Felix journeys through the Nether to a village under attack by zombies. He adopts a forest dog while treasure hunting and brings him home to meet Joergen, Water Sheep, and the Llamas.
Felix builds a giant monument with a working elevator in the shape of a meatball, constructs a memorial in Water Sheep's honor, and finally locates Joergen #2.
Felix breeds his porcine army in preparation for The Wither, constructs a tower of Llamas, and accidentally murders Peepeepoo in an attempt to heal him with a potion.
Following a very successful live-stream, Pewdiepie conducts scientific research on reproduction and cures for zombification by kidnapping villagers against their will.
Felix adds a railroad system to his village in the mountains, adds colored lights to the beacon of IKEA Tower, and kidnaps a pair of Fox cubs with Sven's help.