Whilst I do love a modern injection to a period piece, There are so many things wrong with the direction and writing, and oh so obvious modern production lighting. Its just not believable. Men and women would never bathe together in a pond, or dance informally at a private party unless they were a bunch of Pre-Raphaelite Bohemians or it was a planned orgy (not the case here... but there is a TV series idea in that notion!) Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about the period , context and the class system oozes out everywhere... the overused, over familar speech "hey" (a mark of disrespect in those times) , "I'll call the authorities" implicating phone usage ( call upon, call out for, notify etc) , notable southern english accents that would be considered lower middle class/upper lower class at the time, hugging a champagne flute with your entire hand (vs holding at stem) and well bred gentle folk pointing at people (key characters and background) would be considered lower class or at least improper behaviors . That they ( are meant to) have heritage, class and money , this separates them from the other people in society, UK or USA. The make up however was a surprise, a saving grace... brava!... more period correct - barely noticable!
By keeping it period, with some modernity, the intended re telling of story would have much more punch.