The Lamp
"The Lamp" is an animated film inspired by the idea and emotional direction of "The Truman Show." The film tells the story of a light-keeper. The main character of the film is unaware of wha... Read all"The Lamp" is an animated film inspired by the idea and emotional direction of "The Truman Show." The film tells the story of a light-keeper. The main character of the film is unaware of what it is that he is a part of. He has perhaps forgotten or he never knew the purpose of his... Read all"The Lamp" is an animated film inspired by the idea and emotional direction of "The Truman Show." The film tells the story of a light-keeper. The main character of the film is unaware of what it is that he is a part of. He has perhaps forgotten or he never knew the purpose of his work. In the final shot of the film it is revealed the light keeper is responsible for th... Read all