Mandico envisioning of hi couture meets 80s American pop culture and exploitative cinema. Not to mention that 80s Conanfilm series and "sword /fantasy" genre brought forth so many duplicate, "rip offs" of Barbaric schlock! From Italian film exploitation cinema to Hollywood low budget productions.
I'm sure that many viewers will probably not get the cultural art discourse, sprinkled throughout the film's violence and explicit gore. But it doesn't matter, so much visuals and physical action happening.
Any viewer with a short attention span, can probably get through it, but Mandico seems to be more interested with aesthetics tend viewers getting the story. The characters might be considered over the top, situations always in very "hi" fashioned settings.
If you like the visuals rather than linear storytelling, see this film. Many are already trying to force this flick into "cult" status. It may catch the eyes of some, but without any weight, will lose its lustre. This film is up for award nominees and has garnished some of them.
Part of this lustre is having many characters, thankfully there's one just one can fixate on "Rainer", a dog-like "cerebus" humanoid creature. It kinda reminds of a mashup of Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" and Boorman's "Excalibur" films with gore effects.