Revealer (2022) is a movie currently available on Shudder. The storyline follows a stripper and a Bible pusher who have known eachother since high school and can't stand one another. They harass each other every time they see each other. One inauspicious day while the stripper is working an outbreak of sorts occurs and the infected start killing people causing the Bible pusher to run into the strip club for safety. Now the stripper and religious fanatic will need to work together if they hope to survive.
This movie is directed by Luke Boyce, in his directorial debut, and stars Caito Aase (Black Mold), Bishop Stevens (Girl on the Third Floor), Buzz Leer (Silent as the Grave) and Shaina Schrooten (Scare Package II).
This movie actually had some potential with interesting characters, dynamics, settings and an outbreak that reminded me of Slither or the Faculty. Unfortunately, the entire movie focuses on the characters going back and forth and less on the horror elements. The horror elements, when there are any, are actually pretty good. The tongue sequences and floor slithers scenes did have redeeming elements. We just didn't get enough of them. The ending is a bit cliche and too predictable.
Overall, this is a disappointing addition to the horror genre that missed an opportunity to be good. I would score this a 3.5-4/10 and recommend skipping it.