I'm a fan of this manga as " Mato Seihei no Slave", where I have to say the artwork of the characters is far beyond better than the anime. I found this manga by being the same writer of "Akame Ga Kill." It's very different from Akame, but has its own charm. The Chained Soldier manga moves at a different pace than the anime and a lot of the character development and why the characters are the way they are, is missing in the anime. The anime is basically a summary of the manga story. However a lot of the characters comedic still shot moments live on in the anime. While the anime shortens the story it does follow the manga in that they didn't rewrite or straight up create anything specific for the anime.
The overall point of Chained Soldier is a fun action anime with ecchi moments. I think the anime while having a different feel still holds to the spirit of the original story and intent. If this gets a second season you'll see there's a whole lot more to this story than what you'll get in this one season. As far as the MC goes, he is the way he is because of his sister and you'd have to read the manga to get the full scoop. As I write this there are seven volumes released in English with two more scheduled this summer. I only hope this gets a digital release sub or dubbed. Unless you only enjoy very particular types of anime you should definitely check this out, it's totally worth it.