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Stewart's Finest Performance?
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not many war movies tackle the cultural differences between the occupied peoples (here Chinese ) and those helping to defend them (Americans), don't know how truthfully it's presented but I believe it's meant well. Stewart is superb, in every scene, maybe one of his best performances. Production, script, score, acting all remarkable. Unusual locale for WW2 story, Chinese speak their language not 'American'. Strong lead role for Chinese actress was unusual for the time.

Nothing is black and white, the moral ambiguity of war is well presented, the Major's realisation of power as the impetus for his actions, the realistic ending of his romance the perfect conclusion.
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Task Force (1949)
Perfect Ending
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to remember the quiet ending to this film, Gary Cooper's tribute to those who didn't return - the victory was more theirs than those who made it back he says. Some of the actual WW2 naval battle footage is amazing, especially from Midway and when the movie changes into colour. Then the tension is eased as Cooper and his men find themselves out of the action at war's end and again he is given the right words to say, that this doesn't lessen their part in the victory. Emotional stuff from a movie that has its dull patches but is definitely worth a look for those interested in the Pacific war.
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24 January 2021
This film captures the joys and struggles of life on an Indigenous Homeland in Arnhem Land Australia, as seen through the eyes of a young man Damien Guyula who tells the story of his ancestors via a remarkable archive of film and photographs spanning nearly 50 years created by Melbourne man Neville White who first visited the area in the early 1970s after returning from the Vietnam War. It has become a place for veterans to help heal themselves and volunteers from the wonderful Rotary Club of Melbourne to help pass on their skills to the Homeland inhabitants and build the infrastructure needed so that community services like education can exist and allow them to remain in the community of their ancestors, away from the destructive alcohol and drugs that are a challenge elsewhere. A true insight into the clear-headed vision of the future these people desire, the culture they wish to preserve, its destruction by companies who don't bother to include them in any decisions, the bureaucratic obstacles put in their way to stop them going forward. Wait till after the credits at the end for a truly touching funeral tribute in song to a clan leader. This film includes footage of Aboriginal rituals I never thought I'd see. Thanks to Dr Neville White for a remarkable record.
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Consequences (2018)
A Total Surprise
20 June 2020
A film that just gets better and better as it goes along. Acting, directing, story all superb. We don't see many movies from Slovenia, that's a pity if this is their standard. And Matej Zemljic in lead role - is in every scene, a powerhouse performance. (Directed & written by Darko Stante)
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Das Boot (1981)
War Alive!
12 June 2020
One of those rare movies that makes you feel alive while you're watching it. A combination of Melville and Tolstoy in characterisation and story. The three leads are phenomenal. I loved the sense of peace watching the sub gliding along underwater knowing that inside it was sheer bedlam. Technically, still knocks your socks off!
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1917 (2019)
Too Clever
13 January 2020
More an exercise in film-making than entertainment. Music totally inappropriate for a modern audience. I just didn't like the approach of the single camera set-up. I want to see actors interacting, not a disembodied voice off-screen. And the lack of a physical face-to-face enemy took away a lot of the terror of war. I love war movies but maybe this isn't really one! Just left me feeling flat. 5/10 for effort. (viewed 1/2020)
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Gulpilil's Personal Story
14 August 2019
Actor David Gulpilil quietly explains the situation facing his small isolated community in northern Australia and how the Indigenous people are trying to maintain their culture in the face of an overwhelming lack of understanding by white decision-makers. Never has the challenge confronting everyone who is involved in this dilemma been presented so starkly. In a way, this is the charismatic actor's personal story.
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Ningla A-Na (1972)
9 June 2019
Exciting doco of 1970s black rights movement in Australia - the grassroots campaign for land rights as well as for medical services, black theatre, cultural survival. Follows the Aboriginal people directly involved with all original footage. A how-to for activists. Eye-opening.
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Truly Revealing
21 February 2019
Short entertaining doco takes an inclusive approach to Australia's past, breezily related by Trisha Morton-Thomas with support from (among others) film director/producer Rachel Perkins and writer Bruce Pascoe. In 50 mins it presents a broad sweep of the resilience the world's oldest continuous culture has needed to survive colonisation and what still remains to be achieved. It reveals how the culture of Australia's indigenous peoples was misrepresented and ignored and calls for the full story of Australia's past be taught so that reconciliation can happen. Be prepared to hear the truth of history from those most affected by it. Truly revealing. Why wasn't I taught this at school?!
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Front Up (1994–2004)
Breaking Down Barriers
16 January 2019
Andrew L Urban travels the length and breadth of Australia approaching people in the street - unawares! His style is very personable as he gets his subjects to open up about the good times and sometimes the not so good times in their lives, their memories and hopes. It's a real cross-section of modern Australia, from all backgrounds and ages. These are the people you pass every day in the street and wonder what they're really like. If you like people you'll love this show. Watching it helps break down the barriers that sometimes divide us. This is probably the real purpose of the show.
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Wonderful Adventure
24 December 2018
This is so good on many levels, from enjoying the relaxed humour of the four young Aussies, admiring their ingenuity, their daring, their commitment to a greener world. Watching as they tackle the challenges that arise, especially the constant search to provision the bio-fuel needed to keep going. And seeing the spectacular Australian Outback country along the way. But it's really about seeing how the four lads bring their different skills together to keep the expedition going, how they help each other to get through the desperate times, and watching the resilience of youth!
