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Star Trek (2009) Poster


Leonard Nimoy: Spock Prime



  • Spock Prime : James T. Kirk!

    James T. Kirk : Excuse me?

    Spock Prime : How did you find me?

    James T. Kirk : Whoa... how do you know my name?

    Spock Prime : I have been and always shall be your friend.

    James T. Kirk : Wha...

    [shakes head] 

    James T. Kirk : Uh... look... I-I don't know you.

    Spock Prime : I am Spock.

    James T. Kirk : Bullshit.

  • Spock Prime : What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct, that is is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that is traveling at warp speed?

    Scotty : I think if that equation had been discovered, I'd have heard about it.

    Spock Prime : The reason you haven't heard of it, Mr. Scott, is because you haven't discovered it yet.

    Scotty : I'm s... Wha... It... Are you from the future?

    James T. Kirk : Yeah, he is. I'm not.

    Scotty : Well, that's brilliant. Do they still have sandwiches there?

  • [Spock notices a elder Vulcan walking in the docking bay] 

    Spock : Father!

    [the elder Vulcan turns and is revealed as Spock Prime] 

    Spock Prime : I am not our father.

    [Young Spock, now recognizing who he is, approaches] 

    Spock Prime : There are so few Vulcans left, we cannot afford to ignore each other.

    Spock : Then why did you send Kirk aboard when you alone could have explained the truth?

    Spock Prime : Because you needed each other. I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize.

    Spock : How did you persuade him to keep your secret?

    Spock Prime : He inferred that universe-ending paradoxes would ensue should he break his promise.

    Spock : You lied.

    Spock Prime : Aww... I... I implied.

    Spock : A gamble.

    Spock Prime : An act of faith. One I hope that you will repeat in your future in Starfleet.

    Spock : In the face of extinction, it is only logical that I resign my Starfleet commission and help rebuild our race.

    Spock Prime : And, yet, you can be in two places at once. I urge you to remain in Starfleet. I have already located a suitable planet on which to establish a Vulcan colony. Spock, in this case, do yourself a favor: Put aside logic. Do what feels right.

    [Spock Prime turns and leaves] 

    Spock Prime : Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self-serving, I shall simply say...

    [Shows Vulcan hand salute] 

    Spock Prime : Good luck.

  • Spock Prime : To stop Nero, you alone must take command of your ship.

    James T. Kirk : How? Over your dead body?

    Spock Prime : Preferably not.

  • [last lines] 

    Spock Prime : [closing monologue]  Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.

  • Scotty : Except, the thing is, even if I believed you, right, where you're from, what I've done - which I don't, by the way - you're still talking about beaming aboard the Enterprise while she's traveling faster than light, without a proper receiving pad.

    Scotty : [to Keenser]  Get off there! It's not a climbing frame!

    Scotty : [back to Spock Prime]  The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.

    [Spock writes on a paper] 

    Scotty : What's that?

    Spock Prime : Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming.

    Scotty : [to himself]  He's out of it

    Scotty : [reads the equation]  Imagine that! It never occurred to me to think of SPACE as the thing that was moving!

  • Spock Prime : You are, in fact, the Mr. Scott who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming?

    Scotty : That's what I'm talking about! How do you think I wound up here? Had a little debate with my instructor on relativistic physics and how it pertains to subspace travel. He seemed to think that the range of transporting something like a... like a grapefruit was limited to about 100 miles. I told him that I could not only beam a grapefruit from one planet to the adjacent planet in the same system - which is easy, by the way - I could do it with a life form. So, I tested it out on Admiral Archer's prized beagle.

    James T. Kirk : Wait, I know that dog. What happened to it?

    Scotty : I'll tell you when it reappears. Ahem. I don't know, I do feel guilty about that.

  • James T. Kirk : You know, coming back in time, changing history... that's cheating.

    Spock Prime : A trick I learned from an old friend.

    [With an uncharacteristic smile, he gives the Vulcan salute to Kirk] 

    Spock Prime : Live long and prosper.

  • [through a mind meld with Kirk] 

    Spock Prime : Billions of lives lost because of me, Jim, because I failed.

  • [Spock Prime and Kirk arrive at a derelict Starfleet outpost, and discover...] 

    Scotty : You realize how unacceptable this is?

    Spock Prime : Fascinating!

    Scotty : Okay, I'm sure you're just doing your job, but could you not have come a wee bit sooner? Six months I've been here, living off Starfleet protein nibs and the promise of a good meal! And I know exactly what's going on here, okay? Punishment, isn't it? Ongoing! For something that was clearly an accident!

    Spock Prime : [pleased]  You are Montgomery Scott.

    James T. Kirk : You know him?

    Scotty : Aye, that's me. You're in the right place. Unless there's another hardworking, equally starved Starfleet officer around.

    Keenser : Me.

    Scotty : Get aff! Shut up! You don't eat anything! You can eat, like, a bean, and you're done. I'm talking about food. REAL food!

  • Spock Prime : [after Kirk relieves Pike of command]  Thrusters on full.

  • James T. Kirk : Where you came from... did I know my father?

    Spock Prime : Yes... you often spoke of him as being your inspiration for joining Starfleet. He proudly lived to see you become captain of the Enterprise.

    James T. Kirk : CAPTAIN?

    Spock Prime : A ship we must return you to as soon as possible.

  • Spock Prime : It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend. Especially after the events of today.

    Kirk : Uh, sir, I appreciate what you did for me today, but -- but if you were Spock you would know we're not friends at all. You hate me, you marooned me here for mutiny.

    Spock Prime : Mutiny?

    Kirk : Yes.

    Spock Prime : You are not the Captain?

    Kirk : No, no. Umm... you're the Captain. Pike was taken hostage.

    Spock Prime : By Nero.

    Kirk : What do you know about him?

    Spock Prime : He is a particularly troubled Romulan.


    Spock Prime : Please, allow me. It will be easier.

    [attempts to mind-meld with Kirk] 

    Kirk : Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

    Spock Prime : Our minds. One and together.

    [Spock Prime melds with Kirk] 

    Spock Prime : One hundred twenty-nine years from now, a star will explode, and threaten to destroy the galaxy. That is where I'm from, Jim. The future. The star went supernova... consuming everything in its path. I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet. We outfitted our fastest ship. Using red matter, I would create a black hole, which would absorb the exploding star. I was en route, when the unthinkable happened. The supernova destroyed Romulus. I had little time. I had to extract the red matter, and shoot it into the supernova. As I began my return trip, I was intercepted. He called himself Nero. Last of the Romulan Empire. In my attempt to escape, both of us were pulled into the black hole. Nero went through first. He was the first to arrive. Nero spent the next twenty-five years awaiting my arrival. But what was years for Nero, was only seconds for me. I went through the black hole. Nero was waiting for me. He held me responsible for the loss of his world. He captured my vessel, and spared my life for one reason. So that I would know his pain. He beamed me here, so that I could observe his vengeance. As he was helpless to save his planet, I would be helpless to save mine. Billions of lives lost, because of me, Jim. Because I failed.

See also

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