Sat, May 16, 2020
Simon and Antoine discuss subjects related to the lock down which has just ended. Love, mourning and violence in lock down, these are the three themes chosen by the production.
WatchFrance's new show. Simon and Antoine discuss subjects drawn by lot. For this first issue the theme is COVID-19, and the 3 subjects drawn are: love, mourning and violence during confinement.
The Covid-19 Listen pandemic is a pandemic of an emerging infectious disease, called the 2019 coronavirus disease or Covid-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which appeared in Wuhan on November 16, 20193, in the province of Hubei (in central China), before spreading around the world.
On March 11, 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic was declared a pandemic4,5 by the WHO, which called for essential protective measures to prevent the saturation of intensive care services6 and to strengthen preventive hygiene (elimination of physical contact, kisses and handshakes, end of gatherings as well as unnecessary trips and trips, promotion of hand washing, implementation of quarantine, etc.). To curb the formation of new sources of contagion and preserve the reception capacities of their hospitals, many countries are deciding on containment measures, closing their borders and canceling sporting and cultural events. These decisions have economic, social and environmental consequences and pose uncertainties and fears on the global economy and on the education, health and fundamental rights of populations.
On January 24, 2020, the first three cases were identified in the metropolitan territory. In mid-March 2020, in order to stop the exponential spread of the coronavirus and to reduce as much as possible the number of people affected and therefore of deaths, the population is confined to their homes and all places open to the public considered not essential to the country life are closed. Containment measures are lifted between mid-May and mid-July. Then, with a further increase in the number of cases, a second confinement was declared in November.