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
All Show And No Heart
20 December 2018
A movie that relies on constant narration and an incessant music soundtrack never succeeds in compensating for the lack of any real emotional depth displayed on screen by characters presented mostly with little sympathy.
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100 Men (2017)
Unique Story
10 November 2018
Unique doco that presents the remarkable changes experienced by the gay community over the last 40-plus years. This is not a history lesson though. It is told as a personal voyage by the director through the people he has met over that time. It's a great overview but told with deep feeling through the good and bad times. And for some there are now regrets that the more social and legal acceptance of homosexuality has also taken something away - and social media have also very much altered the community. What I love about this film is that we get to meet an incredibly broad mix of gay people, from the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the USA and of all ages including the present generation. That is fascinating, that direct contrasting of intergenerational experience. And the director introduces them how he remembers them, humorously giving them labels. He has a wonderful relaxed conversational style like he's talking to friends. I may not have told the story the same way, but this is the director's story and no-one else has tried to do this before.
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About a Boy (2002)
Great Cast Tries Hard
20 September 2018
Awkward characters in a movie that tries to treat serious issues light-heartedly. But it doesn't succeed. It left me feeling as empty as the main character's empty life. It depends too much on annoying voice-over narration (by both main characters!). Why do you feel you're being manipulated? And this contrived pulling of heart-strings isn't convincing because much of it is explained through... voice-over! Music is forgettable too. Great cast though that throw their all into it. Wished I could have liked it more for that reason.
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The Beguiled (2017)
Oh, What Could Have Been!
26 May 2018
This movie was crying out for the Peter Weir touch. Where was the sense of foreboding? The women/girls not only suppressed their emotions, they suppressed them from us too! The perpetual semi-darkness made for a very bleak house without any relief. Dark, murky interiors. I wished those candles cast more light! The back-lit window lighting became a distraction. And the colourless look of the film. Too many short scenes. Faces actually talking together rarely shown. Seemed to be only when it was consciously important. With such a powerhouse cast, film lacked a gothic sexual edge. What a great Australian movie this would have been with Weir directing and Kidman and Naomi Watts playing the leads (they could choose which part they wanted!). If you've seen Picnic At Hanging Rock you'll know what I'm talking about. And it too was set in a "girls academy." Special mention to Colin Farrell who really has a thankless role but shines. This film is probably worth more than I'm giving it but my disappointment in what could have been has to be registered! Worth a watch in order to come to your own conclusion.
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Luhrmann Is A Genius
22 May 2018
This and the '68 adaptation are so different they don't really compete with each other. Luhrmann is a genius. This version still stands as completely contemporary. The director makes the two kids wholly believable and alive. I liked the change he made to the death scene ending. DiCaprio stands out as ever. (viewed 4/17)
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Confused Characters
22 May 2018
Potentially a great movie but lacks cohesion and real feelings. I was intrigued where the story would lead but characterisation was confusing. Didn't finish. (viewed 4/17)
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Learning Life's Lessons
21 May 2018
Stay with this. I misjudged it before it really got started. Michael Caton is brilliant. And very few Australian movies have so many indigenous characters or tackle racism. Will cabdriver Rex learn life's lessons before it's too late? The Outback setting is a bonus - the most effective since Priscilla Queen of the Desert! (viewed 4/17)
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Tight, Smart Comedy
21 May 2018
Intelligent comedy about a "lost" middle-aged couple trying to find "meaning" by connecting with a younger couple. But there's much more to this movie especially when we come across a storyline concerning what is fake or real in the media. The comedy is great too ("I didn't mean 'bless you' in the sneeze sense. In the Pope sense!") Both leads are wonderful and I'm not usually a Ben Stiller fan. In under 90 mins, the writer/director has made a tight movie that is smart and has real feeling. Only quibble? Overuse of the Baroque on the soundtrack but there's also Bowie, Lionel Richie, Paul McCartney & Wings, and lots of hip-hop! (viewed 4/17)
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Elephant Song (2014)
Admirable But Unconvincing
21 May 2018
Admirable film that doesn't hide its theatrical origins. That's fine if you love good acting but the dialogue is often unconvincing. (viewed 4/17)
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King Cobra (2016)
But How Much Is True?
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well-produced but how much is true? Brent Corrigan disowns the film. Apparently his only contribution was to agree to the use of his name. The ending, with declarations of love and Ave Maria on the soundtrack, was over-the-top. (viewed 3/17)
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Ticks All The Boxes!
20 May 2018
Great acting, glorious setting, funny, continually surprising, with warmth. (viewed 3/17)
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Be Here Now (2015)
Personal Documentary
20 May 2018
Brave, affecting doco on fighting cancer. I would have liked to have seen more of Andy's personal video diary and more of his friends and fellow actors. We only get a limited perspective from his wife, parents and the medical professionals. And the adorable kids of course! But I understand it's a sensitive situation so totally accept what is presented, with gratitude. (viewed 3/17)
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Left Wanting More (And Less!)
20 May 2018
The suspense comes and goes until finally the movie leaves you wanting more - more exposition, more complication, less contrivance. Worth watching (as usual) for Ewan McGregor's performance. And the island setting and the wintry atmosphere. I don't think we see a gun shot in anger during the whole movie which for a thriller must be a sort of feat! (viewed 1/17)
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Concept Missing
20 May 2018
I loved the imagery, the music and the warmth of Jim Carrey's performance. And great to see an (early?) Mark Ruffalo. But I just wonder what the concept of the movie is. Does the title come from Alexander Pope? (viewed 1/17)
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