In the countryside of Pernambuco, in a small village nearby a sugarcane plantation and an alcohol plant, the despicable and cheap Heitor (Fernando Teixeira) abuses of his sixteen year-old granddaughter Auxiliadora (Mariah Teixeira), submitting her to slavery and humiliations during the days, and every now and then exposing her naked body to truck drivers in a gas station in the night to raise additional money. The group of potheads leaded by Everardo (Matheus Nachtergaele) spends their time in violent orgies with prostitutes, drinking booze and smoking marijuana, and the mean and sadistic Cícero (Caio Blatt) desires the virgin Auxiliadora.
"Baixio das Bestas" is a pointless and cheap exploitation of sex, humiliations, violence and sadism without any message. The performances are awesome, but the unpleasant story goes nowhere with a terrible screenplay that throws characters without any previous development; only later the viewer has a big picture of what is happening and who they are. Probably the objective of director Cláudio Assis is to raise polemic to have the spots on him, unfortunately in an awful and nasty way. And the worst, it seems to have worked based on the several wins and nominations of this movie in minor festivals. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "Baixio das Bestas"