I know : 1st « bad » production post 1000 reviews and i don't stick to my resolution to not write a review about it. The reason is mainly that i taped this documentary in 1999 during the whole night extravaganza about « episode 1 » and it was however good memories : 16 years ago, it was a new « star wars » movie and that means for me growing to kid to adult ! But it doesn't change that this documentary is poor : I have always found that Jackson is a limited actor and here, he is as usual ; Then i have never seen the point to do making-of to just say over and over congratulations ! And for sure, digital effects are the worst subject as it's technical and not really interesting to have the detailed report ! In addition, the documentary praises too much digital effects over mechanical ones and the choice of movies is not the best for ILM : « men in black » ? « dragon-slayer » ? « death becomes her » ? the pod race ??? For me ILM is also and foremost the classic trilogy, Star Trek and Indy movies, « Poltergeist », « ET »,...