As much of the same cast has worked on the fan-favorite Transformers show Transformers: Animated (2007), including art director and big-time Transformers nut Derrick Wyatt, this cartoon contains a number of hidden references or "easter-eggs" to that series. For example in one of the episodes, Grimlock's sword and Lockdown's hook-hand appear in Khyber's trophy-room. One of the villain henchmen from the series pilot was meanwhile based on a character from Challenge of the GoBots (1984).
Dr. Psychobos says his people, the cerebrocrustaseans and the galvans are in rival of who are the smartest beings in the universe. This was first seen in Ben 10 Alien Force episode "War of the Worlds part 2" when Ben was Brainstorm as he argued with Azmuth who's smarter.
In the episode "Special Delivery" In Mr. Baumann's third flashback, Ben is seen wearing his green jacket that he wore in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien.
The true name of the Sludgepuppy race is revealed in this series to be "Lenopans"
This is the fourth Ben 10 series ever made.