answers to.

I think it's fair to say I did not like and I don't recommend it.

It has some more production value than an indie movie but that's not enough if you have such a bad script or execution of it.

If someone can make sense out of this movie...

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A first person shooter's wet dream...
28 May 2016
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An awesome action packed movie is the result and it's a real roller coaster ride until the end credits roll.

It is somewhat amazing the way the technique was utilized in this film and still seem to remain fresh the whole movie thru. Sharito Copley showcased that he is a great actor and I can't think of a movie he was bad in and he nailed it in this one.

The pacing is extremely high and it takes some getting use to the style. The story sort of gets explained on the run and somethings you sort of figured out become clear down the line. Certainly a movie you got to watch twice because it is easy to miss something with all the action going on.

You have to consider this as a high quality popcorn movie so go in with that expectation and you get a near perfection result in what it's trying to do.

I wouldn't mind a sequel ,there is enough material to justify it. With the same pacing,a little more explanation and in a bigger setting it should be at least as good as this was. I even think there's enough in there for a trilogy and if done all by the same director and even the same crew that would really benefit in this case.

This felt like a new cinematic mile stone and it feels weird saying that for a popcorn action flick but that's the way it is.

If you're an action fan this is a real must see for you.

I highly recommend it and can't wait to see what the director is gonna do next.

Enjoy the ride.
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Huntsman,capital "H" should be capital "C".
28 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it for about 30 minutes than I could not take it anymore. I liked the first one until the strange ending that felt"twilight" like.

This just felt all wrong from the beginning and it just feels forced to please the audience and ,doing so, make it very predictable. It also seems Chris Hemsworth has no chemistry with any of the female leads he has played with so far and in this it's no different.

The 2 sisters story reminded me of "frozen"and I found the ice effects far from great. Charlize Theron was solid but these roles are starting to feel bland and to much typecasting.

It's a bad sequel to a not so good movie to begin with, this could of been a turn around with an actual continuation and maybe wait a little longer with making this movie.

I really don't need a third installment for this and I'm certainly not gonna watch that.

I think this was a fan service screenplay trying to undo all that was wrong with the first film,sadly,they made all the same mistakes again.

This is lazy storytelling,I don't recommend it.

The first was a nice step for worth but this is two steps back.

A let down.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Hail, Caesar! is,sadly,not a hail to the Coen brothers.
23 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It starts with Clooney being abducted while shooting scenes for a big budget movie named Hail,Caesar!.

Josh Brolin is tasked with finding Clooney as he sort of befriends the people that abducted him. All this is politically based and it doesn't play out well in this movie and is just not that interesting.

The main story feels really dull and the sub stories are fleeting and never resolved.It felt like a really messy movie.

The 40s sets were impressive and also the performances of the actors but it in the end it just did not go anywhere.

It was not funny,there was no tension,no action and hard to get emotionally involved in the"story".

The marketing for this flick is misleading,it should have been labeled art house instead of comedy.

I hope I can hail their next project and forget all about this"hail".

I came,I saw,I ranted...

Thank you.
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