The Maladjusted (2013)
Very Very Good Indie Comedy
23 July 2013 - 6 out of 10 users found this review helpful.
I was so impressed with how this film turned out. Great work by the Director and DP. The acting was believable, and the crowd at the premiere was laughing genuinely throughout the entire film. This was not only a result of great writing, but also spot-on timing by the actors. Clayton Myers stood out to me by really nailing the role of Carl. I am also very impressed with the scoring. The music was among the best I have heard in an indie film. I will not be surprised to see the awards start piling up from the festivals. If you have the opportunity to see The Maladjusted on the schedule for one of the festivals you are attending I would make every effort to grab a seat. Just be careful not to get one next to Yan Zamolla.
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